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Thunderbolt NEWS June, 2016 7
Base makes strides toward awareness T-Plus patients benefit
from civilian network
by Tech. Sgt. steps, 675,225 total. Tech. Sgt. Karl Clymer, 56th FW
LOUIS VEGA Jr. safety, was the male with the most steps, 416,961 The 56th Medical Group strives to provide all beneficiaries with
total. the absolute best care, and their health is our number one priority.
944th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
The 944th FW took home the traveling trophy Due to continued provider manpower constraints, the 56th MDG
Building awareness of the impact that sexual as- as the squadron with the most accumulated steps has had to make necessary enrollment adjustments.
sault has on victims, survivors and their families is with 3,101,990.
an important issue for the U.S. Air Force and Luke In order to continue to meet patient needs and expectations
AFB community. “Tech. Sgt. Barbara Plante broke the female cat- accessing primary care services a review was conducted by our
egory record held since 2006,” Perez said. “As for staff to determine if our Tricare-Plus patients could be effectively
This year’s Defense Department theme was, the squadron with the most accumulative steps, the managed with our access challenges.
“Know Your Part! Do Your Part!” 944th FW hit it right out of the ballpark.”
It was determined T-Plus patients would benefit most from se-
In observance of Sexual Assault Awareness Month There were 120 participants, 20 more than last lecting a primary care manager in the civilian network. The MDG
a Walk a Mile in Their Shoes contest took place year. Individual winners, as well the 944th FW, will will continue to make appointments for T-Plus patients until July
promoting individual, squadron and wing support be recognized during June 7 wing stand-up. Winners 31. After that date, T-Plus patients will be allowed to continue to
by participants counting steps weekly throughout will receive certi cates and prizes. use ancillary services such as laboratory, pharmacy and radiol-
the month of April. ogy but will no longer receive primary care from providers here.
“The trouble we have had in the past is getting
The event, held yearly in April, proved to be a suc- the word out to everyone about different events on We stand ready to assist patients with the transition from a
cess for the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response base,” said Jessica Maldonado, 944th FW interim Luke AFB PCM to a civilian PCM.
of ce, the Luke AFB Integrated Delivery System Airman & Family Readiness liaison. “This year, I
and the tiger team planning committee for SAAM. talked to people about it to help spread the word. I As a TRICARE for Life-eligible beneficiary, this change will
am very proud and honored to represent the 944th result in no out-of-pocket expenses when the beneficiary selects
“The intent is to bring awareness to our com- FW at the IDS. I am always encouraged when we a primary care provider that accepts Medicare. Beneficiaries are
munity by active participation,” said Evelyn Perez, are able to support our active-duty counterparts, eligible for Medicare Part A, and may enroll in Medicare Part B.
56th FW Sexual Assault Response coordinator. “We and vice versa, to get the word out about such an
provided participants with a cut-out tennis shoe important topic.” To locate a Medicare participating doctor, go to www.medicare.
and a pedometer.” gov or call 800-MEDICARE (800-633-4227).
Maldonado is a member of IDS and was part of
Each cutout, with name, squadron, duty phone, the tiger team planning committee for SAAM. She To learn more about this decision and receive information on
and decorating touches was posted on a wall outside established a Total Force Integration initiative with what it means, information sessions will be held at 5:30 p.m.
the SAPR of ce. Each displayed progress made dur- the base SAPR of ce and was instrumental in de- June 8 and 22, and July 13 and 20 at the 56th Fighter Wing Base
ing the month and support in taking a stand against veloping the winning 16-member 944th FW team. Theatre.
sexual assault and acknowledging awareness. It was the most participation from the wing so far.
To RSVP or for more information, call Weyland Zeller at 623-
The contest was based on the honor system and “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” originated in Cali- 856-4217 or e-mail
weekly step totals were gathered and submitted to fornia in 2001 by Frank Baird, a therapist and
the SAPR of ce. volunteer rape crisis advocate, who had observed Courtesy of 56th Medical Support Squadron
violence affects both men and women.
This year winners included Tech. Sgt. Barbara
Plante, 944th FWPA, as the female with the most