Page 3 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-3-16
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Thunderbolt NEWS June, 2016 3
Senior airman James Hensley IN BRIEF
The 56th Medical Group clinic is currently undergoing renovations to modify the building layout and re- Home-buying seminar
duce the energy footprint. Construction on the $35-million project began early February and will be com-
pleted November 2017. The 56th Civil Engineer Squadron Housing Management
Of ce and 56th Force Support Squadron Airmen and Family
MDG clinic renovates, reduces footprint Readiness Center will conduct a home-buying seminar for
active-duty military members, retirees and their families 1:30
by Senior Airman include new paint, carpet and ooring. to 3:30 p.m. at the AFRC, Bldg. 1113. There will be a represen-
CORY GOSSETT “The infrastructure changes not only help decrease tative from the Veterans Affairs Of ce with information on the
VA loan program. An AFRC representative will brief nancial
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs energy cost but provide a comfortable work environ- home buying information. Space is limited. To sign up or for
ment for our staff,” Perna said. “This will provide an more information, call Rodney Marks at 623-856-7643. No
LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, Arizona — The 56th outstanding health care experience for our patients.” realtors or nancial institutions please.
Medical Group clinic is currently undergoing renova-
tions to modify the building layout and reduce the All renovations will be completed through a detailed Back-to-school physicals
energy footprint. phasing plan allowing most units at the clinic to remain
operational throughout construction. However, some The 56th Medical Group is offering camp, sports and school
Construction on the $35-million project began early units and their support staff were moved into temporary physicals June 1 to Aug. 23. To schedule or for more informa-
February and will be completed November 2017. buildings. This doesn’t prevent the 56th MDG from tion, call 623-856-2273.
completing its mission.
“A lot of the old infrastructure, heating, ventilation, Summer reading program
and air conditioning, plumbing, and electrical are be- “Day-to-day operations during construction have
ing upgraded,” said Michael Perna, 56th MDG facility been seamless to our patients,” Perna said. “While the The Luke Air Force Base Library summer reading program for
manager. “The renovations will also add new aesthetics staff has noticed the bulk of the disruption, they have children ages 4 to 16 begins June 14 and is an all-day event. Chil-
to clinic areas.” done a tremendous job maintaining a high standard of dren receive a freeT-shirt.For more information,call 623-856-7191.
patient care.”
The 100,000-square-foot renovation recon gured and TAP workshop
modernized many sections of the clinic and focused on The clinic serves more than 6,000 active-duty per-
improving the building layout and reducing patient sonnel and 84,000 bene ciaries. More than 500 staff The 56th Force Support Squadron Airman & Family
stress. members provide care and administrative support to Readiness Center is holding a Transition Assistance Program
more than 1,300 surgeries and 130,000 ambulatory workshop 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. June 14 in Bldg. 1113. For more
New furnishings will be included in the waiting visits every year. information, call 623-856-6550.
rooms, of ces and exam rooms. The renovations also
Summer fun camps
Register now for camp.
Fiscal 2016 graduates • Golf camp is 8 a.m. to noon June 6 to 10 for children ages 9
61st FS.......................................................... 26 314th FS ...................................................... 10 to 12. The cost is $59.
62nd FS........................................................... 0 56th TRS...................................................... 41 • Tom Kuyper Basketball camp is 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. June
309th FS ....................................................... 24 607th ACS.................................................. 136
310th FS ....................................................... 45 372nd TRS, Det. 12 ..................................... 31 13 to 17 for children ages 8 to 14. The cost is $35 per youth
311th FS ....................................................... 28 56th OSS (IFTU) ........................................... 0 program member and $45 per nonmember.
• Challenger Sports Indoor Soccer camp is 8:30 a.m. to
F-35 Hours own Sorties own T-Bolts 64 Luke Airmen 12:30 p.m. June 20 to 24 for children ages 6 to 12. The cost
F-16 Deployed are deployed to is $45 per YP member and $55 per nonmember.
4,303.1 2,863 • Missoula Children’s Theater camp is 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
10,330.8 7,438 11 countries June 27 to July 1 for children ages 6 to 18. The cost is $35
around the world. per YP member and $45 per nonmember. Performances for
“Peter and Wendy” are July 1.
• Volleyball camp is 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. July 5 to 8 for
children ages 8 to 14. The cost is $25 per YP member and
$35 per nonmember.
• Dancing camp is 9 a.m. to noon for children ages 6 to 8 and
1 to 4 p.m. for children ages 9 to 15 July 5 through 8. The
cost is $35 per YP member and $45 per nonmember.
• Sideline sports camp is 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. July 18 to
22 for children ages 9 to 15. The cost is $35 per YP member
and $45 per nonmember.
• Science camp is 9 a.m. to noon for children ages 6 to 8 and 1
to 4 p.m. for children ages 9 to 15 July 25 to 29. The cost is
$25 per YP member and $35 per nonmember.
For more information, call the 56th Force Support Squadron
Youth Center at 623-856-7470.
SOAR commissioning
For Airmen wishing to submit a commissioning package for
the Air Force ROTC program, Scholarships for Outstanding Air-
men to ROTC, the submission date to Air Education and Train-
ing Command is Sept. 15. Waivers are due Sept. 1. For more
information, visit the education center or call 623-8656-7722.
Thrift shop closes for summer
The Luke Air Force Base Thrift Shop, located at Bldg. 750,
will be open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today but will close for the sum-
mer and reopen at 10 a.m. Sept. 7. There is a sale today but
no consignments will be taken. Like us on Facebook at https://
Toastmasters on base
Toastmasters meets noon to 1 p.m. Thursday in Bldg.
1150, 3rd Floor Conference Room. Improve communica-
tion and leadership skills through friendly, constructive
exercises involving prepared and impromptu speaking, and
group leadership. Instructional materials are provided. The
cost is $20 to join and $7 per month thereafter. For more
information, call Lynne Nutter at 623-856-8711.