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Thunderbolt                                                             NEWS                                                                                                                              June, 2016  9                                                                                                                                               

 PEOPLE                                           are up to date and correct,” said Col.                                  on a more regular basis but the to-                    That’s what Gilchrist aims to do with
   FIRST                                          June Cook, the chief of professional                                    tal number of items for which it is                  students so they can experience their
                                                  services within the command’s Medical                                   responsible is in the thousands. The                 emotional reactions in a classroom
   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is   Services Directorate.                                                   AFUO products are worn by the newest                 setting first.
compiled from information from the Air Force                                                                              Airmen entering the service through
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup-          “Primarily, making sure your medical                                  senior leadership.                           
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness        records are up to date and correct is a                                                                                             Article/757891/cadaver-training-prepares-af-
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel  readiness issue,” Cook continued.                                                medics-for-real-world-encounters.aspx
of ce and armed forces news services. For the                                                                                Article/775115/af-uniform-office-designs-for-en-
complete story, go to the web address listed at                                                                           AF Ranger instructors prep
the end of the story.                               Article/775235/a-prescription-for-problems.aspx                               tire-force-new-modifications-underway.aspx   Airmen for rigorous course

A prescription for problems                       Air Force uniform                                                       Cadaver training preps                                 “If you don’t care about the man to
                                                  changes underway                                                        AF medics for real-world                             the left or right of you, get back on
  Making sure their medical records                                                                                                                                            the bus and go home,” shouted Air
are up to date and accurate could save              When an Airman gets dressed for                                         The study of human anatomy has                     Force Master Sgt. Gabe Rodriguez, as
Airmen selected for a random drug test            his or her job, he or she dons apparel                                  helped further medical science since the             he watched 24 pre-Ranger candidates
a lot of trouble.                                 and equipment that were developed,                                      third century. Often reserved for medical            struggle to low-crawl up a sandy hill in
                                                  produced, deployed, sustained, and                                      students or researchers, cadaver training            the New Mexico desert April 20.
  In addition to testing for illegal sub-         modified by a group of fewer than 20                                    at the 59th Medical Wing is helping medi-
stances, random drug tests also screen            people working at Wright-Patterson                                      cal technicians today build con dence                  Rodriguez is one of less than 40
for a number of prescription medica-              Air Force Base.                                                         and hone critical life-saving skills.                actively serving Ranger-qualified
tions, including amphetamines and                                                                                                                                              Airmen. While his full-time job is at
opiates, like morphine or oxycodone,                The Air Force Uniform Office, Air                                       The new breed of Air Force medics is               the Air Force Security Forces Center
among others.                                     Force Life Cycle Management Center,                                     testing the concept by verifying the effec-          at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland,
                                                  has been at Wright-Patterson AFB                                        tiveness of cadaver training in the Sus-             Texas, he has an equally important
  “If (an Airman) pops positive for               since its inception in 1947. It receives                                tainment for Trauma and Resuscitation                part-time job — selecting the next
one of these prescription medications             program requirements and direction                                      Skills Program, according to Staff Sgt.              generation of Airmen to attend U.S.
during drug testing, he or she needs              from the Air Force’s chief of staff; Man-                               Reginald Gilchrist, the NCO in charge                Army Ranger School. It is a job he and
to have a valid prescription for it in            power, Personnel and Services; Logis-                                   of the STARS-P.                                      his fellow Ranger instructors take very
his or her medical records,” said Dr.             tics, Engineering and Force Protection;                                                                                      seriously.
Don Jenrette, the Air Force Reserve               and combatant commanders. Through                                         “The high delity medical simulators
Command’s Drug Demand Reduction                   the years the office has designed men’s                                 we utilize during the course are some                  About 50 to 60 Airmen a year volun-
Program manager. “If not, a determi-              and women’s service dress uniforms,                                     of the most advanced on the market,                  teer to attend the bi-annual AFSFC
nation has to be made if the member               utility uniforms, mess dress uniforms,                                  but still do not compare to working on               Pre-Ranger Course at Fort Bliss.
is taking the drug illegally or if he or          maternity uniforms, sweaters, and                                       cadavers,” Gilchrist said.                           Passing the course, which mirrors the
she simply does not have the proper               physical training uniforms.                                                                                                  first two weeks of Ranger School, is a
documentation in his or her medical                                                                                         The training environment is also a                 requirement to attend the school.
records.”                                           The uniform items and equipment                                       safe place for students to experience
                                                  are designed to enhance Airmen’s ap-                                    the gamut of emotions that come from                   “I love getting out of my office and
  Taking the drug illegally can lead              pearance, performance and combat                                        being in a situation where someone’s                 being with guys who volunteer to chal-
to legal action or even discharge from            readiness.                                                              life may depend on how a medic reacts.               lenge themselves,” said Senior Master
the Air Force. Having to prove that                                                                                                                                            Sgt. James Wilfong, a Ranger instruc-
they have a valid prescription can                  All new designs as well as continuous                                   Unless one has worked in a trauma                  tor. “It’s nice to get back in the dirt and
lead to a lot of headaches for Airmen,            product improvements are developed                                      unit, “most medics don’t get to observe              train the next generation of Rangers.”
including possible disciplinary action            with user input and involvement in fit                                  and treat patients with life-threatening
for not ensuring their medical records            and wear tests. When a technical data                                   injuries until they deploy,” Gilchrist                 Wilfong, a security forces Airman
are correct, and unnecessary work for             package is complete, it is provided to                                  said. “Most will experience it for the               at Nellis AFB, Nevada, has served as
the medical squadron.                             the Defense Logistics Agency or Army                                                                                         an instructor at the Air Force’s pre-
                                                  and Air Force Exchange Service for                                       rst time when they get to a combat                  Ranger school 13 times.
  “According to (Air Force Instruction)           procurement. The AFUO has techni-                                       environment.”
48-123, (“Medical Examinations and                cal responsibility for clothing items                                                                                          Ranger School began in September
Standards”) it’s the members’ respon-             until they are retired from the system.                                   Airman 1st Class Edward Robinson,                  1950, with the first class graduating
sibility to ensure their medical records          Through the Continuous Product Im-                                      a 559th Medical Operations Squadron                  two months later. Within a few years
                                                  provement program the AFUO is able                                      aerospace medical technician, said the               the Air Force began sending its person-
                                                  to identify, track and resolve issues on                                hands-on training was very bene cial                 nel to Ranger School.
                                                  sustained uniform products.                                             since she has yet to deploy.
                                                    The office manages 500 items used                                       “Now I have a mental picture of what               Article/757120/af-ranger-instructors-prep-airmen-
                                                                                                                          to expect and won’t freeze up from the
                                                                                                                          shock of seeing something like this for                                               for-rigorous-course.aspx
                                                                                                                          the rst time,” she said.

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