Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-12-15
P. 12

Thunderbolt                                                                     June 12, 2015

squadron stands down

                 Staff Sgt. David Patton,    Senior Airman James Hensley  The 308th Fighter Squadron
                 308th Aircraft Maintenance                               graduated 16 F-16 Fighting Fal-
                 Unit support floor chief,                                con pilots June 5 from Class
                 and Tech. Sgt. Jeremy                                    14-EBG. It is the last class to
                 Shonkwiler, 308th AMU                                    graduate from the 308th FS be-
                 NCO-in charge, loads lad-                                fore standing down. They are,
                 ders into a crate June 2                                 from left, 1st Lt. Tony Demma,
                 at Luke Air Force Base.                                  Capt. Taylor Roach, 1st Lts. Matt
                 The 308th Fighter Squad-                                 Sanders, Dave Neville and Rich-
                 ron and AMU are formally                                 ard Olsen, Capts. Bryan Koenig
                 standing down and are                                    and Kent North, 1st Lts. Harrison
                 packing for the move to                                  Gebs and Drew Clasen, Capt.
                 Holloman Air Force Base,                                 Bradford Waldie, 1st Lts. Ravi
                 New Mexico. There they                                   Surdhar and Alexander Drum-
                 will stand up as the 314th                               mond, Capts. Tanner Lee and
                 FS and AMU, the second                                   James Broncheau, 1st Lt. Ash-
                 F-16 unit at Holloman.                                   ton Lackey and Capt. Sky Villers.

vante Williams

  Jim Haseltine                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Jim Haseltine

e May 5          A 308th FS F-16 flies over Luke Air Force Base. The checkerboard tail flash identifies the jet as an Emerald Knights aircraft. The 308th FS will be relocating in
issiles and      June to Holloman AFB, New Mexico.
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