Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-12-15
P. 8

June 12, 2015                                                  NEWS                                                                                             Thunderbolt

Alaska                                                                    England                                    South Korea

 A tanker task force assembled at Eielson                                  Air, maintenance and support crews        7KHWK)LJKWHU:LQJDW.XQVDQ
 Air Force Base from the 92nd Air Refuel-                                  from bases around Air Force Global        Air Base hosted members of the
 ing Wing at Fairchild AFB, Washington,                                    Strike Command forward deployed           6RXWK.RUHDQDLUIRUFHLQSDU-
 and the 22nd ARW from McConnell AFB,                                      to Royal Air Force Fairford June 5 to     WLFLSDWLQJLQH[HUFLVH%XGG\:LQJ
 .DQVDVIRUH[HUFLVH$PDOJDP'DUW                                        participate in the multinational Baltops  -XQHWKURXJK'XULQJWKH¿YH
 Joined by 300 military personnel and 15                                   DQG6DEHU6WULNHH[HUFLVHVGH-       GD\H[HUFLVHWK):DW6HRVDQ
 aircraft, the North American Aerospace                                    signed to improve maritime security       $LU%DVH¿JKWHUSLORWVPDLQWH-
 'HIHQVH&RPPDQGH[HUFLVHDIIRUGV                                         in the Baltic Sea through cooperation     nance and support personnel inte-
 $PHULFDQDQG&DQDGLDQIRUFHV¿HOGWUDLQ-                                  among regional allies.                    JUDWHGZLWK.XQVDQ$%$LUPHQRQ
 LQJDLPHGDWLPSURYLQJ125$'¶VRSHUD-                                                                               DOODVSHFWVRIWKHH[HUFLVH
 tional capability.
                                                                                                                     New Guinea

                                                                                                                       arrived June 1 in the Eastern High-
                                                                                                                       lands province of Papua New Guinea.
                                                                                                                       The PACANGEL team – made up of
                                                                                                                       doctors, dentists, plumbers and plan-
                                                                                                                       ners from Papua New Guinea, the
                                                                                                                       ippines and Indonesia were there to
                                                                                                                       deliver humanitarian assistance and
                                                                                                                       build disaster relief abilities.

PIrDaensadePtnArttteoIhRcyeteohoBiuevforetsxMihacOoiklFweiftRfita!sEcreyE          I-10 and Wild Horse Pass Blvd.

                                                                          Owned and operated by the Gila River Indian Community

                                                                          Tickets at or call 1-800-WIN-GILA
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