Page 12 - Women's History Month 2022 - Combined Special Edition of Luke AFB Thunderbolt - Davis-Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News
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12                                                      February 25, 2022                                                Aerotech News                          Aerotech News                                             February 25, 2022                                                                   13

   Making history across the services…

   USS Abraham Lincoln deploys with its first female CO at the helm

                                                                           By                Helicopter Anti-submarine Squad-  Ashore, her tours include instruc-
                                                                    JeNNA BiGhAM             ron Light (HSL) 45 twice deployed   tor pilot and quality assurance
                                                                                             with USS John Young (DD 973)   officer at the “Seahawks” of HSL-
                                                                        Aerotech News
                                                                                             in support of maritime interdic-  41; executive assistant and action
                                                                 The USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN   tion operations in the Northern   officer to the Director, Joint Staff/
                                                               72), deployed in January from San   Arabian Gulf; aide-de-camp to   J6; and senior military advisor to
                                                               Diego, California, with the first   Commander, Carrier Strike Group   the Secretary of State’s Office of
                                                               woman to lead a nuclear carrier in   7 deployed with USS John C. Sten-  Global Women’s Issues, enhanc-
                                                               U.S. Navy history at the helm: Capt.  nis (CVN 74) supporting Northern   ing women’s peace and security
                                                               Amy Bauerschmidt, USS Abraham   Edge and Rim of the Pacific exer-  through worldwide initiatives.
                                                               Lincoln commanding officer.   cises; the “Warlords” of HSL-51   Bauernschmidt’s experience led
                                                                 “It is incredible to be in 7th Fleet   twice deployed aboard USS Kitty   to new milestones and will propel
                                                               conducting operations,” said Bau-  Hawk (CV 63); executive and com-  the carrier as it enables the work
                                                               ernschmidt in a Navy news release.   manding officer of the “Spartans”   of the strike group — launch-
                                                               “The Sailors worked extremely hard   of Helicopter Maritime Strike   ing planes, moving through the
                                                               to be ready for this deployment, and   Squadron (HSM) 70 deployed   water, feeding Sailors, providing
                                                               now they are able to show the world   aboard USS George H.W. Bush   parts, moving steam, supplies and
                     Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jeremiah Bartelt   how much their hard work paid off.”  (CVN 77) in support of Operation   ordnance, and a plethora of other
   Capt. Amy Bauernschmidt, then-incoming commanding officer     Prior to the deployment, Bauern-  Enduring Freedom; executive of-  tasks which provide their own set
   of the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72), reads her   schmidt accumulated over 3,000   ficer USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN   of logistical and communication
   orders during a change of command ceremony held on the flight   flight hours in naval aircraft. Her   72); and commanding officer, USS   challenges for a commanding officer
   deck Aug. 19, 2021, San Diego, Calif.                       sea tours include the “Wolfpack” of   San Diego (LPD 22).   to overcome.

   Cmdr. Farrell becomes first woman to take command of USS Constitution

       By Petty Officer 2nd Class       what this country and government would be.   toric barrier is long overdue to be broken. I   USS Constitution is the world’s oldest
            GrANt GrADy                 She is also a somber reminder of those service   cannot think of a better candidate to serve   commissioned warship afloat and played a
                                        members that gave the ultimate sacrifice on   as USS Constitution’s first female command-  crucial role in the Barbary Wars and the War
          USS Constitution Public Affairs
                                        her decks to create the nation we know today.”  ing officer. I look forward to watching what   of 1812, actively defending sea lanes from
     Cmdr. Billie J. Farrell became Old Iron-  Farrell previously served as the executive   she and the crew accomplish in the next few   1797 to 1855.
   sides’ 77th commanding officer and the first   officer aboard the Ticonderoga-class guided   years.”              The active-duty Sailors stationed aboard
   woman to serve as the ship’s commanding   missile cruiser USS Vicksburg (CG 69).  The first female commissioned officer to   USS Constitution provide free tours and offer
   officer in the ship’s 224 years of history, dat-  She is a native of Paducah, Ky. and a   serve aboard USS Constitution was Lt. Cmdr.   public visitation, as they support the ship’s
   ing back to 1797.                    graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and the   Claire V. Bloom, who served as executive of-  mission of promoting the Navy’s history and
     “There is a picture floating around of me   University of Arkansas.      ficer and led the historic 1997 sail, the first   maritime heritage and raising awareness of
   standing next to this remarkable ship back   As USS Constitution’s crew welcomed Far-  time Old Ironsides sailed under her own   the importance of a sustained naval presence.
   in 1998,” said Farrell. “I could never have   rell’s historic achievement, they said farewell   power since 1881.  USS Constitution was undefeated in battle
   imagined that 24 years later that I’d be here   to the ship’s 76th commanding officer, and   The first female crew member was Rose-  and destroyed or captured 33 opponents.
   today taking command of Old Ironsides. USS   local Dedham, Massachusetts, native Cmdr.   marie Lanam, an enlisted Sailor, who joined   The ship earned the nickname of Old Iron-
   Constitution serves as a living piece of history.   John Benda.            USS Constitution’s crew in 1986.     sides during the war of 1812, when British
   She can be visited and experienced firsthand,   “I know the crew is in great hands with   Today women comprise more than one   cannonballs were seen bouncing off the ship’s
   connecting us to those who had a vision of   Commander Farrell,” said Benda. “This his-  third of the 80-person crew.  wooden hull.

   FigHt                   (from Page 4)  ing and other processes. “A lot of times folks   Biles said. “Our analysis provides recom-  airlines do. They allow women to fly through
                                        will identify an issue at the tactical level and   mendations to evolve requirements that were   the majority of the pregnancy without placing
   antiquated or impedes mission success.   pass it up the line,” Walters said.   developed 50-60 years ago, which were based   the mothers or the missions at risk.”
   “Our capabilities, technology and missions   The groups also work with other service   on anthropometric averages from a different   The Air Force is now investigating the
   have evolved, as has the population which   counterparts to share experiences, solutions   demographic than currently serves today.   possibility of allowing aviators with doctor
   currently serves today,” Biles said. “Future
   conflicts do not have the same requirements   and best practices.          The result of not updating these policies is   confirmed “uncomplicated pregnancies” to
   that past conflicts had. How we train and   One example was that body armor — de-  an artificial limitation regarding recruitment   continue flying longer, which would increase
   our requirements need to be evaluated   signed for men — is not a good fit for women.   potential into key military positions.”   readiness and positively impact culture.
   and must evolve to ensure we are recruit-  Another was the requirement for women to   Pregnancy is another area of discussion. At   Tied to this is the issue of breastfeeding.
   ing and training the most effective force.   wear their hair in a bun. Pilots found that   one time, if a woman became pregnant, she   Most obstetricians and pediatricians recom-
   That means enacting policies and best   having a bun made the helmets fit poorly,   was involuntarily discharged from service.   mend mothers breastfeed their babies. If they
   practices designed to intentionally develop   impacting safety, Walters said. These groom-  Now, of course, women can continue to serve   are home stationed, women can use a breast
   those serving today, not keeping outdated   ing changes made their way up the food   while pregnant. But there are still limitations   pump to feed their children while at work. The
   standards only for the sake of tradition or   chain, and Air Force leaders approved them   pertaining to pregnant aviators that the bar-  problem comes when mission requirements
   because that is how we’ve always done it.”  last year.                     rier analysis groups are examining. Previ-  drive temporary dislocation. The groups are
     Leaders realized some of these outdated   Height and weight requirements are an-  ously, if a woman became pregnant, she was   looking for ways to ship the breast milk home.
   policies disproportionately affect one gen-  other area under scrutiny. The groups are   automatically taken off flight status. “Now   There are undoubtedly other areas where
   der and have empowered the WIT to help   looking at the reasons behind some of these   we’ve opened the aperture so that you can   there may be barriers to women’s service.
   eliminate them.                      requirements. Women are generally shorter   fly during the second trimester,” Walters said.   These barrier analysis groups will continue
     It is not just policies that these groups   than men. “If there is a mission requirement   “But we’re looking at [Federal Aviation Ad-  to work to enable women to contribute to
   study, but equipment, uniforms, gear, groom-  driving the height restrictions, that’s fine,”   ministration] practices and what commercial   national defense.
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