Page 7 - Women's History Month 2022 - Combined Special Edition of Luke AFB Thunderbolt - Davis-Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News
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6  February 25, 2022  Aerotech News
                                                                                                 K-12* TUITION-FREE
 Leaving a legacy, paving the way in UPT                                                      Public Charter School

                                                                                                                       *Adding 12th grade in 2023

 By Capt.
 KeNyA PettwAy
 Air Education and Training Command Public Affairs
 In 1975, then-Air Force Chief of Staff Gen.
 David C. Jones, announced the establish-
 ment of a test program for female pilots and
 navigators. Although women had already
 proven their ability to fly military aircraft,
 such as the WASP had in World War II, the
 test program would establish a precedent
 for the future of Air Force female pilots. The
 candidates were all Air Force officers from     An Edkey® School
 various career fields, including a nurse,
 engineer and maintenance officer.
 On Sept. 26, 1976, 10 women, alongside
 their 35 male classmates, began under-
 graduate pilot  training at Williams Air
 Force Base, Arizona, and cemented their
 place in history.
 The 10 women of UPT class ‘77 - 08 were:
 Kathleen A. Cosand, Victoria K. Crawford,
 Mary E. Donahue, Connie J. Engel, Kathy
 LaSauce, Mary  M. Livingston, Susan  D.
 Rogers, Carol A. Scherer, Christine E. Schott
 and Sandra M. Scott.
 Accumulating more than 210 flight hours
 in the T-37 Tweet and T-38 Talon, they suc-
 cessfully completed UPT and went on to
 achieve more historical feats in their Air                                          Now enrolling
 Force careers that pioneered future genera-  The 10 women of UPT class ‘77 - 08.  Courtesy Photo
                                                                  K-11th Grades for Fall 2022
 tions of women to follow.                                        K-11th Grades for Fall 2022
 Mary E. Donahue  received one of only two slots available for   ducting alert missions. When the Air Force   Decades later, the stories and the histori-
 Donahue became the first woman to serve   women to attend Air Force Officer Training   announced its test program, she applied   cal feats of each of the women from UPT
 as an instructor pilot assigned to the U.S.   School. After graduating OTS, LaSauce was   and was accepted.  class ‘77 - 08 were honored.
 Air Force Academy, where she taught senior   selected as one of the first female officers   “My parents infused in me the idea that it   “It warms my heart that Air Education   Sequoia Pathfi nder’s smaller
 cadets to fly the T-41 trainer and was an   in aircraft maintenance, a newly-opened   wasn’t about me being a woman,” Scott said.   and Training Command decided to tell our
 educator in the department of mathemati-  career field for women at that time. Her   “It was that I had abilities and that I could   story,” Scott said. “It’s the story of women   class sizes and low student-to-
 cal science.  experience in aircraft maintenance helped   use those abilities to accomplish anything.”  who broke barriers.”  staff ratios help K-11th grade
 Susan D. Rogers  her gain one of the 10 slots for women to   In honor of the first women who became   students achieve their potential
 Flying a C-141 Starlifter, Rogers evacu-  enter pilot training.  In spite of the women’s accomplishments   U.S. Air Force pilots, Air Education and
 ated victims of a bombing attack on a U.S.   “I loved aircraft maintenance,” LaSauce   during pilot training, they faced disparag-  Training Command officials renamed the   and prepare for success! Enroll
 Marine Corps barracks in Beirut, Lebanon   said. “I loved working around airplanes.   ing public opinion.  Martin Hall Conference Room, the Trail-  your child now to give them
 on Oct. 23, 1983. She died of cancer in 1992   When pilot training opened for women, I   Some male flight instructors opposed   blazer Room, during a virtual ceremony,
 and left behind a legacy of excellence.  knew that was what I wanted to do.”  the test program and didn’t believe women   June 29, 2020.  the gift of individualized and
 Although LaSauce’s interest in becom-
 Christine E. Schott  ing a pilot was not met with optimism by   should fly; a position they expressed openly   Located in the AETC headquarters, the   small group instruction and to
 Schott was the first woman to solo in the   society, she did so anyway.  during training.  Trailblazer Room was dedicated to the first   be a part of the West Valley’s
 LaSauce recalled a time when an instruc-
 Northrop T-38A Talon  at Williams AFB,   “I wanted to play the trumpet and they   tor told Livingston, “I don’t know why I’m   10 women who earned their silver wings,
 Sept. 2, 1977.
 Arizona.  said ‘No, girls don’t play the trumpet,’ so I   teaching you how to fly the T-38 because   “The women of class ‘77 - 08 truly broke   premier STEAM+ elementary and
 She later became the first woman to   played the trumpet,” she said. “I wanted   N. Verrado Way
 qualify and serve as an aircraft commander   to be a drum major and they said ‘No girls   you’ll never be a fighter pilot.” LaSauce   barriers,” said Lt. Gen. Brad Webb, AETC   secondary school!
 on the C-9A Nightingale medical transport   aren’t drum majors’, so I became a drum   said her flight commander shared the same   commander, who presided over the ceremo-
 and command its first all-female aircrew.  major. When I set my heart on doing some-  sentiment, stating that if he had his way,   ny honoring the first female UPT graduates.   The new STEAM+ secondary school building will be ready for the 2022-2023 school
 “They lived the fact that glass ceilings were
 none of the women would graduate.
 Connie J. Engel  thing, I didn’t listen to those who told me   In the face of these unique challenges,   a reality, simply because they were women.   year and will include state-of-the-art computers, maker space, and science labs;
 Engel, the class leader, was the first in   I couldn’t.”  they knew that the future of women in   These trailblazers paved the way for future
 her class to solo in the T-37 Nov. 30, 1976,   Sandra M. Scott  aviation rested on their success.  generations of female pilots and their influ-  W. Roosevelt St.  synthetic turf athletic fi eld; wood fl oor gymnasium; performing arts stage; cafeteria;
 earning her one of the three Distinguished   Scott  became the first female tanker   “Women would not be flying combat mis-  ence on our Air Force is still felt today.”  and so much more!
 Graduate awards, the Officer Training   commander to perform alert duty for the   sions, flying fighters or commanding flying   “There is no denying the trailblazing
 Award for exhibiting “high qualities of   Strategic Air Command.  squadrons if we didn’t succeed,” LaSauce   women of class ‘77 - 08 were set up in such
 military bearing and leadership”, and the   She joined Air Force ROTC at Oregon   said. “We knew in our hearts we needed   a way that failure would have been easy,”   623-263-5400 |
 Air Training Commander’s Trophy as top   State University in 1970, after school of-  to do well.”  Webb said. “But that’s not what Airmen do.
 graduate.  ficials had opened the program to women   Although it was another 30 years before   Through grit and determination not only
 Following graduation, she became the   only a year prior. Following her commission-  women were allowed to fly in combat mis-  did they succeed, they excelled.”  20370 W. Roosevelt St., Buckeye, AZ 85326
 first female T-38 instructor and flew the   ing in 1973, she was stationed at Tyndall   sions, the 10 trailblazers forged a path for   As of September 2021, women make
 T-38 chase for the space shuttle program.  Air Force Base, Florida, for weapons con-  the women who followed.  up 21% of all Air Force members. Of the
 Kathy LaSauce  troller training where she was first exposed   “About a year later, female astronauts be-  330,678 active duty members, 70,342 are   9 to 1 Secondary School
 LaSauce became the first female pilot to   to aviation.  gan training at Vance Air Force Base, Okla-  women, with 916 who serve as pilots, 391
 command a C-141 and the first woman to   After completing her first assignment,   homa,” said Gary Boyd, AETC command   navigators and 262 air battle managers,   Student-to-Staff Ratio Currently
 serve as a presidential support pilot.  she went to King Salmon Air Force Station,   historian. “The success of the group ushered   according to Air Force Personnel Center
 She joined the Air Force in 1972 and   Alaska, where she met pilots who were con-  in the modern era of military aviation.”  officials.
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