Page 4 - Women's History Month 2022 - Combined Special Edition of Luke AFB Thunderbolt - Davis-Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News
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4                                                      February 25, 2022                                                Aerotech News

   The fight continues…

   Groups work to find and eliminate

   barriers to women’s military service

                   By                   every walk of life in this country,” Secretary
            JiM GArAMONe                of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III said on CNN
                                        last year. “As long as you’re fit and you can
                 DOD News
                                        qualify, there’s a place for you on this team.”
     Women make up roughly 20% of the Air   But simply changing the policy is not
   Force, 19% of the Navy, 15% of the Army and   the end of the process, and that is where
   9% of the Marine Corps. Tens of thousands   programs like the Air Mobility Command’s
   of women contribute every day to defend-  Reach Athena and the Department of the
   ing the nation. Their differences and needs   Air Force Women’s Initiative Team come in.                                      Senior Airman Madeline Herzog
   must be considered for the United States   These groups look at the totality of women’s   An all-woman F-15E Strike Eagle aircrew steps to the flightline in observation of
   military to function.                service to find and eliminate barriers to   Women’s History Month at Royal Air Force Lakenheath, England, March 22, 2021.
     This is especially true since 2013, when   ensure all can serve to their full potential.
   then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and   Air Force Maj. Jennifer N. Walters, who   the Greek goddess of wisdom and warfare   at women’s initiatives to decrease or remove
   Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, then-chairman   co-founded Reach Athena when she was   —  began in 2020 and  is  headquartered   barriers impacting women’s service in the
   of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, repealed the   stationed at Travis Air Force Base along   at Scott Air Force Base. The Air Combat   Department of the Air Force in order to
   combat exclusion policy. From privates to   with Major Kelsey Payton, said the program   Command has Sword Athena looking at   increase force-wide effectiveness,” Air Force
   four-star generals, women serve in every   does build diversity in the military, but that   barriers in that Air Force major command.   Maj. Megan Biles said. “We look at existing
   rank and can serve in any specialty in the   is not the primary aim. “What it’s for, is to   The Women’s Initiative Team is at the De-  policy which impacts women’s propensity to
   military.                            identify policies that — intentional or not   partment of the Air Force level and began   serve and elevate solutions to senior leaders.”
     “I think we’re doing a great job in terms   — are driving our talent away, or repelling   in 2008. All work together.  The idea is to identify anything that is
   of recruiting the right kinds of people, pro-  them from the Air Force,” she said in an   The WIT is part of a seven-team barrier-
   viding access to people from every corner,   interview. Reach Athena — named after   analysis working group. It “specifically looks   See FigHt, Page 12

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