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Vol. 81, No. 12 March Air Reserve Base, California Friday, March 25, 2016
NEWS BRIEFS SAPR event recognizes importance of
wingmen all year #notjustApril
ADVOCATES NEEDED by Tech. Sgt. Bryan Franks
Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs Command Information
The SAPR Program March
ARB is looking for a select WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Senior leaders kicked off the Air U.S. Air Force photo/Scott M. Ash
group of individuals to act as Force’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response #notjustApril
volunteer victim advocates campaign March 17 during an event at the Pentagon. Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Cody shares a
vention and Response Pro- The secretary, chief of staff and chief master sgt. of the Air DQGWKHIDWKHURIDFROOHJHDJHGGDXJKWHUGXULQJD6H[XDO
gram, March ARB. Basic Force joined other Airmen to read testimonies from sexual $VVDXOW$ZDUHQHVV0RQWKHYHQWDWWKH3HQWDJRQ0DUFK
requirements include: For- assault survivors and discussed Airmen’s roles in supporting 2016. The event included participants who read actual testi-
mal application, approval sexual assault survivors and preventing this crime. monials of victims.
from the volunteers’ com-
mander and 40 hours of The event promoting the #notjustApril campaign came in stays there.”
Victim Advocate training front of the Defense Department’s official recognition of Sex- Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Cody said that
from an Air Force approved ual Assault Awareness Month in April to highlight the impor-
course. Applicants will then tance of Airmen’s engagement all year. in his time as the highest ranking enlisted member in the Air
be required to apply for cer- Force, he has evolved how he looks at sexual assault prevention
tification with the National Using the Air Force core values as the foundation for her after hearing a friend’s story.
Organization of Victim Ad- comments, Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James said integ-
vocates (NOVA). There will rity is imperative in this issue and the Air Force needs to look His friend’s daughter was excited about joining the Air Force,
be a 40-hour course offered in the mirror and accept the fact that there is a problem. but as she was getting ready to leave home, she told her father
at March ARB on May 2. she was afraid of being raped. When her father asked why, she
Applicants to the program “I think it’s getting better,” James said. “However, we need confided she had been sexually assaulted at a high school party
must have clean background to look at ourselves and our shortcomings and identify ways we after having a drink. Despite their great relationship, she had
check, possess excellent can continue to improve.” been ashamed to tell her father before because he had warned
communication skills, be of her not to drink and how to dress, and she blamed herself.
outstanding character and James went on to say that Airmen’s ‘service before self ’ is
judgment and willing to re- not only answering the nation’s call to serve, but also the call That’s when Cody realized he had often said the same things
spond to incidents of a very to serve each other. to his daughter.
personal nature with great
discretion while adhering “Survivors of sexual assault deserve the support of the in- “I wasn’t helping her be any safer,” Cody said. “I was really
to Air Force protocol in re- stitutional Air Force, but they also deserve the support of their just building up an environment where if something happened
spect to the SAPR program. peers and their wingmen,” James said. “Wingmen play a vital she couldn’t feel she could come to me because I had already
Please contact the SAPR role in building and restoring units’ climate and in supporting told her it was her fault every single time I watched her walk
office March ARB at 951- victims in their recovery.” out that door.”
655-4551 or email at frank. James challenged leaders, from commander to frontline su- Cody said the experience changed his dialogue with his
pervisors, to demonstrate excellence by setting a professional daughter and helped him better understand prevention. They
COMMUNITY atmosphere, enforcing the standards of conduct, and being pre- began talking about the wingmen she was going out with and
5K/10K RUN TO pared to walk the walk. who would have her back.
HOMELESSNESS Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III spoke about members “You are going to go out, you are going to experience life,”
Vets 4 Veterans is hold- of one Air Force – active duty, Air National Guard, Air Force Cody said. “Our Airmen have to trust each other enough so
ing the 1st Operation Re- Reserve, officer, enlisted and civilian Airmen - who stand side- they know we will always be there for each other. We’re never
start 5K/10K Run/Walk and by-side and shoulder-to-shoulder to provide whatever is need- ever going to blame them for something horrific that’s happen-
Mini Patriot Mile to support ed to prevent sexual assault. ing. We are just going to be there to try and help them. We can
veterans and prevent home- never rewind the clock, but we can be there to support them.”
lessness in the veteran com- “We have lots of numbers in the business, as we track dif-
munity. Vets 4 Veterans, a ferent things,” Welsh said. “I would offer to you that the only
local 501(c)3 organization, number that really matters is one. One victim, one criminal,
is in its 7th year of support- one event, one life shattered, one family shattered, one unit for-
ing veterans through schol- ever affected … now multiply that one person by all the lives
arships, immediate needs that they touch and then multiply that number by 2,400. That’s
assistance and the planning the impact.”
See BRIEFS page 3 Welsh also said that prevention starts with averting one
sexual assault, and it must continue one by one until all
are stopped.
“It’s about one and the only number more significant than
that one is zero,” Welsh said. “When we get there, we will cel-
ebrate and we will work harder the next day to make sure it