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Vol. 81, No. 6                    March Air Reserve Base, California                                   Friday, February 12, 2016

NEWS BRIEFS March C-17 delivers HH-60 helicopter
      ENLISTED                    for Korean Air Lines depot maintenance


Air Reserve Personnel

Center officials will release

the Invitation to Apply and

open the application cycle for

the annual Enlisted Devel-

opmental Education Board

Friday, Feb. 5. The EDEB

will convene May 16 at HQ

ARPC. All applications are

due to ARPC no later than

April 15, 4:30 p.m. MT. Call

the Total Force Service Cen-

ter at DSN 665-0102 or 210-

565-0102 for questions or

further information.

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           452 AMW                                                                                                                              (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Christopher Drzazgowski)
Saturday, March 5, 2016.          WHQDQFH6TXDGURQFRPPDQGHU
Start time is 3 p.m. at the Ed-
ucation and Training (Bldge          DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR               Master Sgt. Jeffery Hauck,        together so that it’s as fresh as  supported by engineers. They
441) parking lot. Registra-       FORCE BASE, Ariz. -- A             943rd Maintenance Squadron        the day it came off the assem-     can fix anything that is an issue
tion is filling fast so register  943rd Rescue Group HH-60           superintendent. “Pacific Air       bly line,” said Master Sgt. Al-    on the helicopter.”
soon! Squadrons must have         returned to Davis-Monthan          Forces (including the Air Na-     vin Benedict, the maintenance
10-15 Airmen (no more, no         AFB Jan. 28 after a year at the    tional Guard in Alaska) has       team lead for the project.            The HH-60 from Davis-
less) per team. Choose your       Korean Air Lines Joint Depot       been using this facility, but                                        Monthan AFB went to Korea in
fastest Airmen and carry your     Level Maintenance facility for     typically we’ve gone to Corpus       “Every aircraft the Air Force   January 2015. It underwent the
squadron guidon. Distance is      its 78-month major overhaul.       Christie Army Depot in Texas      has goes through some kind of      same processes that stateside
3.2 miles and participating                                          and Elizabeth City, N.C., for     program depot maintenance,”        depots perform, and took about
teams must wear squadron             This is the first time that the  this overhaul.”                   said Benedict, a 17-year veter-    a year to complete.
morale shirts (AF PT shirts       Air Force Reserve Command                                            an of the career field. “There’s
if no morale shirts available)    has sent one of its helicopters       The overhaul is essentially a  maintenance we can do in the          “By using KAL, we were
and Air Force PT shorts. Do-      to Korea instead of using state-   complete refurbishment.           field, and there’s maintenance      able to save both time and
nations are $10 per person        side depots.                                                         our technicians aren’t certi-      money compared to using a
                                                                        “They strip the airplane       fied to do; [depot] is the most     stateside depot,” said Maj.
             See BRIEFS page 3       “We were the first in the low-   down to nothing, fix any cor-      intense form of maintenance,       Dusty Dossman, 943rd MXS
                                  er 48 to use KAL,” said Chief      rosion, and then put it back                                         commander.
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