Page 17 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 1-8-16
P. 17
Thunderbolt 2015 IN PHOTOS Jan. 8, 2016
Courtesy photo Tech. Sgt. Timothy Boyer
Morgart Tank, within the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge semi-captive breed- 7KHQG)LJKWHU6TXDGURQODXQFKHGLWV¿UVWVRUWLHLQDQ)/LJKWQLQJ,,LQ-XO\DW
ing facility, provides water to the Sonoran pronghorn antelope on the Barry M. Luke Air Force Base. Lt. Col. Matthew Vedder, 62nd FS director of operations and in-
Goldwater Range. The pronghorn was listed as a federally endangered species in VWUXFWRUSLORWÀHZWKHKRXUDQGDKDOIPLVVLRQLQWKHPRVWUHFHQW)DUULYDO7KHMHW
1967. The Sonoran pronghorn is a desert-adapted subspecies of American prong- ODQGHGDW/XNHDOLWWOHPRUHWKDQDZHHNSULRUWRLWV¿UVWVRUWLHEHLQJÀRZQ
horn, the fastest land mammal in North America. It is smaller and paler in color than
other American pronghorn subspecies.
Staff Sgt. Scotty Avis,
56th Civil Engineer
Squadron Fire Ser-
vices captain, uses
the roof turret gun to
on an F-16 Fighting
Falcon Aug. 7 on the
Force Base. Luke
emergency scenarios
twice a month to stay
Senior Airman Grace Lee SUR¿FLHQW
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