Page 14 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 1-8-16
P. 14
Jan. 8, 2016 2015 IN PHOTOS Thunderbolt
Staff Sgt. Staci Miller Senior Airman Devante Williams Courtesy photo
Noelle “Beba” Chaparro and her brother, Julian Lt. Col. Christopher Bacon, 308th Fighter Squadron command- )/LJKWQLQJ,,$ÀHZDFRGHVRUWLHLQ
“Bebe” Chaparro, talk with squadron leader Maj. Na- er, plays the burning piano June 12, a tradition that began in June at the hands of Maj. Matt Olson, 62nd Fighter
than Draper, 61st Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Roy- World War II to signify the ending of an era, during the 308th Squadron assistant director of operations out of
DO$XVWUDOLDQ$LU)RUFHVHQLRURI¿FHU0D\7KHSLORW FS inactivation party at Luke Air Force Base. Luke AFB and in doing so achieved another land-
for a day program focuses on children who have seri- mark task for Australian operations.
ous or chronic conditions and invites them to be part
with a Wilm’s tumor in February 2014 which resulted
in the removal of a kidney. She is in recovery.
The Arizona sun rises Senior Airman Grace Lee
June 1 over Luke Air Force
Base, marking the begin- Lt. Col. Gregory Frana assumes command
ning of another day and of the 62nd Fighter Squadron June 5 at Luke
month. Typically June ush- Air Force Base. The 62nd FS is scheduled to
ers in consistent 100-plus- begin accepting F-35 Lightning II jets in July
degree days and the and will be joined by partner nations Norway
monsoon season, which and Italy.
and ends Sept. 30. Storms
usually peak between
mid-July and mid-August.
On average, about half of
Arizona receives about half
of its annual rainfall dur-
ing the monsoon. Arizona
receives a statewide aver-
age of only 12.5 inches of
rain per year. The photo
was taken from the control
Tech. Sgt. James Luna-Hill tower looking north east.
Capt. (Dr.) Matthew Lindsey, Jim Haseltine
left, 56th Aerospace Medicine
Squadron Flight Medicine The 308th Fighter Squadron graduated 16 F-16 Fighting Falcon
ÀLJKWVXUJHRQDQG6WDII6JW pilots June 12 from Class 14-EBG. It is the last class before
DUHVSRQVHWRDQLQÀLJKWHPHU- man Air Force Base, New Mexico. There they will stand up as the
gency on the Luke Air Force 314th FS and AMU, the second F-16 unit at Holloman.
and crew responds to any situa-
tion that may have an impact on
a pilot, such as a loss of cabin
pressure. If the situation is non-
emergent, the patient returns
for treatment. If it is emergent,
company the pilot to the near-
Tech. Sgt. Timothy Boyer est medical facility.