Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 1-8-16
P. 10

Jan. 8, 2016                             2015 IN PHOTOS                                                                                                               Thunderbolt
10                                                           March of the Fall-
                                                                                          en participants
                                                                                          hike a trail in April
                                                                                          in the White Tank
                                                                                          Mountain Region-
                                                                                          al Park in Waddell.
                                                                                          The MOTF is a
                                                                                          4.5-mile rucksack
                                                                                          march dedicated
                                                                                          to honoring those
                                                                                          who gave their
                                                                                          lives during Op-
                                                                                          eration Enduring
                                                                                          Freedom, Opera-
                                                                                          tion Iraqi Freedom
                                                                                          and Operation
                                                    Senior Airman Devante Williams New Dawn.

                                                                                                                                       Senior Airman Thomas Spangler                                                                                                      Tech. Sgt. Louis Vega

A 6st Fighter Squadron F-35 Lightning ,, Moint strike ¿ghter ta[is prior to take oII April 5 at 1ellis                                                              Squadron teams compete in a tug-o-war match April 3 at the 56th Med-
Air Force Base, 1evada. 7en F-35s Irom the 6st Fighter Squadron were sent to 1ellis Ior the ¿rst-                                                                    ical Group Annual Mash Bash at Luke Air Force Base. For the second
ever JSF deployment. The Las Vegas skyline is in the background.                                                                                                      year in a row, the 56th Medical Operations Squadron won the overall

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