Page 4 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 1-8-16
P. 4

Jan. 8, 2016         2015 IN PHOTOS             Thunderbolt

                                 Staff Sgt. Staci Miller

                                                                                                                                                                                   Senior Airman Devante Williams

                                                            Airman 1st Class Gerald Casteel, 309th Aircraft Maintenance Unit load crew member,
                                                            watches as load crew team members install a GBU-12 armament Jan. 16 during the
                                                            annual load crew comSetition for 201. 7he obMectiYe of the comSetition is to ¿nish
                                                            with the fastest time and fewest safety violations.

                                                            TOP LEFT: J.J. Watt, Houston Texans defensive end, assigned to Pro Bowl Team
                                                            Carter, autographs footballs and pendants during the Pro Bowl practice Jan. 22 held
                                                            at Luke Air Force Base. Pro Bowl players practiced on base to show support for Air-
                                                            men and to prepare for the game on Jan. 25.

                                                            LEFT: Fall Out Boy lead singer and guitarist Patrick Stump excites the crowd during
                                                            the VH1 concert in January. In addition to performing, the band showed their sup-
                                                            port for those serving at Luke Air Force Base with words of thanks, autographs and
                                                            guitar picks tossed to the crowd.

                                Staff Sgt. Nestor Cruz
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