Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-29-16
P. 19
Thunderbolt SPORTS 19April 29, 2016
Passion vs. priorities
Airman swims into
Physical fitness doesn’t come easy for everyone — Courtesy photo university’s hall of fame
sometimes the drive to finish one more repetition or
set a new personal best just doesn’t cut it. For 1st Lt. First Lt. Christian Torres, 81st Comptroller Squad- For one 96th Test Wing Airman, the wild blue yonder
Christian Torres, having the spirit to stay mentally ron deputy project officer, throws a right hook at the isn’t overhead but below and in front of his gaze as he
and physically strong when going through adversity Triangle Gym at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi. stands on the starting block waiting for his signal.
is not just found in the gym, it’s a way of life. Torres boxed recreationally and had the opportunity
to become a professional boxer, however, due to fam- Senior Airman Francisco Perez Castillo, a 96th Main-
From a young age, Torres’ affinity for gym activi- ily needs he chose his current path in the Air Force. tenance Group administrator, has been swimming since
ties turned out to be a bit more hands-on. A native age 4. He joined his rst swim team a year after that.
of Puerto Rico, he started boxing at the age of 15 “After I commissioned, I followed the coaching
when a friend talked him into it. route,” he said. “I had clients ranging from 7 to 28 About 20 years later, Perez Castillo was inducted into
years old and one of my fighters even made it to a the Ponti cal Catholic University of Puerto Rico’s sports
“When I’d go to the gym, I’d put my mind into well-known televised event.” hall of fame in December 2015 for his swimming accom-
boxing and it helped me forget about everything plishments.
else,” said Torres, a 81st Comptroller Squadron Even with one of his fighters making it to such a
deputy project officer. “The economy in Puerto Rico high-profile fight, the possibility of training a pro- “It is a real honor and I am blessed that God gave me
wasn’t good and I was struggling with the dilemma fessional fighter wasn’t his only motivation. the talent to be successful in the sport I’ve loved and
of whether I’d be able to attend college and get a trained in so long,” he said.
job after graduation.” “I enjoyed coaching the kids and people who
wanted to learn how to box,” Torres said. “It felt Perez Castillo, 26, grew up in Ponce, Puerto Rico, where
Boxing was initially just a way for him to escape rewarding to help kids who are underprivileged. he began swimming in his hometown YMCA with his
life’s stress, but Torres had a knack for it and soon Boxing is a low-cost sport, which opens up the pos- older brother, Jose. He and his brother grew into the sport
that led to opportunity. sibilities for these kids to learn the fundamentals quickly and began training to compete.
of boxing, release stress, build mental toughness
After only a couple years, Torres became so profi- and gain some friends along the way.” “Growing up and getting better, we got more into the
cient he had a chance to throw his hat into the ring sport,” Perez Castillo said. “The time we spent in the water
of professional boxing Training local boxers wasn’t the only way Torres increased as did the distances we swam.”
used what he learned through years of training.
“I had a chance to make my debut in professional He is also the lead physical training leader for the Only two years after joining a swim team, he reached
boxing but I had to turn it down,” Torres said. “I 81st CPTS. a national swimming event.
had to take care of my family. At age 9 my brother
was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, and I had “Lieutenant Torres is an exceptional leader,” said “It didn’t go well, but it gave me the experience and
to shift my priorities. My mom couldn’t work be- Senior Airman Chigozie Nwachukwu, a 81st CPTS desire to get better and come back the next year to win,”
cause she was taking care of him, so I had to make customer service technician. “He restructured the Perez Castillo said.
a change to help out.” entire PT program to look at each person’s weak-
ness then structures the PT to benefit everyone at At age 9, he returned to nationals and earned a silver
Watching his older peers graduate college and the same time.” medal.
end up in dead-end jobs pushed Torres even harder.
With the welfare of his family on the line, he knew It’s been a long time since Torres hung up the “With that medal, I realized I had an opportunity to
he had to make a life-changing decision, not just gloves. Since then, the fundamentals of fitness and succeed in the sport,” said the 5-foot-9-inch Airman. “After
for himself, but his family as well. Torres gave up staggering mental toughness he gained as a boxer my rst medal I wanted more, so I started to train more.”
the possibility of a potentially lucrative career in still help him as a PT leader and Air Force officer.
boxing for college and the Air Force ROTC program. The training paid off. Perez Castillo made the Puerto
“Being a past boxer helps me not only physi- Rican National Team at age 12 and was selected for the
“I didn’t want to fail my mom or brother,” Torres cally but also mentally,” Torres said. “In boxing, next 11 years in a row.
said. “I chose college and ROTC because I wanted sometimes you are in the ring and you are getting
to help my family.” beaten up and want to quit, but you have to keep Through those competitions, Perez Castillo racked up
fighting through that feeling and persevere through the medals and even broke a few records in his preferred
He pursued a degree in accounting at the Univer- the adversity.” swimming technique, the breaststroke. He said he knew
sity of Puerto Rico and it proved to be challenging, by age 13 the breaststroke was his strongest technique
however, the ROTC program didn’t seem as difficult When it comes to work, working out and caring and if he focused on it, he could reach the top levels.
to him. for his family, Torres’ fighter’s mentality shines. He
attributes his can-do attitude to his athletic training Because of his abilities, he was selected for special-
“I didn’t have any problems with ROTC because and the way his parents raised him. ized sports during high school where he trained before
my father was very structured with me when I and after his daily classes and eventually earned a full
was young,” he said. “As for the physical training Today, Torres continues to support his family in scholarship to the Catholic university.
program, I was a boxer almost turning pro, so that Puerto Rico and plans to one day bring them to
was a piece of cake.” the U.S. There, his focus was the 50, 100 and 200-meter breast-
stroke and the team relay events where he broke records
In addition to his academics, there was another “I’m not going to quit,” Torres said, affirming that and earned more than 30 medals. He was also selected
bump along his road to becoming an U.S. Air Force no matter what, he’s in their corner. as team captain.
officer — the English language.
Courtesy of According to Ramirez, Perez Castillo didn’t need much
“I didn’t know English before attending college coaching, but the coach provided him help with staying
and joining ROTC,” he said. “If English isn’t your focused and concentrating on his goals.
primary language, you have to take a test called the
oral proficiency interview to show you are proficient Throughout his swimming career, his training was
in English before you can become an officer.” extensive. During his high school and college years, he
could be in the pool three to ve hours per day, six days
With hard work and dedication, Torres was able a week.
to improve his skill in English thanks to his fellow
ROTC cadets. That effort and dedication to swimming was recognized
when he and his brother were both inducted in their
“In ROTC, there were cadets who were very smart university’s sports hall of fame.
but had never done consistent physical training
before so I helped them out,” Torres said. “I traded Perez Castillo left Puerto Rico for the Air Force in 2013,
my knowledge of physical fitness to the cadets and but he did not leave swimming. He kept up his swim regi-
they in turn helped me with my English because at men his rst duty station, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.
the time I was really bad at it.”
As an airman rst class, he was selected for the 2014
Torres gave up his chance in the ring for the Air Force Swim Team. He was the only enlisted member
reliability and benefits of the Air Force that bet- on the team. At the annual competition in Germany, he
ter suited his family’s needs, but he didn’t give earned second place in the 200-meter breaststroke and
up boxing entirely. After passing the English OPI,
graduating from the University of Puerto Rico and rst place in the team relay event. With his help, the
commissioning as a second lieutenant, Torres de- team won that year’s competition for the rst time in
cided to share his love of boxing with others after 10 years.
arriving at his first duty station, Keesler Air Force
Base, Mississippi. Even though he doesn’t compete regularly, he can’t
give up that tness routine he’s had for three-fourths
of his life. It’s now a part of him.
He slowed down a bit to three to four days a week for
an hour and a half. He still completes breaststroke laps
and swims at a competitive pace.
Although Perez Castillo’s Air Force future is yet to
be determined, one of his long-term goals is certain. He
hopes to get more involved in coaching the sport he’s
devoted so much of his life to.