Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-29-16
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Thunderbolt NEWS 15April 29, 2016
SuCCESS (from Page 2) void of unnecessary repercussions to real-
ize unit success.
we run the risk of experiencing mission- Chaplain’s thoughts ...
impacting negative consequences. We risk If you do not encourage a systemic look
failing. Processes must be challenged and at failure when it occurs, you run the risk We exist for Airmen cally located in the units. It’s why we have
of destroying effective chain of command the Spiritual Maintenance Center,to provide
xed as we are not organized and resourced communication, team cohesion, honest Earlier this month I attended the Air hospitality ministry to our hard working
like the bases we left. Ensuring your team feedback and also the prospect of the Force Chaplain Corps Summit. Airmen on the ightline.That’s why we have
adheres to disciplined execution of their tasks building of effective learning organiza- the Oasis Airmen Ministry Center to care
starts with a sound process supervisors and tions. Honest mistakes are part of every- The chaplain summit is the annual for our dorm dwellers.That’s why we have a
leaders own. Repeat failures usually mean one’s learning process. High performing gathering of Air Force, major command monthly deployed family dinner and ight-
the process is broken and Airmen are being professionals and teams are not driven by and wing-level chaplain corps leaders to line feast to meet and interact with Airmen
set up to fail. Unless a process is bound by a fear of the consequences of their actions, hear from Air Force leadership, review the and their families. That’s why we conduct
the laws of physics or chemistry, x it if it’s but rather by the belief they are accom- needs of the force and determine ways to worship services each weekend to meet the
leading to repeated failure. plishing something of importance with the meet those needs, from our perspective as religious needs of our Airmen and to prepare
support of their leadership. providers of spiritual care. our team to meet the wartime requirement
Before rushing to judgement, as a su- of providing religious services in theater.
pervisor and a leader, regardless of rank, Standards must be set and followed. As I grew up in the chaplain corps, this
apply some critical thinking and ask Failure is rare when taken into context meeting was the monumental event that I We exist for Airmen. Our goal is to inter-
yourself those three basic questions when with the billions of actions and decisions hoped to attend someday. This spring I was act with our Airmen with such frequency
analyzing failure. our military professionals make daily. that they will see us as safe people with
However, if an Airman or team fails, rst nally able to attend,and yes it was epic.See- whom they can talk when times get rough.
For the 3 percent who do not know ask yourself, “Do I own it? Have I looked ing theAir Force chief of staff,the secretary of
the difference between a mistake and a at the big three — expectations, education theAir Force,the chief of chaplains and other We exist forAirmen.We ful ll our physical
crime, who willingly disregard technical and process?” Analyze failure, then watch leaders was inspiring.I could not begin to tell training requirements, meet all the man-
order guidance and instructions, or who your team realize success. If you start you everything I heard, but the greatest take dated training obligations and we deploy just
refuse to uphold the standards required there, you may nd the great people who away for me was this simple concept — our like all other Airmen. We do this because it
in the profession of arms, we have ways of have chosen to join the world’s most effec- Air Force chaplain corps exists for Airmen. is a price worth paying for the privilege of
holding them accountable and we should tive air, space and cyber force will bring caring for Airmen who do amazing things
to the maximum extent possible. We are forward more issues to solve and ideas for We exist to take care of the Airmen who to defend our nation. We exist for Airmen.
all responsible for our actions. For the 97 success than you can handle. But, that’s a have been entrusted to us. Moms and Dads
percent, I believe supervisors and lead- risk worth taking. send their sons and daughters to us with the Thanks for your service and sacri ce.
ers owe them the exibility to learn from expectation that they will be taken care of
mistakes, make the team stronger from By the way, the failure I rst mentioned as they ful ll the mission of defending our Courtesy of Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Larry Fowler
those mistakes, and foster a culture which above was mine to x. I owned it. As a country. Your chapel team will do all within
allows the discussion of those mistakes supervisor and a leader, will you? our power to meet the needs of our Airmen. 56th Fighter Wing Chapel
That’s why we have two chaplains physi-
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