Page 13 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-29-16
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Thunderbolt NEWS 13April 29, 2016
Courtesy photo
An F-35C Lightning II arrives April 15, at Hill Force Base, Utah. The aircraft is the first Navy variant to arrive at the base where it will undergo depot modifications through
this summer. The aircraft is assigned to the Navy’s Strike Fighter Squadron 101 at Eglin AFB, Florida.
Hill depot facility becomes rst to work on all F-35 variants
by optimize the work ow within the Air Logistics performance across the aircraft’s service life. “We were able to support the U.S. Marine
ALEX LLOYD Complex,” Weisgerber said. “The men and women of the 570th (AMXS) Corps with critical modi cations on the F-
35B to meet their initial operational capabil-
Ogden Air Logistics Complex The rst F-35 arrived at Hill AFB for modi- have risen to the challenges of supporting the ity milestone,” Hoffman said. “Today, we are
cations in September 2013. Since then, the dynamic changes in this program and take working closely with the 388th Fighter Wing
HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah — The depot has performed modi cations on the Air great pride in being the rst depot to work to provide modi cations that will ensure they
Ogden Air Logistics Complex here became Force’s eet of conventional takeoff and land- on all three variants of the F-35,” said Greg are able to meet their IOC target with the F-
the rst depot facility to perform modi ca- ing F-35As. It also has completed work on four Hoffman, the 570th AMXS director. 35A and are proud to support the Navy with
tions on all three F-35 Lightning II variants Marine Corps F-35B short takeoff/vertical work on the F-35C.”
after it inducted a Navy F-35C carrier version landing aircraft, helping the Marine Corps With the program’s ever-evolving require-
April 15. reach initial operational capability. ments, exact numbers of how many aircraft The complex had been planning for the ar-
For the Navy’s carrier variant,the complex’s will be worked on this year is not yet avail- rival of the C-model for months and expects
The F-35C was own in from EglinAir Force 570th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, along able. The squadron’s main focus centers on work on the ghter jet to last through early
Base,Florida,by Navy Capt.MarkWeisgerber, with Lockheed Martin, will perform struc- completing work on the Air Force fleet of September as workers train with the air-
the 33rd Fighter Wing vice commander. tural upgrades, low-observable restoration F-35A models and Navy’s F-35C models, and craft and perform veri cation and valida-
and system modi cations that will enhance returning the aircraft to the war ghter better tion on the new modi cations.
“Hill has the capacity to accomplish the than they arrived.
needed modi cations and it is important to
11th annual National Drug Take Back Initiative Exchange shoppers can win
a $5,000 gift card courtesy
When: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday Studies show that many abused Security forces personnel will of Promotion in Motion
Where: Luke Air Force Base Ex- prescription drugs are obtained take all drugs in pill, patch or cream
change, lobby near the Starbucks. from family and friends, including form. We are only accepting medica- Shoppers with the Army & Air Force Exchange
The National Prescription Drug from the home medicine cabinet. tions for the four-hour period listed Service can enter to win a sweet surprise this
Take-Back addresses a vital pub- Since most abused prescriptions above. No liquids or needles will be summer during the Candy Carnival sweep-
lic safety and public health issue. come from family and friends, you accepted. stakes.
Many Americans are not aware that could be a drug dealer and not even
medicines that languish in home know it. Unwanted or expired medications One lucky winner will receive a $5,000 Ex-
cabinets are highly susceptible to will be collected and turned over change gift card courtesy of Promotion in Mo-
diversion, misuse and abuse. Rates In addition, many Americans do for proper disposal to the Phoenix tion, the makers of Welch’s and Sour Jacks.
of prescription drug abuse in the not know how to properly dispose of office of the Drug Enforcement Ad-
U.S. are at alarming rates, as are their unused medicine, often flush- ministration. Shoppers can enter between today and July
the number of accidental poisonings ing them down the toilet or throw- 7 at
and overdoses due to these drugs. ing them away – both potential For more information, call Staff The winner will be drawn on or about July 14.
safety and health hazards. Sgt. Robert DeGoey, 56th SFS In-
vestigations, at 623-856-6450. “A prize like this will satisfy the sweet tooth
of any shopper,” said Air Force Chief Master
Sgt. Sean Applegate, Exchange senior enlisted
advisor. “We couldn’t be happier to offer military
shoppers a chance to spoil themselves this sum-
mer with some serious extra spending money.”
The Promotion in Motion Candy Carnival
sweepstakes is open to authorized shoppers age
18 and older. No purchase is necessary to win.
Courtesy of AAFES