Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-29-16
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Thunderbolt NEWS April 29, 2016 9
Mississippi romaina
The Air Force Reserve’s 815th Airlift Two F-22 Raptors and one KC-135
Squadron participated in the U.S. Army Stratotanker arrived at Mihail Kogal-
Europe’s Saber Junction 16 exercise niceanu Air Base on April 22. The
since April 5. Two crews from the 815th F-22s and approximately 20 support-
AS showcased the C-130J Super Her- ing Airmen are from the 95th Fighter
cules’ airdrop and air-land insertion ca- Squadron at Tyndall Air Force Base,
pability by airdropping 112 of the 3,095 Florida. The KC-135 is from the 916th
paratroopers and providing 60 of the 200 Air Refueling Wing deployed from Sey-
short tons delivered during the exercise. mour Johnson AFB, North Carolina.
Haiti Phillipines
Members from the 701st Airlift Squad- A U.S. Pacific Command air contingent be-
ron delivered humanitarian aid to gan flying operations at Clark Air Base on
Port-au-Prince on April 21 as part of April 19 with the successful launch of four
the Denton Program that creates op- A-10C Thunderbolt IIs and two HH-60G
portunity for private organizations to Pave Hawks. The aircraft are part of the
use space available on U.S. military newly stood up air contingent conducting
cargo aircraft to transport goods to operations.
countries in need.
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