Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-29-16
P. 12

12 April 29, 2016                                   NEWS                                                                                            Thunderbolt

                                                                                                                          inTroSPECTion  (from Page 2)

         STREET                                     complex. Security forces arrived on scene and                         by all those professional service members serving before us and with us
           BEAT                                     determined the individual was suffering from                          today. The Berlin Wall came down and America began to reinvest precious
                                                    abdominal pain. The individual transferred to                         assets elsewhere, sometimes contrary to the advice of senior Air Force lead-
   The 56th Security Forces Squadron handled        a local hospital.                                                     ers. History will determine if that calculus was right, but our Air Force never
the following incidents April 18 through 24 at                                                                            took its eyes off America, Americans or American interest as witnessed
Luke Air Force Base:                                   April 21: Security forces responded to a medi-                     in the multitude of named and unnamed operations, campaigns and task
                                                    cal emergency in the Shoppette. Security forces                       forces. We perfected the art of an expeditionary force with our speed, agil-
Tickets                                             arrived on scene and identi ed a disorientated                        ity, exibility and responsiveness being second-to-none. Our battle dress
                                                    and fatigued individual. The individual was                           uniform was often mistaken for other services back then, but our objectives
   Security forces issued citations for 23 moving   treated and released.                                                 were successful and our honor remained humble to the American people.
violations and one nonmoving violation.
                                                       April 24: Security forces responded to a medical                      Today’s Airmen are well versed on the value of being an expeditionary
Traffic-related incidents                           emergency in base housing. Security forces arrived                    Airman, and so are their families.
                                                    on scene and identi ed an unconscious individual.
   April 19: Security forces responded to a report  The individual transferred to a local hospital.                          Former Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. “Norty” Schwartz once said, “The
of a minor vehicle collision near the Shoppette.                                                                          importance of an Airman is not measured by their proximity to the target.”
Security forces veri ed the damage and fa-          Nonemergency responses
cilitated the exchange of insurance information.                                                                             That said, every Airman in the total force is important in today’s ght
There were no injuries.                                April 23: Security forces responded to a report                    and so are their families. The adversaries today believe they enjoy some-
                                                    of shoplifting at the base exchange. Security                         thing more challenging than experienced by our fore fathers and that is
   April 20: Security forces responded to a report  forces reviewed the tape verifying an individual                      asymmetrical surprise, cheap cyber-attacks, strategic communications
of a minor vehicle collision near the 56th Medical  attempting to leave the facility without render-                      and hybrid warfare. Those adversaries have not read the last word of our
Group. Security forces veri ed the damage and       ing full payment. Security forces detained the                        motto — win, and in order to do this we must never forget that every Air-
facilitated the exchange of insurance informa-      individual, and Glendale police responded and                         man is important and every talent needed.
tion. There were no injuries.                       took control.
                                                                                                                             One of our greatest focuses today is on our weapon system … our hu-
   April 22: Security forces responded to a report  Alarm activations                                                     man capital. Although transparent to some, tremendous efforts have been
of a major vehicle collision near the Club Five                                                                           underway by our leaders in addressing fair and impartial inclusion, lever-
Six. Security forces made contact with a motor-        Security forces responded to four alarm acti-                      aging cultural strengths in specialties while balancing the force through
cyclist suffering from diabetic-related injuries.   vations on base.                                                      gender and racial initiatives to name just a few — all are solution and
The individual transferred to a local hospital.                                                                           results focused. There are no smoking guns and leaders are transparent
                                                    Tip of the week                                                       in saying we have much work to do. We are a re ection of the citizens we
Emergency responses                                                                                                       serve, and honing in on all talent, regardless of what you look like, is vital
                                                       Electrically connected smoke alarms and                            to remaining the world’s greatest Air Force.
   April 22: Security forces responded to a report  carbon monoxide alarms will not work when the
of a medical emergency near the civil engineer      power is out unless they have battery back-ups.                          Looking back over the past several decades, we’ve grown as an Air Force,
                                                    Make sure your home has a battery-operated                            unmatched by no other. As an American Airman, whose introspection has
                                                    smoke alarm on every level and a battery-                             made him a better person, I am mindful of the great opportunities my Air
                                                    operated carbon monoxide alarm.                                       Force has given me, because through opportunities came success for me
                                                                                                                          and the Airmen I stand side by side with!
                                                                 Courtesy of Staff Sgt. Christopher Washburn
                                                                                                                56th SFS     Aim high … y, ght and win!


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