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Vol. 80, No. 35 March Air Reserve Base, California Friday, September 4, 2015
NEWS BRIEFS September is Suicide Prevention Month
The March Commissary’s
next case lot sale is scheduled
for September 17 - 20. Sale
hours will be Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
and Sunday, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
In addition to the case lot sale
outside, there will be extra
savings on items in the meat
and produce departments in-
side! Save the dates.
INSTALLATION by Air Force Medical Service and help others by decreasing the stigma and dispelling myths.
VOTING ASSISTANCE Maintaining interactions with family can be tough. Each
Deaths as a result of suicide are a preventable public health
OFFICER concern and a top priority for the Department of Defense. The day is an important opportunity to better connect. Learn
With the onslaught of po- Military Health System works with military and civilian organiza- parenting skills to help strengthen your relationships with
litical debates in the news, it’s tions to build awareness of suicidal behavior and risks, and pro- your children. Resiliency is a prominent characteristic of an
time to consider your right to vide prevention programs and resources to help service members Airman. Learn how to translate this into your family life to
vote. Are you registered? Do and their families cope with mental health issues and everyday strengthen your relationships.
you understand military and stressors. The MHS also promotes programs that instill the skills
federal employee guidelines needed to manage life’s challenges and encourages those with sui- Get tips for spotting warning signs, coping with the loss of a
for participating in a political cidal ideation to seek help. friend at
rally or event? Are your social
media postings getting politi- “American Airmen are agile, innovative, and always accom- September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Taking
cal? The March Air Reserve plish the mission! To do this, we overcome obstacles every day, care of your mind is just as important as your body. Find hope by
Base Installation Voting As- both professionally and personally,” said General Mark. A Welsh getting support. A team of professionals stands ready to help.
sistance Officer, Maj. Jessica III, Air Force Chief of Staff. “I urge you to guard and strengthen
Ditson, can help you find the that resilience. Take care of yourself, your family and fellow Air- This month, and all year long 24/7/365 – if you or a fellow Air-
information you need. She men. If you see someone in need, help them. If you’re the one man is in crisis, help is a phone call away. At March Air Reserve
can be reached at struggling, make the right choice and seek help from a friend, a Base, members may contact Elaine Valentine (olga.valentine@ supervisor, or a professional.”, 951-655-5097 or Frank Pavone (
or by calling 951-655-4551. mil), 951-655-4551 anytime for help. Another number you may
Don’t wait until your state’s Reaching out for help is a sign of strength – find that strength call if you need help anytime day or night is 951-655-7272. For
deadline to register. Choose to more information on how to stay supportive of your Wingman,
make your vote count! visit
LEGAL OFFICE AF emergency managers emphasize planning
during National Preparedness Month
The 452nd Air Mobility
Wing Legal Office has moved by Jess Echerri tion,” said Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work. “Prepar-
to the Wing Headquarters, Air Force Civil Engineer Center Public Affairs ing individuals, families, components and installations for di-
Bldg. 470, Room 209 (2nd sasters and emergencies -- from flooding to an active shooter
floor), 2145 Graeber St. The TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. (AFNS) -- September is -- ensures the strength of our workforce and our ability to con-
office phone numbers will re- National Preparedness Month and the Air Force Civil Engineer tinue to safeguard U.S. security.”
main the same. They are 452 Center is leading the charge for servicewide participation.
AMW/JA on UTA’s at 951- During the month, each week will be focused on planning for
655-4454; 951 RSPTS/JA on With a theme of “Don’t wait. Communicate. Make your emer- a specific hazard: flooding in week one, wildfires in week two,
weekdays at 951-655-4479. gency plan today,” this year’s focus is on emergency planning, to hurricanes in week three and power outages in week four. The
include development of evacuation plans and family communi- month culminates in National PrepareAthon Day Sept. 30.
Service members and fed- cation plans in the event of separation.
eral civilians may visit the “September 1 through 29 is more for passing out information
Air Force Legal Assistance “Preparedness is the shared responsibility of our entire na- See EMERGENCY page 4
Website at https://aflegalassis-
See BRIEFS page 3