Page 3 - March ARB Beacon 9-4-15
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb September 4, 2015 3
From BRIEFS page 1 civilian employees and management selling or advertising. All items of- time, limited, free admission to Sea-
fered must be completely FREE. The World San Diego per veteran service for wills and Powers for informal complaints concerning link is as follows: https://www.face- member and up to three guests. Visit
of Attorney (POA) and follow these discrimination. Applicants should be to register for
steps: at ease with oral and written commu- tnmn#!/marchairmansattic. Please and obtain your free admissions. Ad-
nication to all pay grades, and have share the site with your family and ditional tickets are available for pur-
1. Go to legal worksheets tab and the ability to remain neutral while friends so we can help some of our chase from the Tickets & Tours of-
complete wills and/or POAs. performing his or her duties. The addi- own. fice.
tional duty will not exceed 20 percent
2. Save the ticket number(s). Hint: of the counselor’s primary job duties. REGISTER FOR YELLOW Discount Movie Tickets
Use your smart phone to take a screen Applicants range from GS-05 to GS- RIBBON EVENTS Available for only $10 each and
shot of the ticket number(s). 12 or equivalent. Primary supervisor valid for Regal Cinemas, United Art-
concurrence required. Training is re- The September 25-27 Yellow Rib- ists Theatres and Edwards Cinemas.
3. Provide legal office with the quired, date/time to be determined. If bon event is open for registration for Hotel Discounts
ticket number(s) and last name(s) via interested, contact Ms Paula Green- eligible members. For more forma- Receive 10% off any Best Western
email at or haw,, Maj. tion, contact 1st Lt. Shelley Lawrence, and 15% off any Choice Hotel
telephone (listed above). Nixomar Santiago, nixomar.santia- your 452nd Air Mobility Wing Yellow Visit the Tickets & Tours page at Ribbon representative, for details at and download the
Any feedback for the March ABR 951-655-4615. Discount Ticket Price List for a full
legal offices is greatly appreciated. list of discounts tickets prices, hotel
Complete a client feedback survey at HOUSEKEEPER JOBS discounts and special promotions. The March Inn has non-appropriated Call Tickets & Tours at 951-655-4123
funds job vacancy announcements listed for more information.
452 AMW EQUAL SINGER/EMCEE at for housekeepers.
OPPORTUNITY MOVES TO AUDITIONS SEPT 12 Applications being accepted on website. FINAL, FREE, SUMMER
Auditions for national anthem sing- OUTDOOR MOVIE
BLDG 470 ers and master/mistress of ceremonies HAP ARNOLD CLUB
Please be advised that the 452nd Air for the Nov 21, 2015 military mall The Back Street Café is temporar- Outdoor Recreation is pleased to
Mobility Wing’s Equal Opportunity will be Sept 12, 9-11 a.m., inside Sal- ily operating in the Grande Ballroom announce their summer movie series.
office for EO (military) and EEO (ci- ly’s Alley on base. Stop by and strut at the Hap Arnold Club and serving All movies are free and start at dusk
vilian) services has moved and is now your stuff for an opportunity to be an breakfast and lunch. Most of your on the “A” and “B” UTA’s. Bring your
located on the second floor of the Wing integral part of the annual event. All Back Street favorites are available, own chairs, blankets, snacks, etc., and
Headquarters, Bldg 470, Room 207, are welcomed! such as breakfast burritos, french join us on the lawn behind the Out-
2145 Graeber St. Phone numbers will toast, fried chicken, March Burger, door Recreation/Tickets and Tours -
remain the same and are: EO Special- HELP DECORATE THE salmon sandwich and more! Down- Bldg. 434. Be sure to take all of your
ists (EO/EEO) (military staff): 951- BACK STREET CAFÉ load the full menu with pricing at belongings and properly dispose of
655-4782; EEO Counselor (civilian You are invited to be part of the Hours of operation your trash before you leave. Movies
staff): 951-655-7402; FAX: x2066. Back Street Café’s transformation. are Monday through Friday: 6:30-10 are open to anyone with base access.
All individuals are to be provided The Hap Arnold Club is looking for a.m. for breakfast and 11 a.m. – 1:30 For more information, call Outdoor
the opportunity to reach their full po- “Team March” specific items/memo- p.m. for lunch. Recreation at 951-655-2816.
tential, free from unlawful discrimina- rabilia to decorate the walls of the new UTA operating hours are 5:30-9
tion and harassment regardless of race, Back Street Café. Bring items to Bldg. a.m. for breakfast (Sat & Sun); 11-1 Sep. 12: McFarland USA (PG-
color, national origin, religion and sex 434, the administrative office by Sep p.m. for lunch (Sat & Sun), and 4-8 13) - A cross country coach in a small
(gender, sexual harassment, sexual ori- 15, 2015. Any unused items will be p.m. for dinner (Fri & Sat). California town transforms a team of
entation). returned. Call 951-655-2801 for more athletes into championship contend-
Civilian protected categories also information. MARCH TICKETS & TOURS ers. Stars: Kevin Costner, Maria Bello,
include: disability (physical & men- Water Park Specials Ramiro Rodriguez
tal), age (40+ years), genetic informa- ANNUAL KID’S RUN Aquatica: $36 adult; $31 child
tion and reprisal (for EEO activity). AND ADULT 5K Six Flags Hurricane Harbor: $31 LEARN TO FLY WITH THE
Services offered are: AERO CLUB
- Discrimination and Sexual Harass- The 452nd Force Support Squadron adult/child
ment Complaint Assistance Fitness Center’s Annual Kids & Adult Raging Waters: $37 adult/child The March Aero Club offers flight
- Alternative Dispute Resolution 5K Run, in conjunction with the 1st Knott’s Soak City: $29 adult; $24 training (flying, private license,
(ADR) through Mediation and Fa- Sgt’s Council, is scheduled for Sept. ground school, instrument training) at
cilitation 12, 2015 at 7 a.m. across from the air child very reasonable rates including a pay-
- Human Relations Education traffic control tower. Check-in time Splash Kingdom: $22 adult; $14 as-you-go plan with zero down. Visit
(Newcomers, First Duty Station, Key is 5:30 a.m. This one event includes Hangar 355 on base or call 951-655-
Personnel Brief, Sexual Harassment a kids’ and adults’ 5K run, and a 1st child (ages 3-10) 3875 for more information.
Awareness, TDY Brief, EO Refresher) Sgt’s unit formation run. Kid’s age Helpful links to water park summer
- DEOMI Equal Opportunity Cli- groups are: 5-6, 7-8, and 9-13. Med- See BRIEFS page 5
mate Assessments (DEOCS) als and T-shirts will be awarded along schedules available at MarchFSS.
- Advisor for Special Observances with a unit trophy. Sign up at ameri- com.
recognizing minorities and women
Amusement Park Specials
MARCH EQUAL VIRTUAL AIRMAN’S ATTIC Castle Park: $16 per person in-
OPPORTUNITY SEEKS Did you know March ARB has cludes unlimited rides, water park ac-
cess, miniature golf and the new Sky
COUNSELORS a virtual Airman’s Attic? Log on to Rider.
The March EO office is looking for Facebook and search “March ARB Disney 3-Day Park Hopper mili-
ARTs/civilians interested in training Airman’s Attic” to like it. The site is tary special: $130 per person (adult/
to serve as Collateral Equal Opportu- where all Team March members can child)
nity counselors. This is an additional post things they are in need of and/ SeaWorld “Waves of Honor” spe-
duty appointment. The Collateral EO or offer items (for FREE) that they cial: Extended through November
counselors serve as a bridge between would like to donate to help someone 11, 2015. Program provides a one-
at March in need. The site is NOT for