Page 10 - Aerotech News and Review, July 9, 2021
P. 10

Homes for Rent           Announcements            Park Terrace aParTmenTs                       Ask About our MilitAry Discounts
                                                      1 & 2 bedroom
         ROSAMOND            DEADLINE for all classified

    Quiet Westpark 3Bed, 2Bath,   ads isTUESDAY @ NOON            from
    3 Car Garage. 1,750Sqft., Patio  the week of publication.  $
   Microwave/Dishwasher/Washer/                               1,250
    Dryer/220V. $1850/Mo + Sec   Garage & Yard Sales
   Dep. Available August 1st. Military
     Discount / Clause Homes.  PCSing? Or just got
     mil  ID#: 931389                                                                           We have your Storage Solution!
     #4664542 No Smoking/Pets   Too much stuff???        Good Credit & Rental References required           Electronic Gate Access  Online Bill Pay & Auto Pay
        (562) 714-6686 cell   ******************************                                                Individual Door Alarms   Safe, Secure & Convenient
                             GARAGE/YARD SALE         West Lancaster 661-948-1441                            Surveillance Cameras  Uhaul Rentals & Moving Supplies
   Employment Opportunities   Attract More Customers
                               With a Classified Ad!                                                                   CALL uS todAy!

                                 Call 877-247-9288
     The best applicant       Aerotech News & Review    LEARN HOW TO BE AN O/O                                   42738 4th Street East • Lancaster, CA
        is out there.           or email classifi eds@                                                   661-952-7864 •
     *****************************                        JOiN OuR TEAm
         Place An Ad for                                                Must have one year experience
      Your Business Today!        Real Estate                                   Pass a drug
         Aerotech News                                                                                       NOTICE OF PUBLIC LIEN SALES
      877-247-9288 or email:   All real estate advertised in                 Have a clean record           Business & Professional Code Section 21700-21707
   classifi  this publication is subject to              Stay out 2-3 weeks
                             the Federal Fair Housing Act                Make no less than $2k week     Notice is hereby given by the undersigned that a
        Cars & Trucks        of 1968, which makes it illegal                                            public lien sale of the following described personal
                              to advertise any preference,    Please call 725-233-0308 or               property  will  be  held  at  the  hours  of  12  noon  on
                              limitation or discrimination
       Got a new ride?       based on race color, religion, or   email   the 14th day of July 2021 or thereafter. The auction
        Selling a car?       national origin, or an intention                                           is  being  held  at  by
       ************************  to make such preference                                                competitive bid.   The property is stored by Nova
     Call Today to place your ad  limitation or discrimination. Real                                    Storage located 825 W Avenue L12., Lancaster, CA
    Aerotech News 877-247-9288   estate advertisements that are   ADVERTISEMENT OF SALE                 93534.
                             in violation of the law shall not
      or email: classifi eds@  be accepted for publication.   Notice is hereby given that the Undersigned intents to sell the     All dwellings advertised in this   Personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on   The  items  to  be  sold  are  generally  described  as
                             publication are available on an   said property pursuant to sections 21700-21716 of the California   follows:  Furniture,  clothing,  tools  and  or  other
                                 equal opportunity    Business & Professions code. Section 2328 of the UCC, Section   household items stored by the following persons.
                                                      535 of the Penal Code, provisions of the Civil Code.
                                                      The Undersigned will sell at public sale by competitive bidding   164 Fields, Gary
                                                      at  to  end  July  11,  2021  at    572 Baker, Michael
                                                      6:00 pm on the premises where said property has been stored   328 Smith Jr, Eugene
     MTSI now hiring at Edwards AFB!                  & which are located at: Storage Solution 42738 4  Street East,   Date:  June 28, 2021   Signed NOVA STORAGE
                                                      Lancaster, CA 93535 County of Los Angeles, State of California.
                  Positions Include:                  The following Property consists of:  Clothes, Electronics, Car   This notice is given in accordance with the provisions
                                                                                                        of  section  21700  et  seq.  of  Business  &  Professional
    Flight Test Engineers • Electronic Warfare Engineers  Items, Tools, Furniture, Toys, Personal Items & More.  Code  of  the  Sate  of  California.The  owner  reserves
       Simulation Engineers • Strategic Test Planners                     NAME:                         the right to bid at the sale. All purchased goods are
            Employee Owned • Excellent Benefits                Luis Membreno • Jolene Franklin Uribe    sold “As Is” and must be paid for and removed at the
                                                          Hope Keeling • Allen Nelson • Hans Von Siebenhoven    time of sale. Sales subject to prior cancellation in the
                                    James Lawson • Rachel Ineama           event of settlement between owner & obligated party.
                                                                                                        Auctioneer: Nova Storage

                                                        Hiring Heroes to Improve                             NOTICE OF PUBLIC LIEN SALES
   Ciuniurumauten. Welcome.                               the Lives of Our Patients                        Business & Professional Code Section 21700-21707
   The Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation,                                                              Notice is hereby given by the undersigned that a public
   commonly referred to as YKHC, is a Tribal                                                            lien  sale  of  the  following  described  personal  property
   Organization that administers a comprehensive                                                        will  be  held  at  the  hours  of  12  noon  on  the  14th  day
   health care delivery system for 58 rural                                                             of July 2021 or thereafter. The auction is being held at
   communities in southwest Alaska.                                                            by competitive bid.   The
                                                                                                        property  is  stored  by  Nova  Storage  located  3305  E.
                          Calillguteksaraq.                                                             Palmdale Blvd., Palmdale, CA 93550.
                          Working together.
                          YKHC  is  you,  our  customer,  our  employee,                                The items to be sold are generally described as follows:
                          and our neighbor. At home in rural southwest                                  Furniture,  clothing,  tools  and  or  other  household  items
                          Alaska,  your  talent  and  experience  become                                stored by the following persons.
                          the fabric of our mission working together. Our
                          expansive healthcare system is a place where                                            E398  Payton, Florence
                          families and communities depend on you for                                              E303  Trinidad, Rodrigo
                          exceptional  care  and  are  ready  to  warmly                                          F550  Mata, Denise
                          welcome you. This is the spirit of the culture,                                         D220  Ortiz, Joseph
                          people and community of Yukon-Kuskokwim                                                 F509  Stanton, Michelle
                          Delta.                                                                                  B057  Johnson, Monique
                                                                                                                  E306  Perez, Jose
        We are dedicated to providing career and                                                                  B067  Mcivker, Gene
          education opportunities. Learn More!                                                                    F501  Stocker, Ernest
                                                                                                                        Lawrence, Michelle
           Browse Our Current Job Openings.
                                                                                                        Date:  June 28, 2021   Signed NOVA STORAGE
                                                               For more information, visit              This notice is given in accordance with the provisions of section
                    Contact YKHC                                                                        21700 et seq. of Business & Professional Code of the Sate of
             YKHC Recruitment Department at                                  California.The  owner  reserves  the  right  to  bid  at  the  sale.  All or call (907) 545-6060                                                   purchased  goods  are  sold  “As  Is”  and  must  be  paid  for  and
                                                                                                        removed at the time of sale. Sales subject to prior cancellation
                                                                                                        in  the  event  of  settlement  between  owner  &  obligated  party.
     For more information visit                                                            Auctioneer: Nova Storage

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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