Page 7 - Aerotech News and Review, July 9, 2021
P. 7

High Desert Hangar Stories
          Military and aircraft legacies honored, as air shows resume in 2021

          by Bob Alvis
          special to Aerotech News
           This past 4th of July weekend, I was
          thinking back on all the great events I
          have attended over the years in com-
          memoration of national holidays.
           One thing that I will always be grate-
          ful for are the hundreds of air shows I
          have attended and been blessed to work
          at. As I looked over our Antelope Val-
          ley landscape the other night, and as
          the “rocket’s red glare” got a bit crazy
          for my taste, I got to thinking back to
          the time when celebratory explosions
          were not made for entertainment, but
          to achieve an objective in a time of war.
           The military involvement and dis-
          plays at air shows are two-fold, as
          their participation is about recruitment                                                                                                Air Force photograph
          and showcasing modern technology                            Air Force photograph by Tech. Sgt. Sergio Gamboa  A U.S. Air Force F-4 Phantom in flight over Southeast Asia.
          in an entertaining format. But we also   Capt. Haden “Gator” Fullam, A-10  Thunderbolt II Demonstration  Team
          realize — especially those of us who   commander and pilot, performs an aerial demonstration during the 2021  Lancaster, many Americans are look-  flights over Vietnam.
          understand patriotism and service to   Bethpage Airshow at Wantagh, N.Y., May 31, 2021.   ing forward to the chance to once again   On the ground, those A-10s will also
          country — that at air shows there is an                                                   return to tarmacs across the country to   serve another mission: to educate the
          underlying message that pays tribute to   lose the individual pride they had that   a reminder of pain or suffering to those   enjoy and be educated with the enter-  public about the human cost of the war
          those generations that came before, and   makes them truly American. Symbols   under siege, or evoke a moment of ju-  tainment that will once again take to the   by displaying the names of the miss-
          may in some way connect to a family’s   and nose art became more generic as   bilation as an enemy is defeated. Air   skies. One of the aspects that caught my   ing in action and prisoners of war who
          legacy.                       the tide changed. Many an old Airman,   shows over the years have given mili-  attention that addresses what my words   served in the 355th Tactical Fighter
           Some time ago I was getting the   and some new, felt a kind of a betrayal,   tary veterans the opportunity to attend,   here are trying to explain: the return to   Wing during Vietnam. These are the
          feeling that the military branches, es-  as what had been a part of their years of   remember, reminisce about and share   programs that take our frontline mili-  predecessors of the current 355th Wing
          pecially my beloved Air Force, were   service was deemed undesirable or un-  their wartime experiences. It’s also an   tary aircraft and use them not just as   Airmen who now operate out of Davis-
          doing their best to put the past in the   acceptable by policy makers. Luckily,   opportunity for families to better under-  eye candy in the sky, but to also carry   Monthan Air Force base in Arizona.
          rearview mirror. Many traditions and   the haven and spectacle of an air show   stand a loved one’s service to country,   a message to make future generations   Many people will never understand
          remembrances that celebrated the gen-  can for many be a place where they do   by experiencing the sights and sounds   think about where our history comes   what all this symbolism is about and
          erations that had come before, and   not feel the pressures of modern soci-  and, yes, explosions of those warbirds   from and who those patriots were to   will find ways to ignore it, but we as
          commemorated what their military in-  ety, but can connect back in a historical   of past and current generations, and   whom we owe so much.  a nation must never forget the good or
          volvement looked like when they put   context to the times (good or bad) that   getting a feel for their family legacy   The Air Force legacy paint schemes
          on the uniform of our country, were be-  defined their service to country.   or a better understanding of a friend or   that are finding their way back on to our   the bad of the wars in which we have
          ing removed. As museums and flight   The explosions of the 4th of July   neighbor.        military aircraft are a welcome return to   fought. At the end of the day, the men
          lines started to lose the spirit of Air-  can, in many ways, be a “trigger” of   With the air show circuit opening   paying our respects to those who came   and women that fought those wars and
          men who took pride in personalizing   experiences that were lived in combat   back up, including the upcoming 2021   before and those who lost their lives in   have those memories are not only our
          their assigned aircraft, we started to   so many years ago. They can be either   Los Angeles Air Show at Fox Field in   defense of our freedoms. When I saw   friends and neighbors, but also our fam-
                                                                                                    that the Air Force A-10 Warthog Dem-  ily. We owe it to them to take a few
                                                                                                    onstration Team would paint its plane   moments, even at something as celebra-
                                                                                                    in Southeast Asia Vietnam camouflage   tory as an air show, and give thanks that
                                                                                                    to pay tribute to the Airmen who flew   they answered the call and did not turn
                                                                                                    the F-4s, F-105s and a slew of other   their back on those in need of heroes.
                                                                                                    vintage aircraft, I could not have been   Looking forward to seeing you folks
                                                                                                    happier. I was a small part of that gen-  out on the fields, as our air shows re-
                                                                                                    eration of Airmen who supported those   turn!
                                                                                                    missions and got to personally know a
                                                                                                    lot of those guys who sweated out those   Until next time, Bob out …

                                                                      Air Force photograph by Tech. Sgt. Sergio Gamboa
          Capt. Haden “Gator” Fullam, A-10 Thunderbolt II Demonstration Team commander and pilot, sits in an A-10 at Patrick                      Air Force photograph
          Space Force Base, Fla., April 15, 2021. Listed on the aircraft are all the 355th Tactical Fighter Wing Airmen who were   Airmen at Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base enjoy some ‘down time’ near a U.S.
          killed in action or held as prisoners of war during the Vietnam War. The 355th TFW is the predecessor unit to the current   Air Force F-105 Thunderchief.
          355th Wing based at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz.

                                                                 Aerotech News and Review
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