Page 2 - Aerotech News and Review, July 9, 2021
P. 2

Flight plan for 2021 LA Air Show at Fox Field takes shape



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                                                                                                      Air Force photograph    (661) 945-5634
   The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds perform at an air show as part of their 2021 season.
                                                                                                                         Story ideas, letters, editorials
   by Larry Grooms and Stuart Ibberson                       Other confirmed aerial displays include the U.S. Air Force F-35 Lightning   Please send all letters and editorials to
   Aerotech News                                           II demonstration team, and the Air Force Heritage Flight.      Stuart A. Ibberson, editor,
                                                             Tickets went on sale July 2 at           at
     LANCASTER, Calif.—With just three and a half months left before take-  Alongside the new website, there is also a new Facebook presence at
   off, the Los Angeles County Air Show at Fox Field in Lancaster has a new
   name and website, new faces in management, a new business partner and   Philanthropic efforts will also continue as, according to Dunbar, the LA
   plans still to be made public.                          Air Show will support a variety of local charities. One announced charity   Web Site
     The 2021 LA Air Show will be at Fox Field in Lancaster the weekend of   is the Cajun Scholarship.                   Access the Aerotech News web
   Oct. 23-24.                                               The Cajun Scholarship honors fallen Thunderbird and Valencia, Calif.,   site at
     Dennis Dunbar, a veteran of air shows around the country including here   native Maj. Stephen “Cajun” Del Bagno by providing scholarships to avia-
   in the Antelope Valley, is the air show director. Dunbar served as air show   tion students. Del Bagno died in an aircraft crash April 4, 2018, while flying   Submissions for upcoming events, air
                                                                                                                             shows and museums
   director at Fox Field from 2014 to 2016.                with the Thunderbirds.                                            should be emailed to
     The air show team has partnered with AirDotShow ( to bring the   Each year the Cajun Scholarship goes to a student who is in need, to help
   LA Air Show to the people.                              them pursue a future in aviation.  The recipients are selected by those who
     “I’ve worked as a contractor with Bryan Lilley [] and his team   were closest to Cajun: his father, mother, two sisters and two closest friends.   For questions concerning the web site,
   several times over many years,” said Dunbar. “We met while working to-  The new website also includes a section for volunteers to sign up.  contact the webmaster at
   gether on a show at the Kennedy Space Center back in 2007. Bryan has   In a letter to former volunteers, Dunbar said, “Many of you have been
   surrounded himself with a talented team of innovative professionals and   involved in the air show since 2014, some of you have no clue who I am, but
   puts on air shows in Cocoa Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Atlanta, Ocean City,   all of you have put your heart and soul into making the previous air shows
   New York and Orlando.                                   at Fox Field a success. We want you to know that you will continue to have   Where you can get
     “Recently they have combined these events into a series called the Air-  that opportunity.”                         Aerotech News and Review
   DotShowLive tour, utilizing on demand content and livestreaming of these   Dunbar went on to reassure volunteers that while “the entity may be com-  For information on
   events to appeal to a wider audience,” Dunbar added.    pletely different, the roles you filled will be very similar and we are going   Aerotech distribution, call
     The LA Air Show is the first West Coast addition to the tour. People from   to have a good time doing it, together.”  (661) 945-5634 or visit
   all over the world will have an opportunity to see the show.  Volunteers can sign up at   
     Headlining the LA Air Show will be the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds   “Things are definitely happening fast now, and we will be back in touch
   showcasing their redesigned aerial demonstration, that also includes an up-  with more information soon,” Dunbar said. “I am so excited to be back in
   dated ground show performance.                          the Aerospace Valley.”
                                                                                                                      Aerotech News and Review is published
   Thunderbirds to perform new aerial show                                                                             aerospace and defense industry of
                                                                                                                         every other Friday, serving the
                                                                                                                        Southern California, Nevada and
                                                                                                                      Arizona. News and ad copy deadline
     With the 2021 show season underway, the   played a valuable role in meeting and achiev-  off the demonstration and showcases the at-
                                                                                                                        is noon on the Tuesday prior to
   U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds are showing off   ing the goal of redesigning a presentation that   tention to detail and esprit de corps that de-  publication. The publisher assumes no
   their newly redesigned aerial display and   is compatible, safe, and engaging for air show   fines the team’s enlisted members.  responsibility for error in ads other
   ground routine.                      attendees observing the new demonstration.  “We looked at how to get the aircraft out,   than space used. Your comments are
     Last year, the Thunderbirds were able to   The most noticeable changes to the per-  taxied, and airborne in a more efficient man-
   focus on and fully commit to enhancing their   formance are the reordering and implemen-  ner so the crowd can enjoy both the ground   welcomed and encouraged. Write to
                                                                                                                              the address below.
   aerial demonstration and ground show, after   tation of new maneuvers during the aerial   show performance and the aerial demonstra-
   most of their 2020 show season air shows   demonstration. The new show sequence now   tion,” said Capt. Mike Bell, Thunderbirds
   were canceled due to the spread of the coro-  follows seven distinct themes that focus on   Maintenance officer. “We shortened the num-
   navirus.                             increasing crowd excitement, tapping into the   ber of steps to launch the F-16s and replaced   •  Publisher  ....................Paul Kinison
     “We are very excited about the changes   emotions of onlookers and showcasing the   verbal communication with hand signals.”  •  Business Manager  ....... Lisa Kinison
   we have made to our show and ground per-  complexities of the maneuvers in a gradual   Bell also shared that the revised ground   •  Editor .................... Stuart Ibberson
                                                                                                                      •  National Advertising
   formance,” said Col. John Caldwell, Thun-  manner. It also includes two new maneuvers:   show serves as a salute to deployed members,   Manager  .....................Paul Kinison
   derbirds commander and leader. “One of our   the Low Bomb Burst with Hit, which will be   as it mirrors and showcases the rapid gen-
   main goals was to take a look at our show   flown in every show; and the Stinger Cross   eration capabilities of maintenance personnel
   sequence and enhance the design with the   Break, which will only be performed during   supporting Air Force fighter aircraft during
   crowd experience in mind.”           the six-ship low and flat shows as well as   alert situations and combat.      Aerotech News and Review
     The show revision required a lot of hard   five-ship shows.                Lastly,  the  team  reduced  the  overall   e-mail:
   work, historical research and coordination   Furthermore, the Thunderbirds streamlined   show  from  90  to  50  minutes,  added  new   Visit our web site at
   with the air show industry, Thunderbird alum-  their maintenance ground show, which is a   music and revised the show’s narration to
   ni, Air Combat Command, and Headquarters   sharply choreographed, drill-style perfor-  fit  the  new,  high-energy  performance  of
   Air Force. Every Thunderbirds team member   mance by maintenance personnel that kicks   the demonstration.

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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