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Vol. 81, No. 14 March Air Reserve Base, California Friday, April 8, 2016
NEWS BRIEFS Department of Defense announces pilot
tutoring program for service members
LOT SALE MAY 5-8 by Erin Roberts DOD illustration/DANTES public affairs
Your MarchARB commissary Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support Public Affairs
will have their May 2016 Case sonal information is shared between the tutor and student.
lot sale May 5-8. They will have PENSACOLA, Fla. (AFNS) -- Officials with the Defense De- Students can access the online service using any internet-en-
savings of up to 60% on cases of partment Voluntary Education Program and the Defense Activity
your favorite products. Come out for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) announced abled device, including smart phones and tablets. If it’s just a quick
and take advantage of your ben- the launch of a pilot tutoring program that will provide service question, tutors are available on demand, or students can schedule
efit and save big with great prices members with tutoring support at no cost, anytime, anywhere. future tutoring sessions or upload papers for offline review.
on paper products, detergents,
cereal, pet food and cases of can “If a service member is struggling with a college course or “The Defense Department wants service members to be suc-
goods. They will also be offering simply needs help with a homework assignment, this DOD-fund- cessful in pursuing professional development,” Allen said. “DOD
great savings again this case lot ed tool offers a place to go to get answers,” said Jeff Allen, the currently maintains a variety of education resources to help mem-
on Johnsonville DANTES director. bers pursue their education. Tutoring services are being piloted to
sausage while supplies last. further explore the addition of this type of tool as another way to
Don’t forget to check out the The program provides around-the-clock, online tutoring services help service members succeed in their military careers.”
great prices offered in their meat for active-duty service members, Coast Guard members and full/
and produce departments. There part time National Guard and Reserve component members. Some The program employs more than 3,100 expert tutors who are
will be refreshments provided family members are also eligible to use the tutoring services. carefully screened, background-checked experts providing safe
courtesy of their commissary and secure assistance. No personal information is shared between
vendors. The commissary is lo- The program is available online at, and the tutor and student.
cated east of March ARB at the provides one-on-one tutoring with educators in more than 40 col-
crossing of 6th Street and Meyer lege subjects, including algebra, statistics, physiology and more. No matter what shift a Service member works, tutoring services
Drive. Your March Commissary, The tutors provide help with all types of homework assignments are available around-the-clock, 361 days a year. The only days that
It’s Worth the Trip! and test preparation. Tutors and students communicate in a secure services are not available are New Year’s Day, Independence Day,
online classroom using text chat and by drawing on an interactive Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
VOLUNTEER VICTIM whiteboard. There are no webcams or telephones used and no per-
ADVOCATES NEEDED To find out more about DOD’s pilot tutoring program by go-
ing to the For more information on tutoring services
The SAPR Program March and other DOD education resources, visit the DANTES website at
ARB is looking for a select
group of individuals to act as
volunteer victim advocates with
the Sexual Assault Prevention
and Response Program, March
ARB. Basic requirements in-
clude: Formal application, ap-
proval from the volunteers’
commander and 40 hours of
Victim Advocate training from
an Air Force approved course.
Applicants will then be required
to apply for certification with the
National Organization of Victim
Advocates (NOVA). There will
be a 40-hour course offered at
March ARB on May 2. Appli-
cants to the program must have
clean background check, pos-
sess excellent communication
skills, be of outstanding char-
acter and judgment and will-
ing to respond to incidents of a
very personal nature with great
discretion while adhering to Air
See BRIEFS page 3