Page 3 - March ARB Beacon 4-8-16
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb       April 8, 2016                               3

From BRIEFS page 1                           can border north to the Orange County     your shop/office trash can. Be on time.          FITNESS CENTER NEWS
                                                                                       Due to construction in this area, parking      The March Fitness Center has re-
Force protocol in respect to the SAPR        and Riverside County areas, and from      is very limited so carpooling is encour-    ceived the Wellbeats Virtual Group Fit-
program. Please contact the SAPR office       the Pacific Ocean east to include Impe-    aged. Be diligent if walking or driving     ness Kiosk. This kiosk allows members
March ARB at 951-655-4551 or email at        rial County. Membership is open to any    in this area as there is heavy equipment    to participate in virtual fitness classes.                       federally commissioned officer, warrant    and semi-truck traffic traversing this re-      Daily WellBeats Fitness Schedule is:
                                             officer, of the National Guard, Reserve,   duced-access, traffic zone. Safety first!        Mondays: 10:30 a.m. – REV (spin);
                                                                                       Thank you for your support!                 12:15 p.m. – Yoga
         APRIL MONTH OF                      Active Component, Former officers or                                                      Tuesdays: 12:15 p.m. – Fit for Duty;
    MILITARY CHILD EVENT                     Retired officers and their spouses and        SARC HOSTS FREE MIND                     4:00 p.m. – REV
   Announcing the 3rd Annual April,          recently includes non-commissioned of-    BODY RESILIENCY CLASSES                        Wednesdays: 6 a.m. – Yoga/Pilates;
Month of the Military Child event in         ficers. The March ROA chapter Junior                                                   11 a.m. – V.I.B.E./Toning; 12:15 p.m. -
Los Angeles on Sunday, April 17 from         Officer Liaison is Capt. Lombardo at          Are you interested in learning more      REV
1:30 - 4:00 p.m. This event held at the      951-655-5722.                             about the Mind and Body connection             Thursdays: 11 a.m. – REV; 12:45
Los Angeles Public Library - Downtown,                                                 and how this can promote better overall     p.m. – Fit for Duty
is a collaborative effort by members of         Find The ROA Department of the         health? Then come join the interactive         Fridays: 11 a.m. – Core; 11:15 a.m.
the Los Angeles Veterans Collaborative       Golden West, which covers California      and informational series of one-hour        Pilates
                                             and Nevada, at                classes based on the Benson-Henry Insti-       Wellbeats offers many more classes
                                                                                       tute for Mind Body Medicine’s Resilient     available at the members’ request.
- Families & Children Working Group.         ENLISTED DEVELOPMENTAL                    Warrior. Classes are scheduled on the A        FIP (Fitness Improvement classes)
There will be activities and goodies for            EDUCATION BOARD                    and B Unit Training Assemblies through      available through our Wellbeats Kiosk.
children up to age 12 years, but all are                                               September 2016. Topics for the six-part        Additional opportunities for fitness:
welcome to attend. Share this invitation        Air Reserve Personnel Center officials  series include                                 Tuesday, 11 a.m. and Thursday,
with your military-connected families.       will release the Invitation to Apply and                                              12:15 p.m. – Battle ropes training
Last year they hosted children from          open the application cycle for the an-       - Stress Reactions and Relaxation Re-       Monday, 10:30 a.m. and Wednesday,
throughout the Southern California area.     nual Enlisted Developmental Education     sponse                                      11:30 a.m. – TRX
Complete the online registration to as-      Board Friday, Feb. 5. The EDEB will                                                      A & B UTA Saturdays, 7 a.m. –
sist with planning for this event. Chil-     convene May 16 at HQ ARPC. All ap-           - Getting Good Sleep                     Wellbeats Fit for Duty
dren registered by March 4 will receive a    plications are due to ARPC no later than     - Mindfulness and a Positive State of       A & B UTA Sundays, 7 a.m. – Well-
certificate from the Office of Mayor Eric      April 15, 4:30 p.m. MT. Call the Total    Mind                                        beats REV
Garcetti. Registration closes on April       Force Service Center at DSN 665-0102         - Yin and Yang of Resiliency                A UTA Saturdays, 5 p.m. – Virtual
10th. For more information or to register,   or 210-565-0102 for questions or further     - Yoga & Journaling                      Strength “Fit for Duty”
contact Deborah J. Hayes, dejhayescon-       information.                                 - Social Connections & Communica-           B UTA, 5 – 7 p.m. – Pick-up basket-
                                                                                       tion                                        ball You may also do-          MARCH FIELD AIRFEST ON                       Time and Location:                          Coming in 2016: Inter-Services Golf
nate items in support of this event, (chil-       WEB/SOCIAL MEDIA                        UTA Sundays, 11 a.m. - noon              Tournament, Team Cohesion Challenge,
dren’s books, gift cards, small toys, etc.)                                               Bldg. 470, room 205                      Armed Forces 5K Run.
                                              The March Field AirFest Website             Contact or           Call the Fitness & Sports center at
                                                                                       655-4551 for more information. No res-      951-655-2292 to sign up or for more in-
RETIREE ACTIVITIES OFFICE                    is now live at http://marchfieldairfest.   ervation required.                          formation on these programs.
      NEEDS VOLUNTEERS              Also, like us on Face-                                                     Class descriptions:
                                             book, and follow us on Twitter and Ins-       REGISTER FOR YELLOW                        Circuit Training – a high intensity in-
   The March Retiree Activities Office        tagram for AirFest updates. Find us on              RIBBON EVENTS                     terval training class that integrated cardio
is in need of volunteers who can donate      Facebook at March Field AirFest; on Ins-                                              and muscular endurance exercises
just three hours of their time weekly to     tagram @MarchFieldAirFest; on Twitter        Upcoming dates for Yellow Ribbon            Core – various classes from our Well-
help fellow retirees and their families. To  @MarchAirFest. Join the conversations!!   events are Mar 18-20, Apr. 22-24, May       Beats system that focus entirely on work-
volunteer or for more information, call                                                20-22, Jun 17-19. For more formation,       ing out your core
                                                                                       contact 1st Lt. Shelley Lawrence, your         Fit for Duty – a high-energy, extreme,
951-655-4077/4079.                           EDUCATION & TRAINING                      452nd Air Mobility Wing Yellow Ribbon       conditioning workout led by service
                                                                                       representative, for details at 951-655-     members with expertise in fitness train-
           JOINT OFFICER                       OFFICE TO PROVIDE MASS                  4615.                                       ing
           PROFESSIONAL                                     BRIEFINGS                                                                 Functional Fitness – A type of high-
   DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR                                                                 BACK STREET GRILL HOURS                     intensity interval training combining car-
   The Defense Education Forum (DEF)            The March Education and Training          Hours of operation for the newly reno-   dio and weight training into one short but
in conjunction with the Reserve Officers      will hold mass briefings on Sundays dur-                                               intense class with mobility drills, moun-
Association Department of the Golden         ing each Unit Training Assembly for any   vated Back Street Grill are Monday – Fri-   tain climbers, lunges, push-up, kettle-
West with host a Joint Officer Profes-        Tuition Assistance, GI Bill and Commu-    day for breakfast from 6:30 to 10 a.m.,     bells, goblet squats duck walk, run.
sional Development Seminar (JOPDS)           nity College of the Air Force (CCAF) in-  for lunch from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.; UTA       Fusion – an integration of yoga and
April 22-24, 2016 at the Holiday Inn         quiries. Their schedule is as follows:    weekends for breakfast (Sat & Sun) from     Pilates exercises with attention to breath,
Bayside, San Diego. The Department                                                     5:30 to 9 a.m., for lunch (Sat & Sun)       form, flow and body balance.
Convention is being held concurrently.          Community College of the Air Force     from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., for dinner (Sat     Kinetics – a total body, multi-activity
   The JOPDS is one of the premier           (CCAF) 8 - 8:30 a.m.                      only) from 4 to 8 p.m. Additionally, the    class that includes sports-style cardio in-
professional development opportunities                                                 Back Street Grill proudly serves Star-      tervals with resistance training circuits
available to our younger officers and is         Tuition Assistance/GI Bill 8:30 - 9    bucks Monday – Friday from 6:30 a.m.        and muscle isolation work
one of the only professional development     a.m.                                      to 3 p.m. and UTAs (Sat & Sun) from 6          REV – an indoor cycling class that
seminars to emphasize joint service par-                                               a.m. to 3 p.m.                              combines sprints, climbs, intervals,
                                                There is no need to sign up for the                                                drills, terrain, and technique training
                                             briefings. For more information, contact                GRILL NIGHT
                                             the March Education and Training office            AT SALLY’S ALLEY                                           See BRIEFS page 4
                                             at 951-655-6739.                             Every Wednesday night starting at 4
                                                                                       p.m., Sally’s Alley is open for business
ticipation. To date, more than a thousand    BASE FOD WALK                             with Grill Night. For more information,
                                                                                       call them at 951-653-2121.
young officers from all services have SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 19

benefited from these ROA DEF events.          The next Base Foreign Object Walk is

The ROA Chapter #57, at March scheduled for Apr. 19 with a show time

ARB, is part of The San Diego Chapter of 7:15 a.m. sharp in the vicinity of Air

which is made up of Reserve Officers Traffic Control Tower, north of the con-

of the United States Armed Services. struction barriers. There will be flags des-

Their geographical area encompasses the ignating the official starting point. Please

greater San Diego area from the Mexi- bring a plastic trash bag, like the one in
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