Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 10-30-15
P. 7

Thunderbolt             News                                                                                                                                                         Oct. 30, 2015              7                                                                                                                              

From pharmacist to Airman

6WDII6JW$VKOH\%\HUVWK)RUFH6XSSRUW6TXDGURQFRPPDQGHUVVXSSRUWVWDII                                       6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\                      stress. Making sure they’re taken care of
NCO in charge, sits at her desk at Luke Air Force Base. Byers assists the 56th FSS                                       Senior Airman                        administratively helps them focus on their
commander in reaching his objectives on a daily basis.                                                                                                        main mission.”
                                                                                                                      JAMES HENSLEY
                                                                                                                                                                 While her deployment gave her pride in
                                                                                                                            56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  KHUZRUNRQHWKLQJWRSSHGLW

                                                                                                             Some of the reasons people join the Air              “Becoming a mother was my proudest
                                                                                                          Force are tKHHGXFDWLRQEHQHÀWVDQGMRE            PRPHQWµ%\HUVVDLG´,KDYHWZRNLGVDQG
                                                                                                          security. Many Airmen had jobs before               being able to see them grow brings me a
                                                                                                          joining.                                            lot of pride.”

                                                                                                             ´,ZDVDSKDUPDF\WHFKQLFLDQEDFNZKHQ             From being a pharmacy technician on
                                                                                                          LW GLGQ·W UHTXLUH IRUPDO HGXFDWLRQµ VDLG     WKH FLYLOLDQ VLGH WR EHFRPLQJ DQ $LUPDQ
                                                                                                          6WDII6JW$VKOH\%\HUVWK)RUFH6XSSRUW        Byers leaves a good impression on those
                                                                                                          Squadron commander’s support staff NCO              around her.
                                                                                                          in charge. “When the requirement changed
                                                                                                          ,NQHZ,QHHGHGDQDOWHUQDWLYH0\IDPLO\             “She’s a very bubbly type of person and
                                                                                                          is military and recommended going to talk           JUHHWVHYHU\RQHSROLWHO\µVDLG&DSW6KDZ
                                                                                                          WRDUHFUXLWHU,WDONHGWRWKHUHFUXLWHUDQG      QD 3DUNHU WK )66 RSHUDWLRQV RIILFHU
                                                                                                          decided it would be the best thing for me           “She’s really great at customer service and
                                                                                                          and a great stepping stone.”                        has a really positive personality. Byers also
                                                                                                                                                              GRHV D ORW RI FRPPXQLW\ VHUYLFH , FDQ VHH
                                                                                                             6LQFH MRLQLQJ WKH $LU )RUFH %\HUV KDV    her as a technical sergeant in the future con
                                                                                                          ZRQ DZDUGV LQFOXGLQJ PRVW UHFHQWO\ WKH      tinuing to lead and mentor Airmen at her
                                                                                                          FSS Military Performer of the Month for             QH[WDVVLJQPHQWDW$QGHUVHQ$)%*XDPµ
                                                                                                          May. She has been to Bolling Air Force
                                                                                                          %DVH:DVKLQJWRQ'&DQG/XNH$LU)RUFH               %\HUVDOZD\VZRUNLQJWREHWWHUKHUVHOI
                                                                                                          Base. She has also deployed to Kuwait and           has goals for the future and continues to
                                                                                                          Afghanistan.                                        reach for them.

                                                                                                             “Getting to see the bigger picture of what          ´,·PFXUUHQWO\LQXSJUDGHWUDLQLQJEXWP\
                                                                                                          goes on made the deployments really valu           JRDO LV WR RQH GD\ EHFRPH D SKDUPDFLVWµ
                                                                                                          DEOHµ %\HUV VDLG ´%HLQJ GRZQUDQJH \RX       %\HUV VDLG ´,·P SURXG WR VD\ ,·P SDUW RI
                                                                                                          can actually see how you help people reduce         the one percent of the country to join the

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