Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 10-30-15
P. 8

Oct. 30, 2015                        News                                                  Thunderbolt

Delaware                                        Romania                                    Japan

 %DVHRI¿FLDOVKRVWHGFDGHWVIURP         The Air National Guard and the Roma-       A bilateral exchange pro-
 countries in Central and South America          QLDQDLUIRUFHSDUWQHUHGIRUWKH'DFLDQ   gram brought U.S. Air
 as they toured the base’s transport air-        Viper Exercise Oct. 16 at Campia Tur-      )RUFHDQG-DSDQ$LU6HOI
 dets were introduced to the C-5M Super          long-standing partnership the Alabama      WRJHWKHUIRUWZRZHHNV
 *DOD[\DQG&$*OREHPDVWHU,,,DQG           $1*DQG5RPDQLDQDLUIRUFHVKDUH         spending time together
 WKHLUFUHZVGXULQJDWRXURIVWDWLFDLUFUDIW   Alabama has conducted more than 140        both at work and home
                                                 engagements with Romania.                  and ended Oct. 9. The
                                                                                            program paired 11 JASDF
                                                                                            Air Wing with 35th Mainte-
                                                                                            diverse job specialties.

                                                                                                     South Korea

                                                                                                                    combat search and rescue drills ended
                                                                                                                    ability and combat readiness.

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