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Vol. 80, No. 32                                              March Air Reserve Base, California           Friday, August 14, 2015

    NEWS BRIEFS                      March C-17 shares pride with city of Riverside

      ANNUAL KID’S                   by Linda Welz
    RUN & ADULT 5K                   452 AMW public affairs
   The 452nd Force Support
Squadron Fitness Center’s Annu-         The 452nd Air Mobil-                                                                                                              Courtesy photo from Shayne Meder
al Kids & Adult 5K Run, in con-      ity Wing Commander, Col.
cil, is scheduled for Sept. 12,      side, California Mayor Rusty       LQJRIQRVHDUWRQDQG$LU0RELOLW\:LQJ&GXEEHG³7KH6SLULWRI5LYHUVLGH±0LVVLRQ%HOOH´
2015 at 7 a.m. across from the       Bailey, unveiled the newest        3RVLWLRQHGEHKLQGWKH$0:KHDGTXDUWHUVEXLOGLQJDQGRULJLQDO0DUFK)LHOGDLUWUDI¿FFRQWURO
in time is 5:30 a.m. This one        Globemaster III, dubbed “The       *OREHPDVWHU,,,.&6WUDWRWDQNHU$LU)RUFH5HVHUYH043UHGDWRU045HDSHU)
event includes a kids’ and adults’   Spirit of Riverside – Mission      )LJKWLQJ)DOFRQ&DOLIRUQLD$LU1DWLRQDO*XDUGDQGDVPDOOMHW+RPHODQG6HFXULW\ZKLFKZHUH
5K run, and a 1st Sgt’s unit for-    Belle” here Tuesday morning        PDGHDYDLODEOHWRYLHZDIWHUWKHXQYHLOLQJ
mation run. Kid’s age groups         outside the newly-renovated
are: 5-6, 7-8, and 9-13. Med-        but historic wing headquarters     Air Base, Japan this summer.      7KHQHZHVWQRVHDUWRQD$0:&*OREHPDVWHU,,,
als and T-shirts will be awarded     building, and home of March           The art itself was painted     GXEEHG³7KH6SLULWRI5LYHUVLGH±0LVVLRQ%HOOH´
along with a unit trophy. Sign up    Field’s original air traffic con-
at              trol tower.                        by Shayne Meder, a local artist
                                                                        and retired Air Force member,
66ERS BASEBALL AND                      The nose art was designed       who donates her time and sup-
 HOMETOWN HEROES                     by its dedicated Crew Chief,       plies and has painted numer-
                                     Tech. Sgt. Kevin Horowitz,         ous March-based aircraft.
   The Inland Empire 66ers (mi-      and Tech. Sgt. Jonathan Borth,
nor league baseball) are looking     both from the 452nd Aircraft          After the unveiling guests
for military Hometown Heroes         Maintenance Squadron. Borth        were invited to tour all static
to recognize during their August     said the design was created        aircraft available at the event,
and September home games. In-        specifically with the commu-        representing all flying capabil-
cluded with your recognition is a    nity of Riverside in mind.         ities at March Field, to include
free game ticket for you and three                                      the C-17 Globemaster III, KC-
guests, seats next to the home          “I really wanted to convey a    135 Stratotanker (Air Force
team dugout, free parking, and       close working relationship and     Reserve); MQ-9 Reaper, F-16
hot dogs, chips and soft drinks for  deep appreciation for the peo-     Fighting Falcon (California
you and your three guests. The       ple of Riverside and their un-     Air National Guard); helicop-
ballpark is located at 280 South     wavering support of the global     ter (Homeland Security).
E Street, San Bernardino, Calif.     demands our troops face every
92401. If interested in signing up   single day,” Borth wrote in an
for a game, please email Megan       email. “The “Mission Belle”
Crusher at megan.crusher.1@          gets its name from the iconic with your name, rank,      symbol that represents River-
contact number and the date          side City from the Mission Inn
you’d like to attend. Dates avail-   bell. There is a considerable
able are Aug. 24th and 26th and      respect in this symbol, and it is
Sept. 1st. All games are at 7:05     fitting that it should be used to
p.m. with a 6:30 p.m. show time.     depict the pride directly from
Uniform is ABUs and it does not      this area,” he added.
require any public speaking. You
may also change clothes after           Considering the long-stand-
the recognition. First come, first    ing history between the city of
served.                              Riverside and March Field, the
                                     name seemed appropriate, but
  VIRTUAL AIRMAN’S                   an “e” was added to bell in or-
              ATTIC                  der to signify a true name for
                                     the aircraft, according to Chief
   Did you know March ARB            Master Sgt. James Madsen,
has a virtual Airman’s At-           452 AMXS.
tic? Log on to Facebook and
search “March ARB Airman’s              The Mission Belle design
                                     was drawn on an old, worn,
             See BRIEFS page 3       pine box while on a Pacific
                                     Channel mission to Kadena
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