Page 4 - March ARB Beacon 8-14-15
P. 4
4 August 14, 2015
National Aviation Day - August 19
National Aviation Day is observed aircraft controls that enabled them to is Wright Brothers Day on December 17 activities that focus on the topic of avia-
in the United States on August 19 each steer the plane. Orville Wright made the each year. tion. Activities include: discussing avia-
year to celebrate the history and develop- first flight for 12 seconds and 120 feet tion history, including the efforts of the
ment of the aviation. It coincides with the around the site of Wright Brothers Na- Each year the president may issue a Wright brothers, Amelia Earhart and
birthday of Orville Wright who, together tional Memorial on December 17, 1903. proclamation to: designate August 19 as other aviation pioneers; and engaging
with his brother Wilbur, made significant They were not the first to build and fly National Aviation Day; call on govern- in interactive tasks about airplanes and
contributions to powered flight. experimental aircraft but they are the ment officials to display the flag of the other means of flight transport, as well
first to invent aircraft controls that made United States on all government build- as careers associated with the aviation
In 1939 President Franklin Roosevelt fixed wing flight possible. The Wright ings on the day; and invite people liv- industry. Aviation enthusiasts and stu-
proclaimed August 19 to be National brothers’ status as inventors of the air- ing in the United States to observe the dents may visit museums about aviation
Aviation Day. The day coincides with plane has been an issue of debate, par- day with appropriate exercises to further history and technology. Some people
the birthday of Orville Wright, who pi- ticularly as there were competing claims stimulate interest in aviation in the Unit- visit the Wright Brothers National Me-
loted the Wright Flyer. He and his broth- regarding other early aviators. Another ed States. morial in North Carolina at this time of
er Wilbur are given credit for building national observation in the United States the year.
the world’s first successful airplane with On this day, some schools organize
for students to participate in classroom