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BULLSEYE                                    News                                                                                                          3October 16, 2015                                                                                                                 

AMMOS congratulates AMSC Class 15C graduates

                                                                                                 U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Joshua Kleinholz  AMSC Class 15C graduates:
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Master Sgt. Eric M. Allard, Misawa Air Base, Japan
   The U.S. Air Force Advanced Maintenance and Munitions Operations School cel-                                                                          Senior Master Sgt. Troy Barber, Tinker Air Force Base, Okla.
ebrated a milestone recently, graduating its twelfth Advanced Maintenance Superinten-                                                                    Senior Master Sgt. T.J. Braithwaite, Dyess AFB, Texas
dent Course class on Oct. 9. AMMOS graduates, who come from various maintenance                                                                          Senior Master Sgt. David M. Hatch, Beale AFB, Calif.
and munitions units across the Air Force, will go back to their bases to produce, mentor,                                                                Senior Master Sgt. Timothy R. Hines, RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom
and advise others in all aspects of aircraft and munitions maintenance.                                                                                  Senior Master Sgt. Jack C. Johns III, Ramstein AB, Germany
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Master Sgt. Michael J. Jovanovich, Minot AFB, N.D.
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Master Sgt. Michael S. Kuhn, Beale AFB, Calif.
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Master Sgt. Jason T. Levine, Offutt AFB, Neb.
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Master Sgt. Seth A. Lininger, Grand Forks AFB, N.D.
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Master Sgt. Erick T. Lunn, Kadena AB, Japan
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Master Sgt. Eric D. Middaugh, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Master Sgt. Arthur L. Middleton, Hurlburt Field, Fla.
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Master Sgt. Daniel S. Miller, Ramstein AB, Germany
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Master Sgt. Jonathan R. Mobley, Luke AFB, Ariz.
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Master Sgt. David F. Penisten, Travis AFB, Calif.
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Master Sgt. Stephen M. Ransom, RAF Lakenheath, United Kingdom
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Master Sgt. Rob L. Reitz, Kirtland AFB, N.M.
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Master Sgt. Erica K. Rhea, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Master Sgt. Spencer W. Ridgway, Holloman AFB, N.M.
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Master Sgt. Jeffrey B. Whiting, Tyndall AFB, Fla.
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Master Sgt. James M. Williams, Dyess AFB, Texas
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Master Sgt. Thomas L. Wilmoth, Andersen AFB, Guam
                                                                                                                                                         Master Sgt. David M. Brown, Fairchild AFB, Wash.

MICT, from page 1 _____________             way to say “no” to most regulatory         In the “old” days, wing preparation                                     U.S. Air Force photo illustration by 2nd Lt. Mikhail Berlin
                                            requirements. It would be awful if we      for major command inspectors was
“Yes” 200 times and copy and paste ex-      marginalized one of the most con-          characterized by a lot of busywork                                   “I hope people take away that there are
cerpts of a regulation into the assess-     venient tools that can help us meet a      to make things look nice for the                                  some charities that really hit home with
ment notes. Instead of painted grass,       CSAF imperative.                           inspectors. Just about everyone                                   other people and I hope that they find a
we want healthy, watered, trimmed                                                      considers this “legacy” mindset                                   charity that helps with a topic that they’ve
and weeded grass.                              Former IG of the Air Force Lt. Gen.     a huge waste of time. Continuity                                  had personal life experience with,” said
                                            Stephen P. Mueller stated in the May       books were built, hallways were                                   Brabec. “Then people can make a deci-
   What does a well-tended operation        2014 TIG Brief, “For the first time in     swept, and grass was even painted                                 sion if they can financially donate or not.
look like? The most important charac-       our history, we have the ability for Air-  green to convey the illusion of a                                 I’d rather people be more informed about
teristic is that your squadron, flight, or  men who accomplish the mission to          well-tended operation. Don’t let                                  what they care about, what they want to
section continuously critiques itself to    give direct feedback to the functional     the Management Internal Control                                   make a difference with and being aware
be better. You want to nurture Airmen       authority on the quality and content       Toolset be the new “painted                                       of how they can help.”
that perform the squadron’s mission         of the instructions that guide their       grass.” You are “painting grass”
despite limited resources. The ACC/         day-to-day activities.”                    if you click “Yes” 200 times and                                     Even though Nellis Air Force Base’s
IG will look for evidence.                                                             copy and paste excerpts of a                                      campaign will end Dec. 15, donations
                                               Individuals can now go straight to      regulation into the assessment                                    will still be accepted after the cut-off date.
   According to Air Force Instruc-          their Functional Area Manager via the      notes. Instead of painted grass,
tion 90-201 paragraph, “out-        MICT “Send Comment to Functional           we want healthy, watered,                                            Airmen, contractors and civilian em-
standing” criteria includes “results of     Manager” (aka “Spam the FAM”) op-          trimmed and weeded grass.                                         ployees are encouraged to donate to the
long-term commitment to continuous          tion. By voicing your opinion, you                                                                           charity of their choice during the 2015
process improvement are evident;            could save yourself and other Airmen       CFC, from page 1 ______________                                   CFC. For more information about the
widespread evidence of high proficien-      thousands of man-hours.                                                                                      CFC or how to donate, contact a unit CFC
cy, unit pride and cohesion; programs                                                  realized were in your local community                             representative or visit
and processes are institutionalized            Or, if the FAM perceives a mis-         or even on base. It really helps open your
and produce highly reliable results.”       understanding of the guidance they         eyes to a lot of different ways that you can
                                            wrote on the commander’s behalf, they      help others.”
   Sometimes your mission lends it-         may tweak it to make it more relevant.
self to tracking unit effectiveness via     In either case, this is a means by which      Rather than focusing on a set installa-
checklist, sometimes not. Either way,       Airmen can team together virtually to      tion goal, the installation CFC represen-
realize that MICT is a commander’s          make our Air Force better.                 tatives set an awareness goal.
tool, not an inspection tool.
                                               Remember, mission readiness                “We set an awareness goal for our unit,
   Now, with the focus squarely on          equals inspection readiness. Don’t         squadron, and group reps to achieve 100
mission and your commander’s intent,        prepare for the inspection; rather,        percent contact and awareness with each
consider this — the Air Force Chief of      use the looming threat of MAJCOM           individual, military or civilian, in their
Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III has made       inspectors as a cue to ensure your fo-     units,” said Brabec. “We want them to
it very clear he wants to know what         cus is on your commander’s priorities.     help others understand the CFC, make
you think we should “stop doing.”                                                      decisions, and teach them how they can
                                               Gen. George S. Patton Jr. once said,    make a difference.”
   We all know there are some re-           “If I do my full duty, the rest will take
quirements that just don’t make sense       care of itself.”                              Brabec hopes people learn about the
and don’t bring value to the mission.                                                  CFC and take away an understanding of
Maybe you think MICT is one of them.           For any questions pertaining to this    how they can help others.
That would be ironic, because func-         article, contact the 57th Wing Inspec-
tionally, MICT is actually the easiest      tor General at 702-652-6458 or walk
                                            into Bldg. 11, Room 202.
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