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BULLSEYE Creech News 5October 16, 2015
Busted: Top 10 RPA myths debunked
By Tech. Sgt. Nadine Barclay U.S. Air Force photo illustration by Tech. Sgt. Nadine Barclay dergraduate pilot training in manned
aircraft as well.
432nd Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing Myth: Drones and RPAs are the same. Fact: In today’s mainstream media drones
often refers to both small aerial capable vehicles with photo or video capabilities 8. Myth: Everyone in the RPA com-
Public Affairs and, incorrectly, to U.S. Air Force RPAs. In the U.S. Air Force inventory a remotely munity suffers from Post-Traumatic
piloted aircraft requires aircrews to operate but don’t have the capability to carry Stress Disorder.
CREECH AIR FOCE BASE, Nev. — crews on board. Also in the USAF inventory, RPAs such as the Global Hawk are used to
Drones. The once harmless term has provide ISR data by recording imagery and are often incorrectly labeled as “drones.” Fact: According to a 2014 paper from
taken on new meaning in recent years the U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace
largely due to miseducation, Hollywood t "OZ JOGPSNBUJPO SFUBJOFE BGUFS better ways to f ly. We will continue Medicine, studies have shown that 4.3
dramatizations, and their growing uses training missions is deleted shortly to improve our methods of training, percent of Air Force RPA operators re-
in non-military settings. afterwards in accordance with regula- conducting operations and employing port symptoms of post-traumatic stress
tions (typically no more than 90 days). new weapon systems. The development disorder. This is lower than the 4 to 18
For the men and women of the re- and integration of unmanned aircraft percent of PTSD reported among those
motely piloted aircraft enterprise who t %VSJOH USBJOJOH NJTTJPOT
QJMPUT represent a continuation of this trend returning from the battlefield and
provide intelligence, surveillance and and sensor operators are not applying and has been around since the early lower than the projected lifetime risk
reconnaissance support to combatant or receiving the analytical support 1900s. of PTSD for Americans (8.7 percent,
commanders around the world 24/7, 365 necessary to allow them to use imagery American Psychiatric Association,
days a year, dispelling myths associated to identify individuals beyond gender RPAs are based and flown at various 2013). In addition, Creech AFB estab-
with their mission is now a top priority. and approximate age. installations across the United States. lished a Human Performance Team in
There are additional Air Force, Air 2011 comprised of an operational psy-
1. Myth: Drones and RPAs are the 4. Myth: RPAs strike randomly. Force Reserve, and Air National Guard chologist, an operational and aerospace
same. Fact: The vast majority of the time, installations that are part of the distrib- physiologist, three flight surgeons, and
the Air Force’s RPA fleet is used for ISR, uted ground stations that support RPA two Religious Support Teams to aid
Fact: In today’s mainstream media, not for strike activity. They are gov- flights and data analysis. Airmen in dealing with stressors.
drone often refers to both small aerial- erned by the same procedures as other
capable vehicles with photo or video aircraft capable of employing weapons. 6. Myth: RPAs are unmanned and 9. Myth: RPA aircrews are not
capabilities and, incorrectly, to U.S. Air RPAs are not unmanned and do not require less manpower to operate. compassionate to the missions they
Force RPAs. In the U.S. Air Force inven- act autonomously to drop a weapon perform.
tory a remotely piloted aircraft requires or choose a target. Human beings are Fact: In order to support ISR mis-
aircrews to operate but don’t have the an integral part of the system and sions around the world, every RPA Fact: Airmen per forming R PA
capability to carry crews on board. Also will continue to be the decision mak- CAP requires the dedication of nearly operations receive moral, ethical, psy-
in the U.S. Air Force inventory, RPAs ers. RPA pilots are not bound by a set 200 Airmen in various capacities to chological and physiological training
such as the Global Hawk are used to pro- timeline to strike a target; they spend maintain 24/7, 365 day vigilance. The to build readiness that is sustainable
vide ISR data by recording imagery and days, weeks and sometimes months pilot, with the help of the sensor opera- over time. The Air Force will continue
are often incorrectly labeled as drones. observing the patterns-of-life of a tor, fly the RPA for the entire duration to support combatant commanders
subject and provide that information of the mission. with RPA missions while also focus-
2. Myth: RPAs fly themselves. to the network of tactical personnel, ing on initiatives that reduce stress
Fact: RPAs are flown by a pilot, with intelligence members, databases and 7. Myth: RPA pilots are just “gam- on personnel and remain committed
the assistance of a sensor operator for decision makers before any action is ers.” to providing the best care possible for
the entire duration of the flight. Addi- pursued. They are connected to a huge every Airman, regardless of the career
tionally, for every RPA combat air patrol network of intelligence from multiple Fact: Our Airmen are trained to be field with which they are associated.
there are nearly 200 people supporting sources including platforms, sensors, the best pilots in the world, regardless
the mission in various capacities. This people and databases to national deci- of aircraft. Our fully-qualified aircrews 10. My th: R PAs w i l l replace
includes pilot, sensor operator, mission sion makers, combatant commanders, consistently exceed expectations for manned aircraft
intelligence personnel; aircraft and and tactical-level personnel. both flight safety and operational
communications maintainers; launch 5. Myth: RPAs are made from alien effectiveness. Like pilots in manned Fact: According to Air Force Chief
and recovery element personnel; and technology and are flown from Area aircraft, RPA pilots are required to of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III, “the
intelligence personnel conducting pro- 51. meet the same qualifications. New RPA Air Force needs a number of plat-
duction, exploitation and dissemination Fact: The U.S. Air Force actually pilots undergo a very intense training forms.” He continued by saying this
operations. has a long history of unmanned flight program before they fly operational includes manned and unmanned
3. Myth: Military RPAs are used to and we are still learning new and missions. This training curriculum assets to accomplish sustainable air
spy on U.S. civilians. lasts approximately one year, and supremacy. “Air superiority is a mis-
Fact: The Air Force only flies RPAs in many current Air Force RPA pilots and sion. It’s not a platform, it’s a mission.
the United States for training purposes. trainers have already completed un- So ideally, you’d have both tools avail-
The only exception is with the appropri- able to you.”
ate level of coordination and approval
RPAs can be used to support the aerial Despite the misconceptions sur-
imagery needs of civil authorities in rare rounding the RPA enterprise, Air
and urgent cases where local, state or Force leadership remains optimistic
federal officials cannot use non-military on the future capabilities RPAs can
means of support. This level approval provide.
usually resides with the Secretary of
Defense. “What our RPA professionals are
Additionally, the following guide- doing in today’s fight and in pre-
line’s structure how training f lights paring for future conflicts is simply
work: incredible. RPAs and their operators
t5SBJOJOHJTOPSNBMMZDPOEVDUFEJO are in the highest demand from our
airspace over and near federal installa- combatant commanders because of
tions and unpopulated training ranges the situational awareness and strike
that have been set aside for that purpose. capabilities that they enable. Despite
t*OGPSNBUJPOHBUIFSFEEVSJOHUSBJO- being some of the newest weapon sys-
ing missions that is relayed to ground tems in the Air Force inventory, RPAs
stations is seldom retained after training fulfill critical demands in every the-
operations. ater 24 hours a day, 365 days a year,”
said Gen. Hawk Carlisle, commander
of Air Combat Command.