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Vol. 80, No. 48                   March Air Reserve Base, California                                 Friday, December 11, 2015

    NEWS BRIEFS                   163rd Judge Advocate defends Airman


   The 452nd Security Forces
Squadron and the Air Force
Security Forces Association
will have their annual Christ-
mas Toy Drive (Operation
Warm Heart) at March Air
Reserve Base through Dec.
15, after which all dona-
tions will be delivered to the
March Field Fire and Emer-
gency Services building. A
band of volunteers will place
the toys into food baskets to
be given out to Team March
members who are in need of
a little help during the Christ-
mas holidays.
   Collection boxes will be
located at the Main (Cactus)
Gate and at the Law Enforce-
ment Desk (building next to
wing headquarters). The SFS
and AFSFA teams agree that
March members are like one
big family, and families take
care of their own. Thank you
and have a very happy holi-
day season. 452nd SFS &

     OEF/OIF (SOCAL                                                                                                                                           U.S. Air National Guard photo/Tech. Sgt. Neil Ballecer
         AVAILABLE                March Air Reserve Base.
   Full scholarships are avail-
able to Southern California          Maj. Marsha Yasuda had         penalty of one year of civilian  Maxwell AFB, Alabama, and         between the time the charges
OEF/OIF Veterans to learn         barely landed at the 163d Re-     confinement, a dishonorable       had been involved in some 20      were preferred and the trial. For
Transcendental Meditation.        connaissance Wing’s Judge         discharge, and a reduction in    courts-martial, as both a pros-   example, military units were
If you are interested in re-      Advocate General’s Corps in       rank to E-1 (Airman Basic).      ecutor and a defender.            now required to offer civilian
ducing stress, improving the      2012 when Lt. Col. Sotera An-     The court martial, finally tried                                    courts the option of adjudicat-
quality of your sleep, and en-    derson assigned her one of the    last February, was the first in-     “I thought it would be in the  ing cases; and witnesses have a
joying better relationships,      rarest and most important cases   volving a California Air Na-     best interests of the member we   new right to counsel in court-
the David Lynch Foundation        the unit had ever handled: the    tional Guardsman in the dozen    were asked to defend to have      martial settings.
is offering a limited number      courts martial case of an airman  or more years Anderson had       [Yasuda] represent him,” An-
of free courses in the evi-       from the 129th Rescue Wing at     been in the unit, she recalls.   derson says.                         Yasuda adds, “the Uni-
dence-based Transcendental        Moffett Federal Airfield.          As luck would have it, Yasuda                                      form Code of Military Justice
Meditation (TM) technique                                           had just come to the unit—now       But the case wasn’t going      (UCMJ) covers federal courts-
to OEF/OIF veterans in Los           The individual had been ac-    part of the 163d Attack Wing—    to be easy, even with her ex-     martial; the California Mili-
Angeles and San Diego.            cused by two female airmen        only months from active duty     perience in litigation, Yasuda    tary and Veterans Code adopts
   Through a generous grant       of entering the female side of    Air Force where she’d most re-   recounts. Precedents were un-     the UCMJ, but adds its own
from the David Lynch Foun-        open-bay barracks, and sexu-      cently served as a Deputy Staff  clear: The law had changed sig-   specific provisions regarding
dation, you will be able to       ally assaulting them. For the     Judge Advocate General (JAG)     nificantly in the years since the  courts-martial.”
                                  four Article 120 specifications,   at the 42nd Airbase Wing,        last California
             See BRIEFS page 3    the airman faced a maximum                                                                              In addition, California
                                                                                                        Air National Guard (CANG)                 See DEFEND page 7
                                                                                                     court martial, and kept evolving
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