Page 2 - March ARB Beacon 12-11-15
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2                                    December 11, 2015                          
THE                                                                                             COMMENTARY
  Volume 80, Number 48
                                        Accident/incident? Keep calm and carry on
 452 AMW Public Affairs
14560 2nd Street, Bldg. 2640            by Linda Welz                                        while searching for the door key.                 Beacon, sans the use of one pinky, to meet
0DUFK$5%&$                452 AMW public affairs                                  My point in telling this story is to urge you  another deadline, and still waiting to hear if
DPZSDZRUNÀRZ#XVDIPLO                                                                                                                     my pinky is broken.
                                           Ironic as it is, I recently smashed my fin-        to remain calm when faced with an accident
       ID[                ger while putting a first aid kit into a vehicle.     or incident that causes you pain or distress.        To recap, I’ve learned that first aid kits can
     SKRQH                While preparing for a temporary duty assign-                                                           be detrimental to my well-being, headrests
                                        ment (TDY), I was transferring luggage from             Had I panicked, I may not have made it in-     may be spring loaded, and an injury while on
         &200$1'(5                      my personal vehicle into a government van            side where I was able to find ice, or may have     duty creates more paperwork than a Supreme
     &RO5XVVHOO0XQF\                 to prepare for the drive to my TDY location.         passed out from the look of my finger. There       Court legal case.
                                                                                             didn’t seem to be anyone else there yet, so I
38%/,&$))$,562)),&(5                     How was I supposed to know that those             was on my own. But instead, I stayed calm.           In spite of it all, I will keep calm and
   &DSW3HUU\&RYLQJWRQ                middle seats were spring-loaded? Knowing                                                               carry on.
                                        that insignificant bit of information would              Once inside, I iced my finger, which didn’t
              (',725                    have been helpful, but even better would have        bring relief, but more pain.
       Ms. Linda Welz                   been knowing the fact that the headrests were
                                        also spring-loaded.                                     Although I should have been on the road
$0:(',725,$/67$))                                                                      for my TDY, I knew I needed to make a visit
    6HQLRU0DVWHU6JW'DYLG6PLWK         Imagine my complete surprise and sheer            to urgent care. In addition, I had promised to
      0DVWHU6JW0HJDQ&UXVKHU         agony when I pulled the lever to slide the seat      complete our submissions to the media con-
   6WDII6JW+HDWKHU&R]DG6WDOH\      forward (to put the first aid kit behind it) and      test before close of business in order for our
     6HQLRU$LUPDQ&DOOLH0F1DU\        felt the head rest clamp down on my pinky. In        reservists to earn some recognition among
   Senior Airman Kevin Mitterholzer     fact, it literally clamped it into the seat itself,  their peers.
   6HQLRU$LUPDQ-RVHSK'DQJLGDQJ       and until I pried the headrest up with my free
    Senior Airman Russell McMillan      hand, my pinky was securely trapped.                    I conquered the challenge of typing while
                                                                                             holding my pinky in a cup of ice water, and
    7KH %HDFRQ LV SXEOLVKHG E\        Once free, glaring at my bent and bleed-          although it took longer, I met my deadline for
Aerotech News and Review. Aero         ing finger, I knew I needed to get ice on it          contest entries.
WHFKLVDSULYDWH¿UPLQQRZD\FRQ    quickly, as the swelling had already begun.
QHFWHGZLWKWKH86$LU)RUFHXQ     Ever mindful of security, I first had to close           Off to urgent x-ray technician on
der exclusive written contract with     up and secure both vehicles with the good            duty. On to another urgent care...x-ray techni-
WKH QG$LU 0RELOLW\ :LQJ 7KLV  hand, while holding the damaged pinky                cian to take the x-rays, but no radiologist to
FLYLOLDQHQWHUSULVH$LU)RUFHQHZV     above my head to ease the throbbing, after           read them until Monday.
paper is an authorized publication      which I quickly walked toward my building
IRU HPSOR\HHV DQG PHPEHUV RI                                                               So, with my pinky doubled in size, black
86PLOLWDU\VHUYLFHVUHWLUHHVDQG                                                        and blue and splinted, I made it to my TDY
IDPLO\PHPEHUV&RQWHQWVDUHQRW                                                            location where, between seminars, I sit in my
QHFHVVDULO\ WKH RI¿FLDO YLHZV RI                                                       room typing this and other content for this
PHQWWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI'HIHQVH        Team March 101: American Forces

    The appearance of advertis         by George A. Smith
ing in this newspaper, including        $)1SXEOLFDIIDLUV
inserts or supplements, does not
constitute endorsement of the              About half-a-mile from the March Air                                                                                                            '0$SKRWR6WHYH0F*LOO
SURGXFWV RU VHUYLFHV E\ WKH 'H    Reserve Base main gate, sits the biggest
PHQWRIWKH$LU)RUFHRU$HURWHFK      cans are unfamiliar. It’s the place with the         Base main gate and provides TV and radio to Americans serving overseas through
News and Review, Inc.                   huge satellite dishes all around. The rea-           WKH$PHULFDQ)RUFHV1HWZRUN%URDGFDVW&HQWHU$GGLWLRQDOO\WKH\PDLQWDLQ'HIHQVH
                                        son many Americans have never heard of               'HSDUWPHQWYLVXDOLQIRUPDWLRQDUFKLYHV
    (YHU\WKLQJ DGYHUWLVHG LQ WKLV   AFN is because they cannot tune into the
newspaper shall be made avail          network in the continental U.S. (CONUS).             mercials, the AFN airs topics like force          TV and radio signals to wherever American
DEOHIRUSXUFKDVHXVHRUSDWURQ                                                            protection, military news, driving condi-         troops are located, whether on land or on
age without regard to race, color,         The American Forces Network (AFN)                 tions and command information to keep             board U.S. Naval vessels serving overseas.
religion, sex, national origin, age,    Broadcast Center (BC), a Team March                  its members informed.
PDULWDOVWDWXVSK\VLFDOKDQGLFDS     mission partner, sends out eight TV and                                                                   In addition to the AFN Broadcast Center,
SROLWLFDO DI¿OLDWLRQ RU DQ\ RWKHU  10 Internet radio services via satellite                The AFN’s Internet radio services fea-         two other organizations operate out of the
QRQPHULWIDFWRURIWKHSXUFKDVHU     for those serving overseas. The network              ture the hottest popular, country, classic        Defense Media Activity (DMA) building.
user or patron.                         broadcasts to U.S. military personnel,               rock, sports talk and news formats in the
                                        Defense Department civilians and their               United States.                                       The Television Audio Support Activ-
    (GLWRULDOFRQWHQWLVHGLWHGSUH   families stationed in more than 170                                                                    ity (T-ASA) provides field engineering,
SDUHG DQG SURYLGHG E\ WKH VWDII   countries and U.S. territories outside                  Those huge satellite dishes beam AFN’s
RI WKH QG $LU 0RELOLW\ :LQJ    the CONUS.                                                                                                                  See NETWORK page 9
Reserve Base. All photographs              The AFN’s TV services include two
LQWKH%HDFRQDUH$LU)RUFHSKR        sports, one news, one movie and four en-
WRV XQOHVV RWKHUZLVH VWDWHG )RU   tertainment channels. Name a popular
advertising, contact Aerotech di       TV show or sport and chances are AFN
UHFWO\DW                 airs it. In place of advertising or com-

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