Page 5 - March ARB Beacon 12-11-15
P. 5

wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb                                                                                                 December 11, 2015                                                                       5

From BRIEFS page 5
Battle Ropes classes on these days)

 Cyber Security tips for holiday seasonDec. 17: Functional Fitness Class
– 12:15 p.m.
   Dec. 17: Intramural Volleyball     by Linda Welz                                                                                                          tips to keep you cyber-safe, not just during the holiday sea-
                                      452 AMW public affairs                                                                                                 son, but year-round.
meeting, 11:30 in the gym. Volley-

ball season begins in February.          With retailers increasing their efforts and starting earlier                                                           Visit for cy-
   Dec. 18: Holiday Zumba-thon        to entice holiday shoppers, many choose to do some, most                                                               ber security toolkit for cyber security resources for students,
                                      or all of their purchasing on the internet, even starting Black                                                        educators, parents, young professionals, older Americans,
from 10 a.m. – noon                   Friday sales on Monday or extending Cyber Monday sales                                                                 government, industry, small business and law enforcement.
   Jan. 4: Biggest “Luzer” Wellness   by a few days.                                                                                                         There you can also find a downloadable mobile security tip
                                                                                                                                                             card, a social media guide, an Internet of Things tip car, and
competition begins.                      Cyber criminals do not discriminate. Guard yourself                                                                 a Cyber Security While Traveling tip card.
   Jan 14: Happy New Year 5K Run/     against becoming a victim. Whether shopping during the
                                      holidays or year round, be vigilant in guarding your private                                                              Feel free to share your cyber security stories and/or prac-
Walk, 11 a.m., across from base ops/  information through safe and sound cyber security practices.                                                           tices with us at
control tower
                                         The Department of Homeland Security has some helpful
   Mon/Wed at 11:30 a.m. - Battle
ropes training (canceled on Dec. 9
& 16)

UTA weekends at 7 a.m.: Well-

beats Fit for Duty Coming in 2016:

GORUCK event; Armed Forces 5K

Run; annual golf tournament. Call

the Fitness & Sports center at 951-

655-2292 to sign up or for more in-

formation on these programs.

            GRILL NIGHT
   Every Wednesday night start-
ing at 4 p.m., Sally’s Alley is open
for business with Grill Night. For
more information, call them at

For a complete list of programs, visit us online:             Unlock your
                                                              creative future
                                                              WE’RE DEDICATED TO HELPING STUDENTS MAXIMIZE

800.353.0812                                                  APPLY FOR CLASSES NOW!

                                                              We offer programs in:

                                                              The Art Institute of California – Inland Empire, a campus of Argosy University        for program duration, tuition, fees, and other costs, median debt,
                                                              &BTU#SJFS%SJWFt4BO#FSOBrdino, CA 92408-2800                                           federal salary data, alumni success, and other important info.

                                                              The Art Institute of California – Inland Empire, a campus of Argosy University, is one of The
                                                              Art Institutes, a system of over 50 schools throughout North America. Programs, credential
                                                              levels, technology, and scheduling options arFTVCKFDUUPDIBOHF4FWFSBMJOTUJUVUJPOT
                                                              included in The Art Institutes system arFDBNQVTFTPG4PVUI6OJWFSTJUZPS"rgosy University.
                                                              © 2014 The Art Institutes International LLC.
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