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Vol. 81, No. 7                       March Air Reserve Base, California                                    Friday, February 19, 2016

            joint engineer success

        91 FREEWAY/                  by Capt. Jason Saberin             Air Force Mission. This level                                            U.S. Air Force photo/Capt. Jason Saberin
    ROAD CLOSURES                    922 CEF                            of experience is incumbent
 RESULTS IN 2-FOR-1                                                     of high tenure civil engineer      Members of the 922nd Civil Engineer Flight Staff Augmentation
   METROLINK RIDES                      March Air Reserve Base’s        personnel and is an important      (S-Team), March Air Reserve Base, teamed with the Navy Civil
   The 91 will be closed from        922nd Civil Engineer Staff         way in which the 922nd, as one     (QJLQHHU&RUSV2I¿FHU6FKRRO&(&26DW3RUW+XHQHPH
the 71 to I-15, Friday, Feb. 19 at   Augmentation Team (S-Team)         of three Air Force Reserve S-      California, November 20, 2015, for a joint engineer knowledge
9 p.m. to Monday, Feb. 22 at 4       wrapped up another success-        Teams, supports the Air Force      exchange of military engineer capabilities.
a.m. to allow crews to consoli-      ful year completing innovative     mission. Contingency Staff
date several construction activi-    training while supporting re-      Augmentation is one of the         bution avoided project sched-     of Air Force engineer organiza-
ties. Metrolink’s North Main         gional and Pacific Air Forces       main reasons the Air Force cre-    ule delays and cost overruns.     tion, capabilities and facility
Corona Station and West Coro-        (PACAF) missions. The team         ated such S-teams.                                                   engineering programs.
na Station will be open during       of engineers assigned to the                                             In November 2015, the S-
the closure, however Metrolink       922nd had a busy second half          “It was a great opportunity     Team engaged in a day-long,          “It was truly a unique oppor-
passengers should allow extra        of 2015 highlighted by Korean      to be able to contribute to such   joint engineer outreach with      tunity to be able to see how our
travel time to reach these sta-      temporary duty assignments,        a project and help our Korean      the Navy Civil Engineer Corps     fellow Navy CE professionals
tions. Due to the road closure’s     support operations for Ander-      allies and troops stationed        Officer School (CECOS) at          are trained and execute port
impact, motorists are urged to       sen Air Force Base, Guam,          abroad,” said Maj. Jennifer        Port Hueneme, California. This    operations. The Navy has a
“steer clear” of the area during     joint engineer training at Naval   Burghdorf, a 922nd member          engineering outreach shared       proud heritage as Seabees, and
this project. To minimize major      Base Ventura County, Califor-      who participated in the Korean     knowledge and exchanged           to see their large museum at
travel delays, avoid travel in the   nia, and construction manage-      engineering planning mission.      ideas on what each service can    Port Hueneme was a testament
area or use public transporta-       ment support for two regional                                         do to improve facility engineer-  to their long history helping the
tion. Motorists traveling on the     Defense Department Innova-            Meanwhile at home, the          ing capabilities. The S-Team      United States win wars abroad
91, the 71 or I-15 near the proj-    tive Readiness Training (DOD       922nd led efforts to design an     learned how Navy Civil Engi-      while keeping their military ca-
ect area during the closure can      IRT) projects.                     Explosive Ordnance Disposal        neers execute facets of facili-   pabilities ready at home,” said
expect travel delays of three to                                        training facility at Andersen      ties planning, acquisition, pub-  Capt. Diego Noboa, a 922nd
four hours. Metrolink’s regu-           With a current ramp-up of       AFB. After completing design       lic works, Seabee readiness and   member who participated in
lar weekend service offers two       U.S. presence in the Pacific the-   concepts, the 922nd coordinat-     environmental management.         the joint training.
round trips on both the Inland       ater, the 922nd finds itself with   ed efforts with the 556th RED
Empire-Orange County Line            many opportunities to apply        HORSE Squadron to provide             This was followed by on-          Throughout the spring and
and the 91 Line. However, on         the diverse skillset that resides  on-site construction manage-       site orientations to deep water   summer of 2015, 922nd mem-
Feb. 20 and 21, Metrolink will       within the unit and is ready to    ment of the new facility in 2016.  sea lift port operations which    bers spent their annual tours
offer two additional round trips     support engineering operations                                        included rail, wharf and ship     supporting construction man-
on each rail line for a total of 16  when requested across the Pa-         Local members of the More-      stages as well as viewing the     agement of two regional DOD
trains to assist people avoiding     cific Area of Responsibility.       no Valley, California, commu-      extensive mobilization space      IRT projects. The first, which
the 91. The extra train service                                         nity assisted the planning and     and war ready Seabee equip-       was completed several weeks
is being funded by the River-           A team of five engineers, led    design by providing a hands-       ment packages. This kind of       ahead of schedule, cleared de-
side County Transportation           by Lt. Col. Brady Johnson, de-     on overview of in-progress,        outreach and training provided    cades of silt and debris from
Commission (RCTC), which             veloped engineering planning       concrete, tilt-up panel con-       the S-team with excellent ex-     behind a flood control dam
is constructing the 91 Project.      documents for bedding down         struction, which is the method     posure to primary logistics and   located on a Native American
Metrolink will operate its regu-     thousands of Airmen at a criti-    of choice in Guam to ensure        engineering missions associ-      reservation about 60 miles
lar schedule on both Friday and      cal, co-located operating base     buildings survive seasonal         ated with the Pacific Theater of   from March Field.
Monday. In case of rainstorms        in the Republic of South Ko-       storms. The 922nd completed        Operations. The exchange also
or inclement weather, the clo-       rea. Upon arrival in Korea, the    architectural, plumbing, venti-    improved Navy understanding          A key 922nd contribution
sure and extra train service         team quickly coordinated ef-       lating/air conditioning, electri-                                                   See TEAM page 9
will be postponed to the next        forts with its respective coun-    cal and civil design.
weekend, weather permitting.         terparts and sister services to
                                     develop project planning and          S-Team inputs have been
             See BRIEFS page 3       design documents for contin-       essential for the successful
                                     gency beddown planning.            planning and execution of this
                                                                        project. The team ensured con-
                                        S-Teams leverage the expe-      struction drawings were ready
                                     rience of a large pool of highly   to go and developed docu-
                                     trained officers and senior en-     mentation to assist in quality
                                     listed for just this type of Com-  control, schedule and resource
                                     batant Command or Numbered         tracking efforts. Their contri-
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