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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb     February 19, 2016                           3

From BRIEFS page 1                        es have benefited from these ROA DEF         3246, or,            FITNESS CENTER NEWS
                                                                                      951-858-3246.                                  The March Fitness Center has re-
For more information regarding Metro- events.                                                                                     ceived the Wellbeats Virtual Group Fit-
                                                                                            DESERVING AIRMAN                      ness Kiosk. This kiosk allows members
link service and the extra trains during The ROA Chapter #57, at March                         COMMISSIONING                      to participate in virtual fitness classes.
                                                                                                                                     Daily WellBeats Fitness Schedule is:
the road closure go to metrolinktrains. ARB, is part of The San Diego Chapter               BOARD TO CONVENE                         Mondays: 10:30 a.m. – REV (spin);
                                                                                         Great News! If you are interested        12:15 p.m. – Yoga (closed Jan. 18)
com. For more information about the which is made up of Reserve Officers of            in becoming an Air Force Reserve of-           Tuesdays: 12:15 p.m. – Fit for Duty;
                                                                                      ficer at Team March, the next Deserv-        4:00 p.m. – REV
closure go to the United States Armed Services. Their      ing Airman Commissioning Board will            Wednesdays: 6 a.m. – Yoga/Pilates;
                                                                                      convene on May 21-22, 2016. If you          11 a.m. – V.I.B.E./Toning; 12:15 p.m. -
clear, call the helpline at 877-770-9191 geographical area encompasses the            are interested, and meet the qualifica-      REV
                                                                                      tions located on the wing INFO drive           Thursdays: 11 a.m. – REV; 12:45
or email For ad- greater San Diego area from the Mexi-          - X:\MarchBaseInfo, in the DACB             p.m. – Fit for Duty
                                                                                      pamphlet, please have your completed           Fridays: 11 a.m. – Core (Jan. 15/29);
ditional safety information provided by can border north to the Orange County         commissioning packages submitted to         11:15 a.m. Pilates (Jan 8/22)
                                                                                      the 452 FSS/FSMPD (Career Develop-             Wellbeats offers many more classes
Operation Lifesaver, visit For and Riverside County areas, and from          ment) office not later than close of busi-   available at the members’ request.
                                                                                      ness, Monday, May 2, 2016. If you have         FIP (Fitness Improvement classes)
more information regarding Metrolink the Pacific Ocean east to include Impe-           any questions or concerns, please feel      available through our Wellbeats Kiosk.
                                                                                      free to call career development at 951-        Additional opportunities for fitness:
service go to        rial County. Membership is open to any      655-3113.                                      Tuesday, 11 a.m. and Thursday,
                                                                                                                                  12:15 p.m. – Battle ropes training
                                          federally commissioned officer, warrant                COMMAND POST                         Monday, 10:30 a.m. and Wednes-
                                                                                                 NEEDS AIRMEN                     day, 11:30 a.m. – TRX
ATTENTION ALL 3AS                         officer, of the National Guard, Reserve,        The 452nd Air Mobility Wing Com-            A & B UTA Saturdays, 7 a.m. –
                                                                                      mand Post is in need of new Airmen.         Wellbeats Fit for Duty
(3A1X1S)                                  Active Component, Former officers or         They have several full-time Air Reserve        A & B UTA Sundays, 7 a.m. – Well-
                                                                                      Technician positions and several Tradi-     beats REV
Senior Master Sgt. Cynthia Villa Retired officers and their spouses and                tional Reserve positions available.            A UTA Saturdays, 5 p.m. – Virtual
                                                                                         Command Post brief job description:      Strength “Fit for Duty”
has been selected by wing leadership recently includes non-commissioned               The base command post is the central           B UTA, 5 – 7 p.m. – Pick-up basket-
                                                                                      control point for base mission opera-       ball
to serve as the 3A Functional Manager. officers. The March ROA chapter Junior          tions and often is in direct communica-        Feb 25 – 12 p.m. – Functional Fit-
                                                                                      tion with the wing commander. Com-          ness class
She is very excited for this opportunity Officer Liaison is Capt. Lombardo at          mand Post personnel are key facilitators       Coming in 2016: Inter-Services Golf
                                                                                      in ensuring optimal Command and Con-        Tournament, Team Cohesion Challenge,
and is ready to go to work! In an ef- 951-655-5722.                                   trol (C2) operations and communica-         Armed Forces 5K Run.
                                                                                      tions. Specific tasks depend on the mis-        Call the Fitness & Sports center at
fort to get to meet every 3A personally, Find The ROA Department of the               sion and aircraft assigned to that base,    951-655-2292 to sign up or for more in-
                                                                                      which could range from cargo transport      formation on these programs.
Villa will hold a 3A All Call on Sun- Golden West, which covers California            to space systems and nuclear opera-            Class descriptions:
                                                                                      tions. If interested please contact Senior     Circuit Training – a high intensity in-
day, March 6 and March 20 at 1 p.m. and Nevada, at                        Master Sgt. Frank Gomez at frank.go-        terval training class that integrated car-
                                                                                                        dio and muscular endurance exercises
in the Cultural Resource Center. This                                                                                                Core – various classes from our
                                                                                           SEEKING VOLUNTEER                      WellBeats system that focus entirely on
will give each of you the opportunity ENLISTED DEVELOPMENTAL                              EMERGENCY SERVICES                      working out your core
                                                                                       SUPPORT TEAM MEMBERS                          Fit for Duty – a high-energy, ex-
to meet her and have a two-way discus-    EDUCATION BOARD                                The March Field Emergency Man-           treme, conditioning workout led by ser-
                                                                                      agement Working Group is looking for        vice members with expertise in fitness
sion regarding the wing’s current 3A Air Reserve Personnel Center offi-                volunteers who are interested in being      training
                                                                                      part of the Emergency Services Sup-            Functional Fitness – A type of
situation, to include personnel moves, cials will release the Invitation to Apply     port Team (ESST). Following a disaster,     high-intensity interval training com-
                                                                                      these volunteers are crucial to success-    bining cardio and weight training into
loss of positions, other pertinent infor- and open the application cycle for the      fully recovering our base and assisting     one short but intense class with mobil-
                                                                                      members who need help. Your efforts         ity drills, mountain climbers, lunges,
mation, or anything else you may want annual Enlisted Developmental Educa-            can make a big difference. If you have      push-up, kettlebells, goblet squats
                                                                                      questions or want to become an integral     duck walk, run.
to discuss as a 3A. Maximum partici- tion Board Friday, Feb. 5. The EDEB              part of the March ESST, contact Emer-          Fusion – an integration of yoga
                                                                                      gency Management at 951-655-3024.           and Pilates exercises with attention to
pation of all 3As is highly encouraged. will convene May 16 at HQ ARPC. All                                                       breath, form, flow and body balance.
                                                                                                   GRILL NIGHT                       Kinetics – a total body, multi-activi-
It’s a team effort.                       applications are due to ARPC no later               AT SALLY’S ALLEY                    ty class that includes sports-style cardio
                                                                                         Every Wednesday night starting at 4      intervals with resistance training cir-
                                          than April 15, 4:30 p.m. MT. Call the       p.m., Sally’s Alley is open for business    cuits and muscle isolation work
                                                                                      with Grill Night. For more information,
AFRC PRINT & BROADCAST Total Force Service Center at DSN 665-                         call them at 951-653-2121.                                         See BRIEFS page 4

MEDIA AWARDS                              0102 or 210-565-0102 for questions or

ANNOUNCED                                 further information.

Congratulations to Team March

for the following Air Force Reserve MARCH FIELD AIRFEST ON

Command 2015 Print and Broadcast          WEB/SOCIAL MEDIA

Media Awards: Capt. Perry Coving- The March Field AirFest Website

ton, 452nd Air Mobility Wing chief is now live at http://marchfieldairfest.

of public affairs – Best Commentary; Also, like us on Face-

Tech. Sgt. Efren Lopez, former 4th book, and follow us on Twitter and Insta-

Combat Camera Squadron photojour- gram for AirFest updates. On Facebook

nalist – Best Pictorial Photography; at March Field AirFest; on Instagram

former 4th Combat Camera Squadron @ MarchFieldAirFest; on Twitter @

– Best Video Documentary.                 MarchAirFest. Join the conversations!!

          JOINT OFFICER                        452 AMW SCAVENGER
          PROFESSIONAL                         HUNT RACE MARCH 5
  DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR                        The 452nd AMW is hosting a scaven-
   The Defense Education Forum            ger hunt race, Saturday, March 5, 2016.
(DEF) in conjunction with the Re-         Start time is 3 p.m. at the Education and
serve Officers Association Depart-         Training (Bldg 441) parking lot. Reg-
ment of the Golden West with host a       istration is filling fast so register soon!
Joint Officer Professional Develop-        Squadrons must have 10-15 Airmen (no
ment Seminar (JOPDS) April 22-24,         more, no less) per team. Choose your
2016 at the Holiday Inn Bayside, San      fastest Airmen and carry your squadron
Diego. The Department Convention is       guidon. Distance is 3.2 miles and par-
being held concurrently.                  ticipating teams must wear squadron
   The JOPDS is one of the premier        morale shirts (AF PT shirts if no mo-
professional development opportunities    rale shirts available) and Air Force PT
available to our younger officers and is   shorts. Donations are $10 per person or
one of the only professional develop-     $100 per team. All proceeds will ben-
ment seminars to emphasize joint ser-     efit the First Sergeant’s Airman’s Relief
vice participation. To date, more than a  Fund. R.S.V.P. by 4 March 2016 to dar-
thousand young officers from all servic-, 951-858-
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