Page 8 - March ARB Beacon 2-19-16
P. 8
8 February 19, 2016
From CHAMP page 6 calls, road shows, etc.,” said Mahaney.
Courtesy photo/Mrs. Chris Mahaney
outside one’s career field, it’s a big deal. I have always “My favorite part of each week is the time I get to Brig. Gen. Samuel “Bo” Mahaney, Air Reserve
said that my two most trusted advisors, as a commander, meet with PA. When I see that meeting on my schedule 3HUVRQQHO&HQWHUFRPPDQGHUVLWVDGPLULQJKLV$LU
are my PA and my judge advocate.” I get excited. My expectations sky rocket! I know that )RUFH5HVHUYH&RPPDQG3XEOLF$IIDLUV&KDPSLRQ
when that meeting is over something will have been cre- award Feb. 9, 2016. Mahaney is former commander
As commander of ARPC, Mahaney is responsible for ated: an idea, a concept, a storyboard, an outreach plan. I RIWKHQG$LU0RELOLW\:LQJ0DUFK$LU5HVHUYH
personnel support to nearly 1 million Air National Guard, love to innovate, create, and envision a future that works. Base.
Air Force Reserve and retired members, ensuring they That’s my common ground with PA.”
are ready to deliver strategic Total Force war fighting ca- served with. I just want to say thanks to those people and
pability for the Air Force. From initial entry to retirement, Mahaney went on to praise individual public affairs to you all. When I was notified I had been selected for
the center provides world-class support for “Generations people and units reflecting what effect they have had on this award, I jumped at the opportunity to come before
of Airmen” throughout their military careers. his work as a commander. you all. Not to accept the award for myself, but as an op-
portunity to tell you all what you mean to me and what
In addition, Headquarters Individual Reservist Readiness “Public Affairs professionals think in a way that awak- you mean to the Air Force. May God bless you all as you
and Integration Organization reports directly to Mahaney. ens that part of me. You facilitate mission accomplish- continue to move our Air Force into the future! Thank
Headquarters RIO is responsible for the readiness, account- ment at a different level and in a way that brings human you very much.”
ability, personnel and administrative servicing of more than experience and perception into the mix.
8,500 Individual Reservists worldwide. The center is a ma-
jor command direct reporting unit of Air Force. “I have a great deal of respect for the PA career field.
Because of PA I have built wonderful relationships with
“I believe that units with a great relationship between members of the community. I get to introduce amazing
PA and CC are the strongest in the Air Force...why? Com- celebrities like former Colorado Rockies pitcher Jason
munication! Communication is the key. And without a Hirsh and the Big Bang Theory actress Kaley Cuoco to
strong PA, chances are that effective communication will the Air Force Reserve,” he said, smiling. “Because of PA,
not take place,” Mahaney said. I have jumped from a perfectly good aircraft with the Ca-
While the general was eager to point out that PA pro- nadian Parachute team. Because of PA, I have been on
fessionals provide critical guidance during strategic and stage with Brad Paisley in concert. Because of PA I have
change management planning, the general shared that he built relationships with organizations like the USO and
finds working with PA on internal messaging the most Sweethearts for Soldiers. And all the while we tell the
enjoyable. stories of our amazing Citizen Airmen.”
“I’ve worked with ARPC PA to present a vision, com- The general wrapped up his speech commenting on
plete with strategic goals and objectives, and my tenets of what the award meant to him personally. “I do this as a
leadership. We have had loads of fun creating both seri- labor of love, because you all have done so much for me
ous and humorous videos, emails, voice messages, stra- especially those whom I have served as their command-
tegic documents, snapshots, Commander’s Calls, Porch er. As I look out on this crowd, I see many that I have
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