Page 2 - March ARB Beacon 2-19-16
P. 2
   2                                    Get to know your chaplains and chaplain assistantsFebruary 19, 2016
 BEACON                                 by Col. Rick Givens, 452 AMW Chaplain          tion of Justice from Arizona Western Col-     chaplain assistant serving at Vandenberg
                                                                                       lege, Yuma, in 1986; his Bachelor of Sci-     AFB, California. She transferred to the
   Volume 81, Number 7                     The 452nd Air Mobility Wing’s chapel        ence in Business and Communication in         452 AMW in 2015. As a civilian, Sanchez
                                        team is here to serve you. The chaplains       2008; and his Master of Education in 2010     works in higher education, and enjoys run-
 452 AMW Public Affairs                 and chaplain assistants assigned to the        from Arizona State University in Phoenix.     ning, reading, collecting books, oil paint-
14560 2nd Street, Bldg. 2640            wing staff are made up of a great group of     He earned his Associate of Applied Sci-       ing, going to the beach and traveling.
 March ARB, CA 92518-1852               men and women from various backgrounds         ence degree in Social Work from The Com-
DPZSDZRUNÀRZ#XVDIPLO              and traditions. The common denominator         munity College of the Air Force in 2012          So, when you see us (your chaplains
                                        is that they are here to serve you, right      and his Master of Social Work from the        and chaplain assistants) around base, stop
        fax: 951-655-7070               where you are. They serve as a Religious       University of Southern California in 2014.    and introduce yourself. You are welcome
     phone: 951-655-4138                Support Team (RST). When you see mem-          Demara served on Active Duty in the U.S.      at any of our services on base. And please
                                        bers of our chapel team out and about          Army from 1986-1998. He then joined the       feel free to stop by the chapel on the UTA
          COMMANDER                     the base it is very intentional that both a    Alaska Air National Guard serving there       weekends. We’ll have the coffee on!
Brig. Gen. Russell A. Muncy             chaplain and chaplain assistant are readily    from 1999-2006. He joined the Air Force
                                        available to you. In providing for the spiri-  Reserve in June 2006 as a chaplain as-        Chaplain (Lt Col.) Bob Meissner
 38%/,&$))$,562)),&(5                 tual support, moral guidance, counseling,      sistant assigned to the 452 AMW. He de-
   &DSW3HUU\&RYLQJWRQ                religious rites and general morale the hope    ployed to Bagram in 2009 and Al Udeid in      Master Sgt. Gil Demara
                                        is that you know your RST. Whether it’s at     2012. As a civilian he enjoys wood work-
              (',725                    a commander’s call or in line at the chow      ing, art projects, interior design and works  Tech. Sgt. Danielle Williams
        0V/LQGD:HO]                  hall, at one of the worship services on drill  as an educator for grades K-12.
                                        weekends or running on the track, your
$0:(',725,$/67$))                 RST is here to support you.                       Tech. Sgt. Danielle Williams
    Senior Master Sgt. David Smith                                                        Tech. Sgt. Williams was raised in
      Master Sgt. Megan Crusher            But do you know your chaplains and          Elk Grove, California. She attended Hi-
    6WDII6JW+HDWKHU&R]DG6WDOH\    chaplain assistants? I wanted to take this     ram Johnson and Rancho Cordova High
       Staff Sgt. Osmin Suguitan        opportunity to introduce these Airmen to       Schools. She joined the Air Force Re-
     Senior Airman Callie McNary        you. The B Unit Training Assembly cha-         serve in 2004 with the dream of serving
   6HQLRU$LUPDQ.HYLQ0LWWHUKRO]HU     pel team includes Chaplain (Lt Col.) Bob       her country. She served at Travis AFB as a
   Senior Airman Joseph Dangidang       Meissner, Master Sgt. Gil Demara, Tech.        chaplain assistant earning the distinguished
    Senior Airman Russell McMillan      Sgt. Daniella Williams and Senior Airman       Chaplain Assistant of the Year in 2014. She
                                        Elvia Sanchez. Get to know us. Let us get      transferred to the 452 AMW chapel team
    The Beacon is published by          to know you!                                   in January 2016. She was recently selected
Aerotech News and Review. Aero-                                                        to serve in a U.S. Air Force backfill as-
WHFKLVDSULYDWH¿UPLQQRZD\FRQ-       Chaplain (Lt Col.) Bob Meissner             signment for the upcoming summer. As a
nected with the U.S. Air Force, un-        Chaplain Meissner grew up as a Navy         civilian, Williams works for the State of
der exclusive written contract with     brat until his father retired. He began his    California Franchise Tax Board. Her hob-
WKH QG$LU 0RELOLW\ :LQJ 7KLV  education at the U.S. Naval Academy pre-       bies include traveling, dancing, riding her
civilian enterprise Air Force news-     school and kindergarten. The Navy moved        Harley and spending time with family and
SDSHULVDQDXWKRUL]HGSXEOLFDWLRQ     his family from Annapolis, Maryland, to        friends.
for employees and members of            Alaska, California and Florida. Meissner          Senior Airman Elvia Sanchez
U.S. military services, retirees and    received his Bachelor of Arts in Religious        Senior Airman Sanchez grew up in
family members. Contents are not        Studies with an emphasis in Biblical Lan-      Inglewood and Indio, California. She re-
QHFHVVDULO\ WKH RI¿FLDO YLHZV RI  guages from Point Loma Nazarene Uni-           ceived her Esthetician license in 2001. In
or endorsed by, the U.S. Govern-        versity, San Diego, California. He then re-    2008 she graduated from California State
ment, the Department of Defense         ceived his Master of Arts in Religion and      University - San Bernardino with a double
or the Department of the Air Force.     his Master of Divinity from Westminster        major in English and Anthropology. She is
                                        Theological Seminary, Glenside, Pennsyl-       currently working on her Master of Arts at
    The appearance of advertis-         vania, in 1984. He began his Air Force ca-     California Baptist University. She joined
ing in this newspaper, including        reer on active duty in 1986 with a Logistics   the Air Force Reserve in 2010 in the medi-
inserts or supplements, does not        Readiness Squadron stationed in Arkansas,      cal field, then cross-trained to become a
constitute endorsement of the           England and Germany. After seven years
products or services by the De-         of active duty, Meissner returned to civil-    Senior Airman Elvia Sanchez
partment of Defense, the Depart-        ian life until joining the Air Force Reserve
ment of the Air Force or Aerotech       in 2001 as a chaplain. He provided a back-
1HZVDQG5HYLHZ,QF                  fill in 2006 at Grand Forks Air Force Base,
                                        N.D., and then deployed in 2011 to Al Ude-
    Everything advertised in this       id Air Base, Qatar, where he was the “fly-
newspaper shall be made avail-          ing chaplain” for the operations group with
able for purchase, use or patron-       missions throughout the Area of Responsi-
age without regard to race, color,      bility. Meissner enjoys exercise, time with
religion, sex, national origin, age,    his family and friends, playing guitar and
marital status, physical handicap,      reading. As a civilian, he serves on the pas-
SROLWLFDO DI¿OLDWLRQ RU DQ\ RWKHU  toral staff at his church.
non-merit factor of the purchaser,         Master Sgt. Gil Demara
user or patron.                            Master Sgt. Demara grew up in Yuma,
                                        Arizona, where he graduated from high
    Editorial content is edited, pre-   school. He went on to receive his Associate
pared and provided by the staff         of Applied Science degree in Administra-
Reserve Base. All photographs
in the Beacon are Air Force pho-
tos unless otherwise stated. For
advertising, contact Aerotech di-
rectly at 877-247-9288.

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