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Thunderbolt                                                               SPORTS                                                                                                  Feb. 5, 2016
Airman offers tried, true health tips
                                                                                                                                                     Sports Shorts
        by Staff Sgt.
        GRACE LEE                                                                                                                                  Valentine’s Day 5k

56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs                                                                                                                      The 56th Force Support Squadron
                                                                                                                                                   Bryant Fitness Center is featuring a
   We’re more than a month into the new year and since losing             January 2015               May 2015                                      Valentine’s Day 5k fun run at 7 a.m.
weight is a popular New Year’s resolution, I’d like to share a few                                                                                 Feb. 12 at the 944th Fighter Wing
insights I gained on my journey to lose weight.                           Grace Lee, 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs photojournalist,             headquarters, Bldg. 988. There will be
                                                                          has always eaten healthy and exercised. In 2015, she decided             prizes for the top three male and female
   Last year my goal was to lose weight, and I did just that by los-      to improve her overall health by learning the effects proteins,          finishers. For more information, call
ing more than 15 pounds. Below are a few weight loss tips I used          carbs and fats have on her body.                                         623-856-6241.
that hopefully will help others to reach their goals.
                                                                          or underestimating food your progress may be deterred or slowed.         Horseback riding
           Another mistake I see people making is labeling food as good or
side and rear shot. To get an even better idea of the before and                                                                                      Outdoor recreation is offering a two-
after, take a relaxed pose and then a flexed pose for each shot.          bad. This can be a fatal dieting mistake because I used to think I       hour horseback ride at 9 a.m. Feb. 20 at
During my “cut,” meaning being in a caloric deficit, I took photos        “messed up” by eating a burger and I would be like, “well I ruined       White Tank Mountains. The cost is $90
almost daily to track my progress. At first I didn’t notice a big         the diet anyways so might as well go all out.” This would result in      per person. For more information, call
change but looking back at photos a few months apart, I can see           a food binge and me not reaching my fitness goals. For me when           623-856-6267.
a significant change.                                                     I’m trying to lose weight, if a friend wants to eat out, I’ll go to the
                                                                          restaurant’s website and pre-plan what I’m going to eat before           Powerlifting competition
   t6TFZPVSTNBSUQIPOFUFDIOPMPHZ5IFSFBSFNBOZBQQMJDBUJPOT         we get there to ensure I’m successful. A few other tips for eating
available to help with fitness goals. My favorite is MyFitnessPal.        out would be to make compromises such as, if ordering a burger,             The 56th FSS Bryant Fitness Center
It allows the user to track eating, exercising and weight loss or         skip the fries. Or, instead of getting ranch dressing maybe opt for      is featuring a powerlifting competition
gain. It works well as a motivator since it notifies the user of          a lighter option dressing such as a balsamic vinaigrette or light        at 10 a.m. Feb. 26 at the combat PT
progress made.                                                            ranch.                                                                   center. Weigh-in is 9:30 a.m. For more
                                                                                                                                                   information, call 623-856-6241.
   t*OWFTUJOBGPPETDBMF*UEPFTOUIBWFUPCFGBODZ*SFDPNNFOEB     Lastly, losing weight and getting healthy is possible. There were
scale which measures in ounces and grams. Measuring in grams in-          times I thought, “Why am I doing this again?” But deep down I            President’s Day golf
stead of using measuring spoons and cups helped me tremendously           knew it was something that was going to make me a much happier
by saving prep and cleanup time. Read the nutritional label on the        and better person overall. Throughout the process I also learned            The Falcon Dunes Golf Course is fea-
food. The label provides the amount of grams in each serving. For         a lot about myself and ways to make dieting easier. I hope these         turing a President’s Day golf tournament
example, if a serving of ketchup is 28 grams then that’s what you’ll      tips will help you with your weight loss goals and remember, the         at 8 a.m. Feb. 15. The cost is $48 per club
measure on your scale. You can even place the bottle of ketchup on        only person you’re doing this for is yourself.                           member, $53 per nonmember and $58
your scale then zero the scale out before squirting out the ketchup                                                                                per guest. Register by Feb. 12. For more
little by little and placing it back on the scale until it reads nega-                                                                             information, call 623-535-9334.
tive 28 grams. This may sound difficult, but give it a try and you’ll
find it saves you time and gives you an exact measurement. Since                                                                                   Junior golf clinic
losing weight means being in a deficit, I would advise to measure
and track all the foods you eat, especially in the beginning of your                                                                                  The Falcon Dunes Golf Course if of-
weight loss journey. The reasoning behind this is because with my                                                                                  fering a junior golf clinic 9 to 10 a.m.
own experience, I noticed I underestimate the amount I’m eating                                                                                    Feb. 13 or 27 for youth ages 6 to 17.
more than anything else. A good example is with meat, I’ll look                                                                                    The cost is $20 person per clinic or $30
at a plate of chicken breast and think, “Oh that looks like about 5                                                                                for both clinics. The clinic includes grip,
ounces…” when in reality it’s 3.5 ounces. If you’re constantly over                                                                                stance, driving, chipping, putting and
                                                                                                                                                   etiquette. For more information, call

of the

                         NBA Saturday            Staff Sgt.                   Airman 1st Class                    Staff Sgt.             Senior Airman      Airman 1st Class
                 3RUWODQGYV+RXVWRQ        Jason Wright                    Kevin Easterling                Gabriel Castillo           Terrell Dortch         Myron Little
'HWURLW3LVWRQVYV,QGLDQD3DFHUV         56th Fighter Wing              56th Operations Group      56th Mission Support Group   56th Maintenance Group
           :DVKLQJWRQYV&KDUORWWH                                                                                                                       56th Medical Group
  &KLFDJR&KLFDJRYV0LQQHVRWD                 +RXVWRQ                           +RXVWRQ                        3RUWODQG                   3RUWODQG             +RXVWRQ
                                                   Pacers                            Pacers                         Pacers                    Pacers                Pacers
    'DOODV0DYHULFNVYV0HPSKLV                &KDUORWWH                        Washington                     Washington                  &KDUORWWH
          LA Lakers vs. San Antonio               &KLFDJR                          &KLFDJR                        &KLFDJR                0LQQHVRWD            Washington
                      8WDKYV3KRHQL[           0HPSKLV                            0HPSKLV                          Dallas                    Dallas              &KLFDJR
        1HZ2UOHDQVYV&OHYHODQG             San Antonio                        San Antonio                    San Antonio                LA Lakers               Dallas
             %URRNO\Q1HWVYVHUV              3KRHQL[                                                                                     3KRHQL[
                         NHL Saturday            &OHYHODQG                             8WDK                           8WDK                  &OHYHODQG           San Antonio
                                                 %URRNO\Q                          &OHYHODQG                      &OHYHODQG                  %URRNO\Q              3KRHQL[
     1<5DQJHUVYV3KLODGHOSKLD                                                  %URRNO\Q                       %URRNO\Q                                       &OHYHODQG
                 3LWWVEXUJKYV)ORULGD       3KLODGHOSKLD                                                                               1<5DQJHUV             %URRNO\Q
                                                Pittsburgh                        3KLODGHOSKLD                  1<5DQJHUV                Pittsburgh
               San Jose vs. Nashville            San Jose                          Pittsburgh                     Pittsburgh                 Nashville          1<5DQJHUV
                    &KLFDJRYV'DOODV           &KLFDJR                           San Jose                       San Jose                    Dallas             Penguins
                                                                                    &KLFDJR                          Dallas                    Buffalo            San Jose
 Buffalo Sabres vs. Boston Bruins                  Boston                                                           Boston                                         &KLFDJR
            1<,VODQGHUVYV'HWURLW       1<,VODQGHUV                         Boston                          Detroit              1<,VODQGHUV            Boston
                    7RURQWRYV2WWDZD                                               Detroit                       Toronto                   Toronto
            Super Bowl 50 Sunday                  Toronto                            Toronto                                                                   1<,VODQGHUV
                  'HQYHUYV&DUROLQD                                                                             &DUROLQD                   &DUROLQD              2WWDZD
                                                  Denver                            &DUROLQD                           53                         
           Last week’s percentage                                                                                                           44                Denver
                                                      53                                64                                                                             
          Year to Date percentage                                                                            ³+RZGRWKHHUV         ³.HHSIRFXVDQG               53
                                              ³'R\RXHYHQ               ³<RX¶UH/XFN\ZHDUHQ¶W           VWLOOKDYHDWHDP"´         bring the pain.”
                               Trash talk        pick bro?”                 talking football here.”                                                                “Let’s go
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