Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-5-16
P. 19

Thunderbolt                                    NEWS                                                                                                             Feb. 5, 2016

HERO                    (from Page 3)             As Andi reminisced on the many mem-
                                               ories of the time they had together, she
worse, and the closest emergency landing       thought of the person her husband was.      STREET BEAT
field was nearly 150 miles away.”
                                                  “He was absolutely devoted to his           The 56th Security Forces Squadron        military member after video evidence
   Neither pilot saw ejecting out of the       country,” she said. “He felt that he was    handled the following incidents Jan. 25     confirmed items were taken without
aircraft in unknown hostile territory as an    doing his part and loved flying the         through 31 at Luke Air Force Base:          rendering full payment upon departing
option, so Dice attempted to land at Udorn     ‘Thuds’ as they called the F-105s back                                                  the Exchange. Glendale police responded
Royal Thai Air Force Base, an F-4 base in      then. He loved what he was doing and        Tickets                                     and took control.
northern Thailand which was 150 miles          felt flying was his way of serving his
away. After a successful landing, Dice had     country. All these years later, the loss       Security forces issued citations for 16     Jan. 30: Security forces responded to
to take critical steps to stop the aircraft.   is still there. I feel the world, as well   moving violations and 13 nonmoving          a report of shoplifting at the Exchange.
                                               as me, was cheated of somebody pretty       violations.                                 Security forces detained the dependent
   “The throttle was placed to ‘off,’ the      special. I think if you talk to people who                                              of a retired military member after
emergency brake handle was pulled, and         knew him really well, they would say the    7UDI¿FUHODWHGLQFLGHQWV                    video evidence confirmed items were
the drag chute was deployed at 200 knots,”     same thing.”                                                                            taken without rendering full payment
Cox said. “At 160 knots, he lowered the                                                       Jan. 29: Security forces responded to    upon departing the Exchange. Glendale
nose to the runway and applied wheel              For Col. David Shoemaker, 56th Fight-    a report of a minor two-vehicle accident    police was unable to respond due to
brakes. Even using the emergency brake         er Wing vice commander and presiding        in the parking lot of Bldg. 931. Security   emergency reasons and the individual
system, braking was not available because      officer of the ceremony, he said present-   forces verified the damage and drivers      was released to the sponsor after perti-
of the total loss of utility hydraulic system  ing the DFC to Andi was an incredible       exchanged information. There were no        nent information was given to Glendale
integrity.”                                    experience.                                 injuries.                                   police dispatch to conduct an report.
                                                                                                                                       The individual also received a two-year
   Little did they know, a large drainage         “The opportunity to make this right      Emergency responses                         debarment order.
ditch would be their last hope after several   with the family was an amazing honor,”
failed attempts to stop the aircraft.          Shoemaker said. “As the prior command-         Jan. 26: Security forces responded       Alarm activations
                                               er of a squadron with F-105 heritage, it    to a report of a medical emergency in
   “The aircraft impacted the flood control    was really special for me. We talk a lot    the commissary. An individual was              Security forces responded to nine
ditch at about 75 to 80 knots,” Cox said.      about taking care of families in the Air    experiencing dizziness. The individual      alarm activations on base.
“The plane’s nose dropped and impacted         Force. Sometimes, we forget that there’s    was treated by medical personnel and
the far side of the ditch, shearing off the    a segment of family out there who are       transported to a nearby hospital for        Tip of the week
nose gear, the radome and about ten feet       the survivors of fallen combat heroes,      further treatment.
of fuselage. Dice was killed instantly.”       those who made the ultimate sacrifice.                                                     Be aware of what your children put on
                                               There are spouses and children out there    Nonemergency responses                      social networks. They could be giving out
   Because of Dice’s efforts, Cox survived     who are still a part of the Air Force fam-                                              too much information.
the crash.                                     ily and who we need to take care of. The       Jan. 29: Security forces responded to
                                               medal presentation today was really two     a report of shoplifting at the Luke Air         Courtesy of Senior Airman Brian LeFevere
   While it’s been several years since his     things. It acknowledged and recognized      Force Base Exchange. Security forces                                                         56th SFS
passing, his memory remains as Luke            a hero extremely important to our Air       detained the dependent of a retired
Thunderbolts, Dice’s wife and two daugh-       Force and country, but it also took care
ters, Tamara Dice and Judy Webster, and        of a debt we owed to his family.”
colleagues came together to honor his
service and sacrifice, and present his wife,
Andi, with the DFC.

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