Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-5-16
P. 15
Thunderbolt NEWS Feb. 5, 2016
SCARF (from Page 4) and have begun a radicalization of
Delight valentine women’s rights in provinces that
with flowers from an outdated social paradigm, and are as archaic as the sand blowing Chaplain’s thoughts ...
Exchange Service I couldn’t be more proud of them.” in the streets.
Last Friday, I had the privilege
Love is in the air this Stenger serves as a co-founder, Flying Scarfs to date has earned of being a part of the memorial
Valentine’s Day on Luke Air an operations officer for the online more than $200,000 for the widows service for someone who was lost
Force Base, where shoppers business, and coordinates all the of Parwan Province, but more than in a tragic accident. It was during
can pick up fresh flowers, shipments out of Afghanstan. He money, these women have earned that service I was reminded of the
including roses, beginning has been there since the beginning independence and a freedom to need to not only live well, but to
Feb. 11 at the Luke Ex- and has seen what these women pursue their dreams. They have do my best in all that I choose to
change. endure just to be able to live and given hope to their children to make do. The quote went like this, “If it’s
support their children. the world better than the one they something worth dying for, then
A wide variety of arrange- grew up in. With the money these do it well.”
ments will be available, “When I look at my personal con- women make, their children can
ranging from single roses to tributions, it pales in comparison to attend school and avoid potential It is quite easy in life to ride
dozen-rose bouquets. the sacrifices they are making every terrorist recruitment. the status quo. We may increase our productivity at work just
single day,” Stenger said. “These enough to not get fired or just enough to get the promotion, and
“The Exchange loves to women fight not just for their What was once just a small goal then its right back to gliding through the work day. When there
make any gift-giving oc- families but for their entire coun- of providing employment for the is someone we like, we may do just enough to get them to go out
casion simple and easy try, for the rights of a generation Afghan widows has now turned with us or marry us and then we slide back into our old patterns
for shoppers,” said Aileen of women to come. These women into a worldwide mission to find and selfish habits. When the time for our physical training test
Rivenburg, Exchange gen- now are laying the foundation for and aid other individuals in similar comes close, we may increase our running, pushups and sit-ups
eral manager. “From flow- the betterment of generations of situations. and then once we pass the test, we may stop exercising for a
ers to cards to candy, we’re women in Afghanistan. Knowing while. And yet, I don’t think that’s how it should be for us.
making the Luke Exchange we at Flying Scarves play a small It is a nonprofit organization with
your one-stop-shop for all role in that gives us a great sense all proceeds going to the women We ought to be of the mindset that, “If it’s something worth
things Valentine’s Day.” of fulfillment and purpose.” of underdeveloped countries, and dying for, then do it well.” Having good health is important.
it is the Airmen’s hope to spread Being able to provide for ourselves and our families is vital.
For more information, The impact of that simple con- the vision throughout the world Working to accomplish the mission and holding high the banner
call 623-935-2671. versation four years ago has spread providing women the opportunities of justice and liberty while defending our nation is fundamental.
into meaning and purpose not just to succeed. If you haven’t already, spend some time today asking yourself,
Courtesy of Army Air Force for the women in Afghanistan but “Is what I am doing worth dying for?” If so, do it well!
Exchange Service for women in Kenya, India and “When you combine something
Haiti as well. These women have you’re passionate about with ser- Courtesy of Chaplain (Capt.) James Lanford, 56th Fighter Wing Chapel
created stability, economic freedom vice, you can change the world,”
Stenger said.
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