Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-5-16
P. 12

Feb. 5, 2016                                                                                        Thunderbolt
HVAC                                                                                                                                          a
keeps it cool
Story and photos by Senior Airman                   tect the equipment and make it comfortable
            JAMES HENSLEY                           for Airmen using the conex boxes.”

                  56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs     HVAC handles all air conditioners in the
                                                    unit supplying Airmen with a temperate
   Training the world’s greatest 607th Air          environment to work in.
Control Squadron battle managers wouldn’t
be possible without the cool temperatures              “Some of the work I do includes preven-
provided by the air conditioning units.             tive maintenance inspections, repairs to
                                                    the units, monitoring of the units, and if a
   These units are maintained and installed         unit goes down, I do installs as well,” Val-
by the heating ventilation and air condition-       dez said. “I work on both commercial and
ing Airmen, enabling the training in the            government units.”
607th ACS to happen. The conex boxes used
by the 607th Airmen are training units for             With the number of air conditioning units
communicating with pilots.                          in the squadron, it’s a big task for Valdez.

   “The conex boxes are made out of metal              “HVAC is typically a three-person unit, but
shells and have equipment producing an ex-          Staff Sgt. Valdez is filling the role of three
treme amount of heat,” said Staff Sgt. Rafael       right now,” said Master Sgt. Francis Willis,
Valdez, 607th ACS HVAC craftsman. “On               607th ACS superintendent cyber operations
top of the equipment producing heat, we live        and maintenance. “What HVAC does for the
in a state where temperatures in the sum-           unit is similar to what you do for your home
mer can reach as high as 120 degrees, which         by keeping temperatures cool during the
translates to 140 to 160 degrees inside the         summer and warm during the winter. This
conex boxes and is not suitable for human           is what HVAC does for our equipment and
beings to stay in. Our HVAC units help pro-         Airmen. Without the equipment, the battle
                                                    managers can’t complete their training.”

Valdez performs repairs, preventive maintenance inspections, and installations of a/c Staff Sgt. Rafael Valdez, 607th Air Control Squadron heating ventilation air conditio
                                                                                                    Luke Air Force Base. The coils operate like window blinds allowing air rather than
units. The units are taxed due to the extreme heat in Arizona.
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