Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-5-16
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Feb. 5, 2016                                                         NEWS                                              Thunderbolt

                                                                                BRIEFS                                 (from Page 3)

                                                                                Help children discover their passion

                                                                                   The Military Child Education Coalition is presenting a no-cost one-day workshop for
                                                                                adults to help young people develop hardiness skills, meet personal and professional
                                                                                goals and identify their sparks and interests. Participants will learn to define the role
                                                                                of caring adults in helping children reach their full potential, develop a process to help
                                                                                adults support youth and more. The training will be 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 10 at the
                                                                                Hilton Garden Inn, 11460 W. Hilton Way, Avondale, 85323. Applicants may register by
                                                                                logging into and by emailing the name, email and phone
                                                                                number to

                                                                                Hap Arnold education grant

        DATE: 24 FEBRUARY                                                          The Air Force Aid Society is accepting applications for the Gen. Henry H. Arnold Education
           TIME: 1000-1400                                                      Grant through March 18. The society will award up to $6 million in grants for school year
                                                                                2016-2017 ranging from $500 to $4,000 based on each student’s particular level of need.
       WHERE: CLUB FIVE SIX                                                     For more information or details on eligibility, procedures and access to the application, go
                              SPONSORED BY:
                                                                                Experienced motorcycle riders
                                                                                   Luke Air Force Base is looking for experienced military motorcycle riders interested
For more information and to pre-register go to           in being trained as certified RiderCoaches through the RiderCourse training system. For
                            Please contact Lizzi Bollinger                      more information, email Tech. Sgt. Teresa Rayfield or Staff Sgt. Dustin Smith at 56fw.
        for technology and company requests:
                                                                                Veteran career fair

                                                                                   RecruitMilitary helps military veterans and spouses connect with employers and is
                                                                                featuring a free veteran career fair 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Feb. 18 at the University of Phoenix
                                                                                Stadium in Glendale. For more information, visit

                                                                                Direct enlisted commissioning program

                                                                                   The Air Force Nurse Corps is accepting applications for the Direct Enlisted Commissioning
                                                                                Program. Qualified candidate applications will meet the DEC Selection Board April 2016.
                                                                                Critical dates are Feb. 12: Suspense date for notification of intent to apply, March 4: Suspense
                                                                                date for completion of the chief nurse interview, March 15: Suspense date for submission
                                                                                of three references, March 25: Suspense date for submitting completed application and
                                                                                April 18 through 22: Tentative selection board convening date. For more information, send
                                                                                correspondence to AFPC’s Nurse Utilization Office at

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