Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-5-16
P. 6

Feb. 5, 2016                                    NEWS                                                                                                        Thunderbolt

Tier organizations focus on Airmen                                                                                      F-35                                (from Page 1)

Story and photos by Airman                                                                                              when it comes to both F-35 systems and tactics add
          PEDRO MOTA                                                                                                    incredible value to squadron operations each and ev-
                                                                                                                        ery day. This is an impressive milestone for lieutenant
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs                                                                                        colonel Hayden as he continues leading the way when
                                                                                                                        it comes to experience flying the F-35.”
   An Airman walks into work believing it is another       Airman 1st Class Sean Jones, 56th Logistics Readiness
day at the office and is shocked to find out he has won    Squadron storage and issue apprentice, is awarded the           As Luke transitions from its mission of training
an award for going above and beyond.                       Focus Five Six Junior Enlisted Excellence Award Jan.         F-16 Fighting Falcon pilots, maintainers and support
                                                           20 at Luke Air Force Base. Jones was recognized for          specialists to training equivalent Airmen in operation
   The Focus Five Six NCO council carried out a similar    organizing a trip for 25 recruits in the Delayed Entry       of the new F-35 platform, Hayden’s 500th hour in the
scenario for Airman 1st Class Sean Jones, 56th Logistics   Program within a two-hour window.                            air marks a significant leap of progress in the develop-
Readiness Squadron storage and issue apprentice, Jan.                                                                   ment of Luke’s F-35 program.
20 when he was awarded, in the presence of his unit, for      “Every installation has a professional organization in
demonstrating excellence as a Thunderbolt.                 each of the tiers,” said Tech. Sgt. Corliss Layman, 56th        “When our most experienced instructor pilot only
                                                           LRS central storage NCO in charge. “I feel it’s important    has 500 hours in the plane, it goes to show the F-35
   “The idea behind the Focus Five Six Junior Enlisted     to create an interactive environment that encourages the     program is still young,” Jelinek said. “However, it also
Excellence Award is to ensure we recognize the Airmen      exchange of ideas through networking and personal rela-      shows that we are reaching a point where operations
who are going above and beyond,” said Tech. Sgt. Bran-     tionships within the community. Through our involvement      are normalizing, and we are able to transition our
don Layman, 56th Civil Engineer Squadron emergency         in activities, we can continue to build those relationships  syllabus from training initial cadre to training less
management training NCO-in-charge. “This type of           while promoting morale and teamwork.”                        experienced fighter pilots.”
recognition award is the first we’ve ever done. We came
up with the idea of exemplifying the airman concept to                                                                     Luke Airmen are among the first in a global genera-
help junior Airmen add another piece to their enlisted                                                                  tion of pilots to fly the F-35, and will continue to reach
evaluation.”                                                                                                            milestones such as this for the duration of the aircraft’s
   When an Airman comes to the base, the mentorship
program encourages Thunderbolts to participate in                                                                          “The fabulous thing about this is that there are a lot
these types of private events.                                                                                          of guys who are right behind me, who are really close
                                                                                                                        to getting the same kind of milestone in their flying
   “The Five Six council focuses on networking and build-                                                               experience,” Hayden said.
ing upon what we are supposed to be already doing as
NCOs,” Layman said. “Within the organization, we have                                                                      As today’s pilots become more and more experienced
committees that focus on mentoring programs for junior                                                                  with the F-35 platform, they position themselves to be-
Airmen. Airmen have different rank tiers, but we want                                                                   come the instructors and mentors of future generations
to have that communication between us.”                                                                                 of pilots flying more advanced versions of the fighter
                                                                                                                        jet as they are developed and produced.
   This professional organization from Luke Air Force
Base is not contained solely within the Air Force. Any                                                                     “As we build our cadre of instructors here, they’ll be
E-5 to E-6 military personnel on the installation can be                                                                able to look back at their experience flying the airplane
part of the Focus Five Six council.                                                                                     and have credibility and a solid background that they
                                                                                                                        can use to teach their students,” Hayden said.

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