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Thunderbolt                                                                       NEWS                                                                              Feb. 5, 2016  3                                                                                                           

Fallen hero awarded DFC 46 years later                                                                                                               IN BRIEF

Story and photo by                                                                                                                         7UDI¿FFRQJHVWLRQ
       Staff Sgt.
                                                                                                                                              A higher volume of traffic, which could cause congestion,
     GRACE LEE                                                                                                                             is expected to occur day and night Feb. 13 on the streets
                                                                                                                                           surrounding Luke Air Force Base due to the Band of Broth-
          56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  FROM LEFT: Col. David Shoemaker, 56th Fighter Wing vice com-                                   ers Festival happening at Sage and Sand Bar and Grill just
                                            mander, presents Judy Webster, daughter, Andi Dice, wife, Tamara                               east of Luke on Glendale Avenue. For more information, call
   The air was thick with emotion.          Dice, daughter, with the Distinguished Flying Cross on behalf of her                           800-838-4448.
She had been waiting for this               husband, Maj. Carl Dice, Jan. 27 at Luke Air Force Base. Major Dice re-
moment since the love of her life           ceived the DFC for extraordinary heroism and aerial achievement dis-                           Awards banquet
passed away more than 46 years              played during an F-105F combat mission Dec. 8, 1969, into Laos where
earlier.                                    he lost his life in an attempt to land his combat-damaged aircraft.                               The 2015 Annual Awards Banquet is Feb. 20 at the Wig-
                                                                                                                                           wam Resort in Litchfield Park. Social hour is 5 p.m. and the
   Andi Dice was presented the              requested two passes from each        main landing gear, and both red                          ceremony is 6 p.m. The guest speaker is Mike Broomhead,
Distinguished Flying Cross Jan.             aircraft to saturate the target       unsafe and green safe indications                        national talk radio host. Military uniform is mess dress or
27 at Luke Air Force Base on                area with ordnance. Dice saw          for the left main gear. He heard a                       semiformal and civilian attire is black tie or formal. RSVP
behalf of her husband, Maj. Carl            the smoke marking the target,         loud whine, which was the utility                        by Tuesday. For more information, call Master Sgt. Lisa
Dice, for his extraordinary hero-           received quick target refinement      hydraulic pump cavitating, (the                          Krejci at 623-856-8346.
ism and aerial achievement dis-             instructions from the FAC, and        collapse of vapor bubbles in the
played Dec. 8, 1969, during an              rolled in for a manual 30-degree      pump) and the utility hydraulic                          Power to change
F-105F combat mission.                      diving delivery.”                     pressure dropped to zero.”
                                                                                                                                              Women learn skills needed to have successful relationships,
   Fellow pilot and witness to the             After a successful first run pre-     Dice notified Taylor of the situa-                    set boundaries and more at Power To Change 10 to 11:30 a.m.
event, retired Lt. Col. Bruce Cox           cisely hitting the target, it was     tion and did what he could to keep                       Mondays at 56th Medical Operations Squadron Family Ad-
shared what occurred that day.              during the second pass Cox sensed     the aircraft flying.                                     vocacy. Childcare is not provided. For more information, call
                                            something was wrong.                                                                           623-856-3417.
   That day, “Dice was the leader                                                    “The aircraft was flying solely
of Scotch Flight, a two-ship in-               “We felt several distinct thumps   on the emergency hydraulic sys-                          ,QIRUPHGGHFLVLRQEULH¿QJ
terdiction mission into a heavily           in the aircraft,” Cox said. “Dice     tem powered by the ram air
defended area of northern Laos,”            attributed these thumps to either     turbine,” Cox said. “Taylor saw                             For Airmen who are thinking about separating from the
he said. “His wingman was 1st Lt.           turbulence or airflow distur-         several holes in the left wing                           Air Force, informed decision briefings are held 8 to 11 a.m.
Emerson Taylor. After the flight            bance associated with asymmet-        close to the fuselage. Dice and I                        Feb. 17 and March 16. For more information, call 623-856-2985.
briefing, they went to the duty             ric weapon separation from the        instinctively looked toward the
desk for aircraft assignments               aircraft. Even though there were      left wing, and I could clearly see                       Comprehensive Airman Fitness training
and final updates to the mission.           numerous known anti-aircraft          a line of anti-aircraft artillery
Dice learned his aircraft would be          artillery sites in the target area,   holes in the wing. Blue flames                              Comprehensive Airman Fitness training is March 15 through
F-105F 63-8352, while Taylor was            he continued the attack, dis-         were darting from each hole, and                         17, June 14 through 16, Sept. 20 through 22 and Dec. 20 through
assigned an F-105D.”                        counting the possibility that the     the area behind the wing’s leading                       22. It is a three-day course for Airmen or Defense Department
                                            shudders in the aircraft could be     edge flap was blackened. Since                           employees who endorse the resiliency program. Resilience
   Although Dice could have flown           from enemy ground fire. But sev-      there is no fuel in the F-105 wings,                     training assistants provide awareness education and skill
the aircraft with the rear cockpit          eral seconds after climbing away      it was apparent that a fire in the                       development techniques for Airmen and their families while
empty, the duty officer quickly             from the target, he observed a red    left wing was being fed by highly                        enhancing individual resilience across the four domains of CAF:
canvassed others in the squadron            warning light in the landing gear     flammable hydraulic fluid. The                           mental, physical, social and spiritual. For more information,
to offer them the opportunity to go         handle, red unsafe landing gear       situation was going from bad to                          or to schedule a particular skill training for your unit before
on this mission. Cox, who was a             indications for the nose and right                                                             the dates, call Sharon Kozak at 623-856-2716.
first lieutenant, was chosen to go.                                                                         See HERO, Page 19
                                                                                                                                           MOAA offers scholarships
   The pilots headed toward their
target north of Plan of Jars region                                                                                                           The Military Officers Association of America is offering
of Xiangkhoang Province, which                                                                                                             scholarships to dependents and relatives of military personnel.
was controlled by communist                                                                                                                The scholarship amount may vary between $1,000 and $5,000
Pathet Lao.                                                                                                                                and will be sent directly to the university, college, community
                                                                                                                                           college or technical college where the student has been ac-
   “On this day, Raven 41, a for-                                                                                                          cepted. The funds will be placed in an account for the students
ward air controller, had located                                                                                                           and used for school expenses. The application process is open
a lucrative cache of military                                                                                                              to any high school senior provided a parent, grandparent or
equipment and supplies critical                                                                                                            sibling is currently, or has previously, served on active-duty in
to North Vietnamese offensive in-                                                                                                          any branch of the U.S. military service. Applications are due
cursions, which was being moved                                                                                                            March 15. For more information, email
during the cover of darkness
from China to North Vietnam,”                                                                                                              Give parents a break
he said. “Dice led his flight to
the rendezvous point and visu-                                                                                                                The 56th Force Support Squadron Child Development Cen-
ally acquired Raven 41. After a                                                                                                            ter and Youth Center are offering free childcare in a safe, age
short target briefing, the FAC                                                                                                             appropriate learning environment 6 to 10 p.m. Feb. 20. The
                                                                                                                                           reservation deadline is Thursday. The service is for active-
      THUNDERBOLT ALMANAC                                                                                                                  duty Air Force families who are experiencing stress due to a
                                                                                                                                           temporary duty assignment, deployment or unique hardships
                 Fiscal 2016 graduates                                                                                                     associated with military life. Dinner and a snack are included.
                                                                                                                                           For children from infant to age 5, call 623-856-6338. For chil-
61st FS.......................................................... 12  314th FS ........................................................ 4  dren ages 6 to 12, call 623-856-7471.
62nd FS........................................................... 0  56th TRS...................................................... 27
309th FS ......................................................... 6  607th ACS.................................................... 62     In-service recruiters
310th FS ....................................................... 18   372nd TRS, Det. 12 ..................................... 31
311th FS ......................................................... 6  56th OSS (IFTU) ........................................... 0           To reach Master Sgt. James Snider, Air National Guard re-
                                                                                                                                           cruiter, call 623-856-3639. To reach Tech. Sgt. John Sullivan,
      Hours flown       Sorties flown                                  T-Bolts     106 Luke Airmen                                         Air Force Reserve Command recruiter, call 623-856-7002.
                                                                      Deployed     are deployed to
F-35  1,812.6                1,233                                                                                                         Be well classes
F-16  4,634.6                3,550                                                    16 countries
                                                                                  around the world.                                           Be well classes are now available online via the Advanced
                                                                                                                                           Distributed learning System. For more information, call 623-

                                                                                                                                           Military Saves Week

                                                                                                                                              Set a goal,make a plan,save automatically is the advice from Mil-
                                                                                                                                           itary Saves Week Feb. 22 through 27, which coincides with America
                                                                                                                                           Saves Week. For more information, go to

                                                                                                                                                                                                            See BRIEFS, Page 10
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