Page 4 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-5-16
P. 4
Feb. 5, 2016 SPOTLIGHT Thunderbolt
Major selects announced Every scarf tells a story
The following captains were selected for promotion Story and photo by the Taliban and were struggling )O\LQJ6FDUIVLVDQRQSUR¿WEXVLQHVVWKDW
to major: Staff Sgt. to support their families. We knew was founded by four Air Force pilots during
then that these were the people a deployment to Afghanistan. The widows
56th Operations Group MARCY COPELAND we wanted to help.” of men killed by the Taliban were given no
choice but to send their sons to work in the
Ryan Reeves and William Sullivan 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs Hudgins had received a pho- markets instead of going to school leaving
tograph from his sister showing them vulnerable to Taliban recruitment or
56th Operations Support Squadron Within a dusty room, a simple her and her friends all wearing IRUFHGWR¿JKWIRUH[WUHPLVWJURXSV)O\-
conversation took place among scarves. The idea of selling the ing Scarfs created opportunities for these
Chelsea Hall and Nathan Mondul four officers stationed at Bagram women’s handmade scarfs to a women to work and earn a living and sup-
Airfield in Afghanistan, which wider market creating a success- port their families while their children attend
56th Training Squadron would not only change their lives, ful business for these women was school making scarfs. Flying Scarfs has
but the lives of oppressed women the way they saw they could help. spread out of Afghanistan and has helped
James Kotowski struggling to survive in a Taliban- women defeat barriers of oppression in Ke-
ravaged province. “That was my ah-ha moment,” nya, India and Haiti.
21st Fighter Squadron said Hudgins.
In 2011, Capt. Joseph Stenger
Clayton Bailey and Jondavid Hertzel III, 62nd Fighter Squadron F-35 In a part of the world where
instructor pilot, deployed to Af- women fill a role of cook and
61st FS ghanistan as a fighter pilot. With- mother, and who have lost almost
in his assigned squadron, Stenger everything, these men stepped
Casey Manning, Luke Outwater and Daniel Toftness and three other officers, Capt. forward and helped the women
Ryan Bodenheimer, Thunderbirds break a barrier that had been in
62nd FS pilot, Maj. Joshua Carroll, intel- place for thousands of years by
ligence reservist, and Capt. John helping them create a business
Joseph Stenger and Joseph Walker Hudgins, 335th Fighter Squad- for themselves.
ron F-15E instructor pilot at
309th FS Seymour-Johnson Air Force Base, “The women we work with are
North Carolina, came together absolutely pushing the acceptable
Brian Crawford and Matthew Ott to find a way to help the people limit of behavior in their com-
of the province rather than just munities,” Stenger said. “They
310th FS engaging the Taliban. are challenging the status quo
every single day and with that
Michael Mickus, John Omohundro and Brett Stevens “We all knew we wanted to comes risks. There are risks from
make a difference,” Stenger said. insurgent groups operating in
425th FS “We wanted to make an impact that country and even risks from
that would last longer than our their own countrymen who want
Jason Piper tour in that country. We engaged to maintain that conservative
the locals and listened to their decorum. These women are tena-
607th Air Control Squadron concerns and how we could help. cious, gritty and hard-working
We met a young student who was and have proven every day for
Rolly Sana working with a group of widows the last four years that they will
in Parwan Province making hand- not be intimidated by anyone who
56th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron made scarfs. Each of these women wants to keep them enslaved by
had husbands who were killed by
Joseph Langan See SCARF, Page 15
56th Logistics Readiness Squadron
David Musgrave
54th FG
Joseph Chasser
54th OSS
Russell Burkhard and John Widmer
311th FS
Anthony Generous and Jake Pippenger
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