Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-5-16
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Thunderbolt                                                                                             NEWS                                                                                                Feb. 5, 2016                    7                                                                                                                                                   

No energy escaping here … Vehicles driven on base now
                   required to pass inspection

                                                                                     Airman Pedro Mota     Federal (military and civilian) employees at Luke      test was done and the month and year it expires (two
                                                                                                        Air Force Base began receiving emails Wednesday           years after it was conducted).
Airmen 1st Class Andrew Sustar and Michael Echeverria,                                                  from, titled “Action Required:
56th Aerospace Medical Squadron bio-environmental engi-                                                 Vehicle emission testing self-certification is due           If your vehicle is registered outside of Arizona and
neering technicians, conduct radioactive swipe tests Jan.                                               within 30 days.”                                          you do not meet one of the exemptions listed below,
15 at Luke Air Force Base. The swipes are conducted when                                                                                                          you will be required to have your vehicle emissions
any radiation packaging is being sent to or from the base to                                               This is a self-certification tasking allowing the      tested.
ensure there is no radiation leakage.                                                                   Air Force to demonstrate compliance with a federal
                                                                                                        requirement of the Clean Air Act, Section 118(d) (42         Exemptions:
                                                                                                        U.S.C. §7418(d)). The statute requires all federal em-       tWFIJDMFJTĀWFZFBSTPMEPSOFXFS
                                                                                                        ployees to meet the vehicle inspection/maintenance           tWFIJDMFJTBNPEFMZFBSPSPMEFS
                                                                                                        program (smog check) requirements of the location            tWFIJDMFJTBEJFTFMWFIJDMF
                                                                                                        where the member is employed. Luke is located                tWFIJDMFJTBIZCSJE
                                                                                                        within an enhanced I/M program area.                         tWFIJDMFJTBOFMFDUSJDWFIJDMF
                                                                                                           Compliance with the CAA requirement had previ-            tWFIJDMFJTSBUFEBUDDPSMPXFS
                                                                                                        ously been accomplished through the issuance of base         tZPVEPOPUESJWFPO-VLF"'#EBZTPSNPSF
                                                                                                        decals (window stickers). The decals were discontin-
                                                                                                        ued due to posing a possible security weakness, hence,          a year
                                                                                                        leaving the installation in a noncompliance status.
                                                                                                                                                                     An emissions test from another state can be used
                                                                                                           The self-certification program is being used to, once  to meet the requirements. You will need to know the
                                                                                                        again, show compliance with the CAA requirements          county where the emissions test was conducted and
                                                                                                        and fully complies with requirements. Luke is one of      the year it expires. If you are exempt from your licens-
                                                                                                        two remaining Air Force bases to go “live” with the       ing state inspection due to being stationed outside
                                                                                                        registration process. Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona,         of that state, you will have to have an emissions test
                                                                                                        implemented the program in January 2014.                  performed in Maricopa County. You do not need to
                                                                                                                                                                  register your vehicle in Phoenix but you will have to
                                                                                                           What does this mean to you?                            comply with the test.
                                                                                                           If your vehicle is registered in Maricopa County,
                                                                                                        you will need to provide the year, make and model            For more information regarding the Air Force Ve-
                                                                                                        of the vehicles you drive on base 60 days or more a       hicle I/M Program, call Robert Tetla at 623-856-6890.
                                                                                                        year. You will also need to know when your emissions
                                                                                                                                                                                           Courtesy of 56th Civil Engineer Squadron

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