Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-5-16
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Feb. 5, 2016 NEWS Thunderbolt
Members from the Japan Self-Defense Forces and
The KC-46A Pegasus successfully trans- U.S. Forces Japan conducted a joint-bilateral com-
ferred fuel through its boom to an F-16C mand post exercise Keen Edge 16 Jan. 23 through
Fighting Falcon Jan. 24 at Wright-Patter- 29 at Yokota Air Base. The purpose was to improve
son Air Force Base to demonstrate aerial interoperability between U.S. military and JSDF per-
refueling operations in advance of its sonnel during real-world contingencies.
England South Korea
The 100th Civil Engineer Squadron U.S. Airmen from the 36th Fighter Squad-
DLU¿HOGOLJKWLQJWHDPGHVLJQHGEXLOW ron and aircraft maintenance unit traveled
and implemented a raised perimeter to Seosan Air Base Jan. 25 through 29 to
URDGWUDI¿FOLJKWV\VWHPDW5R\DO$LU participate in exercise Buddy Wing with
Force Mildenhall that will save money South Korean air force personnel from the
and energy. The results mean aircraft 121st Fighter Squadron, 20th Fighter Wing.
are able to land safely with minimal Buddy Wing sharpens interoperability be-
disruption to road users. tween the allied forces.
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