Page 23 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-24-15
P. 23
Thunderbolt SPORTS 23July 24, 2015
Justin Kitchen, 607th Air Sports Shorts
Control Squadron team mem-
ber, shoots the ball during Intramural flag football
a game against the 56th Lo-
gistics Readiness Squadron Fall flag football season begins Aug.
July 13 at Luke Air Force 31. Letters-of-intent must be submit-
Base. The last intramural ted to Jemia Fournier-Allen by Aug.
basketball game before the 14. A mandatory coaches meeting is at
playoffs begin will be Aug. 3. 1:30 p.m. Aug. 15 at the Luke Air Force
Base Bryant Fitness Center. Games will
Loggies dominate court, ACS 48-39 be played at 6, 7 and 8 p.m. Monday
through Thursday at the football field.
Story and photo by wasn’t enough for them to gain momentum man,” said Jeylend Kitchen, 607th ACS For more information, call 623-856-6241.
Senior Airman on LRS. team member. “We could have done better,
but we worked together pretty well. There Extramural dodgeball
JAMES HENSLEY “We were struggling with communica- was a lot of positive energy.”
tion,” Jones said. “Communication is the An extramural dodgeball tournament is
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs key to everything in the game. It brings ACS came into the second half strong Aug. 24 through 27. Letters-of-intent must
the team together.” tying the game briefly, but LRS continued be submitted to Jemia Fournier-Allen by
The 56th Logistics Readiness Squadron the 3-pointers sealing the deal with a score Aug. 7. A mandatory coaches meeting is
and the 607th Air Control Squadron faced By the end of the first half the ball was of 48 to 39. at 2:30 p.m. Aug. 13 at the Luke Air Force
off recently during Luke’s intramural consistently going back and forth between Base Bryant Fitness Center. For more
basketball season. LRS won 48 to 39 in a the hoops. Even with the zone defense, “We plan to have a couple practice ses- information, call 623-856-6241.
close game. LRS was sinking three pointers outside sions before the next game to try and get
the zones which led to an impressive lead. us all on the same page,” Jones said. “We Body building competition
“Heading into the game we wanted to want to score more points and take a little
score a lot and play solid defense,” said By the end of the first half LRS was up more time with our shots.” A men’s bodybuilding and physique,
Bryan Jones, 607th ACS team member. by 6, but ACS was determined to close the and women’s physique, figure and bikini
gap and stay in the game. The last game before the playoffs will be final competition is 5 p.m. Aug. 15 at the
ACS had difficulty from the get-go with Aug. 3 in the Luke Air Force Base Bryant Luke Air Force Base theater. Weigh-in
scoring and keeping pace with LRS. While “Our strategy heading into this game Fitness Center. is 11 a.m. and the preliminary round
ACS players posted a solid defense, it was using zone defense and covering our is 1 p.m. The cost is $50 per military
member, $60 per nonmilitary member
if registered by Aug. 7. After that there
is an additional cost of $15 per person.
Spectator admission is $5 for the 1 p.m.
show, $8 for the 5 p.m. show and $8 for
both. Children ages 10 and under are
free. For more information, call 623-
Free-weight rooms
The Luke Air Force Base Bryant Fit-
ness Center offers free-weight rooms
for strength workouts. They are open
regular fitness center hours. For more
information, call 623-856-6241.
of the
Today (MLB) Airman Airman 1st Class Airman 1st Class Staff Sgt. Airman 1st Class
Philadelphia vs. Chicago Cubs Brandon Wright Kendall Griffin Andrew Butler Eugene Lofton Robert Dias
56th Fighter Wing 56th Maintenance Group
Washington vs. Pittsburgh 56th Operations Group 56th Mission Support Group Chicago Cubs 56th Medical Group
Chicago Cubs Philadelphia Philadelphia Chicago Cubs
Detroit vs. Boston Pittsburgh Washington Washington Pittsburgh Pittsburgh
Detroit Boston Boston Detroit Detroit
Chicago White Soxs vs. Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland
LA Dodgers vs. N.Y. Mets LA Dodgers Chicago White Soxs Chicago White Soxs Cleveland LA Dodgers
Baltimore vs. Tampa Bay Baltimore LA Dodgers LA Dodgers LA Dodgers Baltimore
Houston vs. Kansas City Kansas City Tampa Bay Tampa Bay Baltimore Kansas City
Minnesota Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Minnesota
N.Y. Yankees vs. Minnesota N.Y. Yankees N.Y. Yankees Minnesota
Saturday (MLB) Chicago Cubs Chicago Cubs
San Francisco Philadelphia Philadelphia Chicago Cubs San Francisco
Philadelphia vs. Chicago Cubs Oakland San Francisco San Francisco
Oakland vs. San Francisco Toronto Toronto Toronto
Toronto vs. Seattle St. Louis Atlanta Seattle Toronto Atlanta
Cincinnati Cincinnati St. Louis St. Louis Cincinnati
Atlanta vs. St. Louis Arizona Arizona Cincinnati Cincinnati Arizona
San Diego San Diego Milwaukee Arizona San Diego
Cincinnati vs. Colorado LA Angels LA Angels San Diego San Diego LA Angels
Milwaukee vs. Arizona 44 percent 56 percent LA Angels 44 percent
51 percent 55 percent Texas 31percent 58 percent
Miami vs. San Diego "If I had a penny for 56 percent 53 percent "N.Y. Mets,
Texas vs. LA Angels every pick I got right, "Subway series 52 percent baby!"
Last week’s percentage I'd have 7 cents." this year in N.Y." "Do you not agree that the
""Straight outta Detroit Tigers is the best
Year to date percentage Kauffman again!"
— Kansas City Royals team on the list?!"
Trash talk